Wednesday, March 2, 2016

If Not Trump, Then Who?

I get people telling me they agree with Trump but don't think he's the right one to be President? Then who is?

Punchable Wimp Face Jeb!? Isn't two generations of imbeciles enough? And he was governor of Florida? Just how many senile old geezers live there?

A drunken carpet muncher and pathological liar like Hillary Clinton, who rode her white trash serial rapist husband's coattails to fame and fortune? And who had an affair with her law partner Webb Hubbell (notice that Chelsea Clinton and Hubbell share the same weak chin and fat lower lip).

How about a Jewish socialist like Bernie Sanders, who never mentions the fact he's Jewish? Now why is that? And that he never had a steady job until he was 40?

An open borders faggot like Marco Rubio?

Ted Cruz appears to be okay, and I wouldn't mind seeing him as Trump's VP.

None of these people except Trump has ever had a job. Again, Sanders never had a steady job until he was 40 years old. Has Hillary ever had a job? Rubio?

So Trump is loud and has a pretty thin skin. So what? And he's not perfect? He's better than all the rest of the candidates.

If he's right, he's right. That's all that matters.


  1. We had this exact same scenario play out in Canada 20 years ago. The liberals were fuggin loons running the country into the ground. The Conservatives were a joke and were - at best, considered 'Liberal Lite'. They were as corrupt and incompetent as the liberals and couldn't win an election for love or money.

    If you get enough of that a power vacuum develops and when that happens it seems that you get a responsible adult rising from the conservative side - and an utter, depraved loon from the liberal side. I think America is seeing that with Obama and Trump.

    I love Trump's taste in enemies...but I'm not to crazy about some of his friends (present company excepted of course). I think things are going to get much better for America in the next election.

  2. I hope to God. I'm seeing things here I've never seen before.

  3. Ted Cruz is who I supported from the beginning. It's not like he doesn't have his flaws either but he also seems to be somewhat of a thorn in the establishment's side...but that's my 'If Trump, not who' answer.

  4. Although I am baffled about the appeal of Rubio from people outside of the establishment. The argument I keep getting is 'he's the only one who can beat Hillary'...or 'he looks presidential'. He's also in third place and won one state which is so blue they'd voted for Mondale.

    And I get at this point they are rumors...but I do see some smoke to that homosexual thing. I don't bring that up to his supporters irl obviously...but I do see something 'off' about him.


  5. "... he's the only one who can beat Hillary'...or 'he looks presidential'."

    I'm amazed at Rubio's appeal too. Rubio seems much too young, immature, wishy-washy, shifty and inexperienced. Doesn't he also have a reputation for rarely showing up for the job he has now?

  6. "Ted Cruz appears to be okay, and I wouldn't mind seeing him as Trump's VP."

    Please reevaluate. Cruz appears to be a combination of Bill and Hillary Clinton:

    My 'horror' year in a Princeton dorm with Ted Cruz: Hangover 2 screenwriter reveals how 'loathed' Texas senator would 'hopelessly chase girls in his bathrobe'

    Read more:
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  7. "How about a Jewish socialist like Bernie Sanders, who never mentions the fact he's Jewish? Now why is that?"

    They made fun of this on SNL recently. Sanders himself appeared in the skit, as one of his own purported ancestors- "My name is Bernard Sanderzwitski... but we're going to change it when we get to America so it doesn't sound quite so Jewish." Larry David, standing next to him, rolled his eyes and exclaimed "Sure, that'll fool 'em!".

  8. Actually, by mentioning Saturday Night Live, I've reminded myself of one thing even Trump-haters could thoroughly enjoy if he wins the White House- pure comedy gold. He has a colorful and entertaining personality, with lots of obvious flaws and faults, not to mention a bevy of unique mannerisms, a very distinctive conversational style, and a wild personal history involving all kinds of weird celebrities. The stand-ups and impressionists would have a field day. You can practically start laughing at the skits already- "President Trump has dinner with Al Sharpton". President Trump goes hunting with Vladimir Putin". A running skit, "The Executive Branch Apprentice", in which one incompetent D.C. bureaucrat is fired per episode.

    It'd certainly be a better era for comedy than eight years in which political correctness forbade writers from mentioning anything funny about the man in the oval office (Not that President Ambien is particularly funny on a personal level- he's a detached, low-energy pseudo-intellectual who takes himself far too seriously to be interesting- but there is a lot of meta-comedy in the story of how such a man improbably became POTUS). There's nothing entertaining or funny about a well-respected President.

  9. Larry David, standing next to him, rolled his eyes and exclaimed "Sure, that'll fool 'em!".

    Larry and Bob's movie was outstanding. One day the film will come off that gem.

  10. "Not that President Ambien is particularly funny on a personal level- he's a detached, low-energy pseudo-intellectual who takes himself far too seriously to be interesting- but there is a lot of meta-comedy in the story of how such a man improbably became POTUS"

    Requires a black comedy. Coenheads perhaps?

    As far as Installations, Barry's were never in doubt. Nor a matter of probabilities.

    I can see by what you carry/that you come from Barrytown
