Wednesday, March 16, 2016

No, We Are Not Germany, or Russia, or France, or the Roman Empire

I consistently get people trying to compare the U.S. to Germany or the Roman Empire. Of course we have similarities to them, because all trouble follows the same route in one way or another in every society.

And no, we are not going to collapse, the way the French did during the French Revolution, or Germany under the Nazis, or the Roman Empire. Even they got back on their feet. (We also did not have the Treaty of Versailles to contend with.)

This is America.

Do these people want this county to collapse? What kind of insanity is that? Do they not understand what kind of double-plus-ungood hell would be unleased if we did have an utter collapse?

I've been hearing "collapse! collapse!" since I was 12 years old. And that was in '68, when I watched on TV murders, kidnappings and bombings by leftists. Riots! Vietnam! And they think this minor-minor-minor crap in Chicago is serious stuff? Har har! It's nothing!

Leftists have always been idiots.

I remember an idiot like Paul Ehrlich claiming the battle to feed humanity was over and we were going to starve by the hundreds of million. He was utterly wrong.

In fact, every one of those morons predicting collapse has been utterly wrong. Peak oil! Global warming! Global cooling! The icecaps melting! Bee genocide! Artificial Intelligence going all Skynet on us and wiping us out!

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

We do have problems. We always have problems because people are imperfect. It's inherent in us.

And, no, Trump is not a presage of Hitler (always with the Hitler!) He's a nationalist and a populist, and while he may not work out as President, if he's telling the truth he'll be good for the country, unlike the Hildebeast, who is a continuation of Yomama, just the way Yomama is a half-breed continuation of that inbred retard George Bush.

And no, Trump is not "Israeli-occupied territory" or "controlled opposition" (the belief in impossible conspiracies is the worst of American diseases).

So give it up! It's going to be a long time before this country makes it to Hell - if ever.


  1. "I am not superstitious. I don't believe in hell."
    "Ah, but hell believes in you." - Hell Raiser Blood Lines

  2. "And no, we are not going to collapse, the way the French did during the French Revolution, or Germany under the Nazis, or the Roman Empire. Even they got back on their feet."

    People often forget that, while the Roman state collapsed, the Roman people haven't gone anywhere:

    Maybe there's no Emperor in Rome anymore, but there's still a Pope.

  3. I always prefered the saying "History rhymes" over History repeats itself.

    And the most ridiculous anti-Trump statement I've heard was Trump is a Clinton plant.

  4. Rome took a couple of centuries to collapse. The West will be the same, it's not going to be instant.

  5. "And the most ridiculous anti-Trump statement I've heard was Trump is a Clinton plant."

    I've heard, along with how he's Israeli-occupied territory and with the New World Order.
