Saturday, March 12, 2016

The More You Leftist Morons Brawl at Trump Rallies the More People Are Going to Vote for Trump

“Suck it long! And suck it hard!” - Sean Connery

I've seen people give the Nazi salute to Trump supporters (by the way, it's really the Roman salute. That's how old it is).

I've seen them dressed as Nazis on TV, mocking Trump.

And now they're starting brawls at Trump rallies.

Go ahead, morons, er, I mean Marxists. Keep it up.

The more they attack Trump, and the more people see it on TV, the more people are going to vote for Trump.

Muslims against Trump? Blacks starting brawls? Leftists trying to shut down Trump rallies? Good! Because people are going to see it on TV and think, "This is the kind of anti-American trash that hates him?" And then they're going to vote for him.

I actually know some hardcore leftists. Their minds ain't right. They're bullies and cowards (same thing). They think they have the right to physically attack people but people aren't supposed to attack them.

When I was a teenager I saw Richard Nixon take 49 states and George McGovern take one. I wouldn't be surprised for Trump to take 49.

Do these people think their physical attacks are going to turn people against Trump? Or are they so obsessed with self-congratulation it overcomes the tiny bit of common sense they have?

If I was Trump I would let a few of these morons into my rallies and then make sure there were a dozen cameras on them, to catch what they started.

Actually I think that's his plan.

Let these fools cut their own throats.

And I will continue smiling.


  1. This Election Is the Biggest Threat to the Aristocracy:

  2. And the cuckservatives continue to prove to the world exactly why they are so hated in politics right now. Now they're throwing their lot in with the heathens in the "BlackLivesMatter." War is on the horizon one way or the other.

    I've been saying for years now that whites in America are becoming radicalized (and by this I mean, they're becoming angrier at the violence committed against them by sub 75 IQ blacks, Mexicans etc, and the Obama's encouragement of it among everything else). They're being displaced in their own countries, their jobs being taken from them, their lives snatched, all the while the elite laughs. And the worse part of it is for decades, whites were and are the only ones who ever felt guilty for "crimes" committed by their ancestors, whether real or perceived.

    Now we're beginning to see what will happen they shed that "guilt" and start fighting back. I have seen people who nothing but benevolent to ALL people begin to care nothing about the self imposed "plight" of minorities because all they're seeing and getting now is more anti-white hate for it. They have nothing to lose, and they don't care except for their own (family and clan). And who can blame them for these feelings?

    There is nothing more dangerous than people with nothing to lose, or at least those who perceive they have nothing to lose.

  3. We'll I'm damn mad.

    But here is an interesting a incident. Some family members with kids in school mentioned the new high school their son is attending. They were pleased. In a separate comment they asked me to guess what was 'unusual' about the school.

    I suspected the answer but would not absolve them of making the observation: namely that the school was over 95% White. And that was unusual.

    I just commented on White genocide and instead of denunciations, I got a placid silence. They would of never made such a comment 5 years ago.

  4. Couldn't agree with this more. Trump, as a candidate if not personally, is the one we've waited for in the West.

  5. Chretien de TroyesMarch 13, 2016 at 2:53 PM


    I know a man who, at the age of 12, watched the footage coming out of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and said to himself "If this is how Democrats act and behave, then their party isn't for me". He's been a lifelong Republican ever since. These attacks are forging Trumpublicans for life.

  6. From Sean Carnegie: "Trump, as a candidate if not personally, is the one we've waited for in the West" Exactly....
    I've just changed my vote to Trump.

  7. The More You Leftist Morons Brawl at Trump Rallies the More People Are Going to Vote for Trump.


    Like myself, I think most people will be repulsed what happened in Chicago, a city that is seen as increasingly dysfunctional, as representative of Trump opponents and will vote appropriately.


  9. Chicago is the heart of enemy territory, the Old and New Daley party-payola machines, plus the Robinson/Obama 'organizing' i.e., Marxist destabilization under cover of race. Public planned resistance by the Identity Coalition was 100 percent, and the Trumpers would have anticipated that. But because it's a major metro hub, the appearance had to be scheduled, a major candidate can't ignore it out-of-hand.

    When the New Totalitarians began their collective shtick, the Trumps let them demon-strate awhile so everybody could see for themselves. Then, wisely, cancelled the rally. The point had been made and only negatives could have resulted from Trump appearing at that time.

  10. Off topic but breaking:

    Uncle Bob, have you seen this about Madonna's public breakdowns?

    "Somebody please take care of me!"

    "Somebody please f--- me!" Well no. Not with a ten foot pole, lady.

    Seems to me like Exhibit A of some of the things you discuss here, sir.

  11. "I know a man who, at the age of 12, watched the footage coming out of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and said to himself "If this is how Democrats act and behave, then their party isn't for me"."

    That might have been me because I was that age in '68 and clearly remember all the crap going on. I watched it on TV.

  12. We are truly at a crossroad in this nation. I know many smart people who support Trump, and by what I'm getting from reading the web, there are millions of others that support him.

    Trump IS the establishment candidate. Only a naive fool would believe that a billionaire insider like Trump is not part of the establishment.

    This is the guy that had the cheesy show on NBC, remember? He had a fucking show on NBC!!! He is not going to save America. I promise.

    Trump does not care about America. Not one bit. He would sell America to China for pennies on the dollar if he could. Trump's campaign promises are beyond ridiculous, even by a politician's standard. Build a wall between the US and Mexico? Deport Muslims? Does anyone believe that any of this is even logistically possibly, let alone politically possible? Yet, people are so desperate that they pretend to believe him.

    Many 'smart' people are so desperate that they are clinging to this system and pretending that Trump is some sort of last hope for America. America as we knew it is gone. The upcoming 'election' will be between Hillary and Trump. It's a phony show. How can smart people not see this for what it is?

  13. Trump is at least not a drunken dyke like the Hildebeast.

    We will see what Trump truly is when he's elected President. And you cannot predict the future. All we can go on is what he says. And he says the right things.

  14. "And he says the right things."

    As every politician in history has done. Trump is no different. If 'elected,' Trump will immediately drop any promises he made and continue on with the current NWO agenda. I can guarantee that. You do not need to be able to predict the future to call this one. It's a guaranteed thing Bob. You are an intelligent man, and you know this to be true.

    The rally behind Trump is very scary to me. Many intelligent white men that I know are desperately pinning all of their hopes on Trump. There are many parallels to 1930's Germany here.

    There is no political solution to America's problems. Only war, which is dead ahead.

    My prediction: Trump gets 'elected.' Pre-planned race riots start in earnest nationwide. Obama is still sitting Pres and declares a national emergency, immediate Martial Law, and then we enter the final chapter of America's history.

  15. "The rally behind Trump is very scary to me. Many intelligent white men that I know are desperately pinning all of their hopes on Trump. There are many parallels to 1930's Germany here."

    I have not yet heard anyone say this who wasn't Jewish or in the pay of Jews (Glenn Beck, etc.) "Very scary" that "intelligent white men" have "hopes"? Who genuinely feels such a hysterical emotion?

    Israel built a wall. The US Congress approved one for the US southern border (nothing has been done about it). How is this impossible? And what is rhe alternative? E-verify and sanctions against employers might do the job, but somehow I think that even if these are pursued without a wall we'll continue to hear about 1930s Germany and the "vwey scwariness" of it all.

  16. "This is the guy that had the cheesy show on NBC, remember? He had a fucking show on NBC!!! He is not going to save America. I promise."

    The National Braincasting Company isn't here to enlighten us? O noes. Perhaps to Enlighten us then?

  17. "There are many parallels to 1930's Germany here."

    Oh, the Trump is Nazi trope. No parallels at all. The Nazi crap doesn't even get off the ground in the U.S.

  18. I wasn't comparing Trump to the Nazis. I was comparing the political climate of 2016 to the political climate of the 1930s. The people of this country have no political representation. The economy is failing badly. The people are desperate. A clownish opportunist is promising them the world. War is looming. That was the point I was trying to make.

  19. Not even close. Obviously you weren't around in '68, as I was, with the bombings, kidnappings,and shootouts with police. What's going on today is nothing compared to then.

    Always with the Nazi Germany.

  20. Today isn't a tenth as bad as '68, and '68 wasn't a tenth as bad as Weimar Germany.

    Most Americans (and even many Europeans) have absolutely no conception of what Europe was like between the World Wars. An entire generation of men having grown up in the barracks and the trenches, politics was basically nothing but small-scale endemic warfare. So-called "Political Parties" were really just paramilitary units who distributed campaign literature between shootouts and riots. This wasn't just Germany, the streets ran with blood everywhere from Madrid to Helsinki. Here are some cheerful pictures of how Europeans between the wars liked to settle their domestic political disputes:,_Wien,_Februark%C3%A4mpfe,_Bundesheer_2.jpgääninvankila_1918.jpg
