Thursday, February 11, 2016

I Like Individuals But I Don't Like Groups At All

I like individuals of whatever race, sex or ethnic group - but I don't like the groups themselves.

Unfortunately, I have found stereotypes about groups are true. If there wasn't truth to stereotypes they wouldn't exist.

I like blacks individually. In college I worked on a production line and used to ask for three line supervisors to work for. All them of them were black. They were top-of-the line people.

Unfortunately, I have found stereotypes of blacks as a group are true. The low intelligence, the impulsiveness, the childishness, the inability to see two seconds into the future.

Women? As a group they are big children, ruled by their feelings (they think if they feel something that makes it true). They blame their problems on men (which means they think they are always right). They can't raise children by themselves, especially boys (which they refuse to admit).

Asians? The men are short, scrawny, little-dicked nerds who lack any kind of leadership qualities. If they feel "shame" they think it is someone else's fault.

Jews? Liars, cowards, thieves, spies and traitors who attempt to destroy their host cultures. There is a reason they've been expelled over 100 times in the past 2000 years - and this happened before Christianity was around.

Whites? No problem with them except for the lower classes. The white trash. Low intelligence, impulsive, blame their problems on other people. Ghetto rats, except they're white.

The biggest problem I've noticed with people is that they are ruled by their feels. It took me a long time to realize that, since I am not ruled by mine and in fact am pretty rational.

I'm going to quote Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihnn again: leftists don't merely misunderstand human nature. They don't understand it all all.

This means non-white immigration and "multiculturalism" (both of which are leftist) are going to cause nothing but death and destruction. Of course leftists will never admit this, until they end up under attack. Which, sooner or later, is going to happen. It always does.

We're going to need a lot more guillotines.


  1. I've come to the same understanding as what you write about here Bob.

    The world should be grateful for white european men who have benefited all of humanity with their intellect, creativity, wisdom and inventiveness.

  2. Whites are problematic, even upper-class whites.

    White have an insane sense of guilt and are prone to moral panics.

    Whites destroy each other in such grandiose ways that they disrupt the whole planet.

    Whites are like an unstable chemical reaction - they are like sodium in water. Their collective self-hatred makes whites into the most dangerous anti-white society.

  3. Hey Bob, you didn't mention one group from Middle East:


  4. The truth about islam in history:


  5. "Jews? Liars, cowards, thieves, spies and traitors who attempt to destroy their host cultures. There is a reason they've been expelled over 100 times in the past 2000 years - and this happened before Christianity was around."

    Isn't George Soros jewish? He's 85, so hopefully he won't be around much longer.

    Hungary's Orban Says George Soros Is Destroying Europe

    Hungary's outspoken prime minister says billionaire 'activist' George Soros is using the current refugee crisis to attack the 'traditional European lifestyle'
