Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Meaning, Importance, Community

Everyone seeks meaning, importance and community in their lives (Freud, who was mostly a nut, said everyone needs "love and work" to be happy).

Most people, the more normal ones, seek these things though love of spouse, family and children. Though religion, though work.

The far less normal ones - the leftists - since they have lost their faith in religion and in fact consider it a fraud, seek their meaning, importance and community though the (never-to-exist) utopia of politics. It has never worked and never will.

If you look at the history of the bizarre things leftists have done, start with the horrors of the French Revolution, which was fanatically anti-religion and thought utopia would come though murder and destruction.

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn goes so far as to claim the Marquis de Sade was the founder of leftism (which makes leftism a French import). De Sade, not surprisingly, was a fanatical atheist who considered people no better than insects, and was one of the main instigators of the French Revolution, which was an inferno of guillotines, torture, mutilation and necrophilia.

In the 20th Century leftists in the '20s and '30s and '60s and '70s went barking after Russia, Cuba, North Vietnam, Nicaragua...claiming each was utopia and far superior to the West. Utopia through politics and the creation of the New Man!

The West (at least the United States) was founded on political and economic liberty. You cannot get meaning, importance and community through those things. Even the Founding Fathers, to a man, were religious, although almost all of them were Deists.

Yet the first things leftists do is try to destroy religion and replace it with the belief in leftism. After all, in their minds, people are plastic and can be molded into anything.

Carl Jung once wrote that most of his patients had lost their faith. Bizarrely leftists such as Richard Dawkins and the late Carl Sagan thought people could find their meaning, importance and community through the belief in the religion of evolution (Dawkins once wrote that astrologers should be prosecuted).

Leftists hate the United States and seek their utopia in other countries. Since there are no longer any foreign countries for them to idealize, they have turned their hate and envy onto the U.S. and seek to change it - in reality, for the worse. Hence the hatred and envy we see on college campuses, including the University of Missouri (which I have visited many times when I lived in that area).

It doesn't surprise me at all that when Jesus went though his Temptations the Devil offered him political power over the kingdoms of the world - and he said no thanks! How many people pay attention to that wisdom anymore?

Paul Hollander, some years ago, wrote a book called Political Pilgrims in which he detailed the insanity of leftists as they ran from country to country, seeking utopia and the meaning, importance and community they thought each one offered.

It's one of the those books, like Kuehnelt-Leddin's Leftism Revisited, that everyone should own. I've owned my copy for a few decades.

I don't hate leftists. Mostly I feel sorry for them. How can you not feel sorry for such unhappy and self-deluded people, motivated by such envy and hate and the desire to destroy? Yet at the same time I'd deport them if I had the power (Kuehnelt-Leddihn said sooner or later the Right has to "knock the heads" of Leftists).

Leftism has even infected "libertarianism." Why else would so many support open borders? Do they expect utopia from importing envious and hate-filled Third Worlders? What sort of self-delusion is that?

It's a given that feminism is leftist, which means it's based on hate and envy and the desire to destroy. The Manosphere, obviously, is a reaction to this lefist, feminist assault on decency.

Unfortunately the Manosphere has gone off the rails with its misdefinitions of "Alpha" and "Beta" and "hypergamy" and its belief in "the Red Pill." Although its function is necessary, its beliefs are overwhelmingly adolescent.

The Manosphere is in many ways leftist, with its attempt to overthrow old established norms and definitions and replace it with new ones (just remember "neomasculinity" was the creation of a semi-white Third Worlder liar and fraud).

As it stands now, will the Manosphere bring meaning, importance and community? It seeks it, but does it truly offer it?

In some ways it's not hard to predict the future in a general way. All you have to do is look to the past, and the further you look into the past, the further you can see into the future.

The U.S. right now is badly infected with leftism. This means it's on its way down. Now as to how far down it will go...that is the question.

Someday, this leftism will get so bad there will be a reaction, and a bad one. Then, as always, we will get back up, dust ourselves off, and rebuild. And find our meaning, importance and community again.


  1. I agree community is all people have left when God and family aren't part of their lives. And having volunteer in many capacities within our fine city - one quickly determines all the broken people, whack jobs and remnants are the ones advocating for community. And community is basically one big orgy of co-dependency filled with predators and enablers looking to use each other to feel good. Mind you, I will say sometimes you do meet decent people volunteering who are just kind. It's good not to hate leftist, but it is painful to interact with them on an ongoing basis and can be tiresome. If you are a cad, and use women or for that matter to feel good, you’ll inevitably reap the consequences, which aren’t in your hands, and it’s rarely pretty.

  2. The West (at least the United States) was founded on political and economic liberty. You cannot get meaning, importance and community through those things.

    I disagree. Yes you can.

    Liberty and productive accomplishment are what give my life meaning and purpose.

  3. "The far less normal ones - the leftists - since they have lost their faith in religion and in fact consider it a fraud, seek their meaning, importance and community though the (never-to-exist) utopia of politics. It has never worked and never will"

    Cannot be repeated enough. This was the fundamental transformation of the West over the past four decades: rejection of God in favor of post-Enlightenment 'humanism'. Humans don't need God, or his laws, they are fully capable of solving all global problems (including personal problems) by appeal to Themselves and to their Political Systems. As youths, we were taught that we 'just needed the right political system' or that we 'just needed to get Our People into power' and then the world would be beautifully transformed, healed.

    Only now are the sleepers beginning to understand what the feminists meant by 'The personal is political'. Now that our governments, courts, schools, media, and corporations are politicized and corrupted by GoodThink.

    During my Eighties career-phase in the City, most of my friends were leftists, either cultural default-lefties or True Believer Political junkies (the worst). During those years I wasn't much interested in God, and certainly didn't attend church, but had to acknowledge the evidence of God that I routinely saw in the world. But my friends refused to see, or to acknowledge, God's presence in the world, and instead inserted their humanistic POLITICAL SYSTEMS and MARVELLOUS THOUGHTS in that empty heart-spot where God was supposed to be. Much of this was due to standard hubris and arrogance -- I don't need no God, I'm better than God even if he did exist, etc. Also, my generation was tremendously brainwashed about 'religion being responsible for all wars' blah blah blah. 'Churches' full of weak, emasculated, sellout pastors hurried the rot along.

    The Boomer Gen was instructed that politics was our Messiah, and that OUR version of politics was just So Much More Enlightened and Progressive than those other, stupid, people that came before. Thus, eventually, the Booms got their Choom Messiah -- their feminist, mooslim, homo-hugging, race-figure president who conducts himself as God for a spiritually defunct America. To accept the real God -- our Father -- means accepting humility, imperfection, and human limitation. And The Almighty People don't want that. They want themselves to have the authority of God. Then they can behave as rottenly as they like, and call it being 'on the right side of history'.

  4. Ray - I found your comments provided me some clarity. Specifically the observation concerning Bob's statement and your comment about the hubris and arrogance of certain types with Political Systems and Marvelous Thoughts. So thanks.

  5. " The West (at least the United States) was founded on political and economic liberty. You cannot get meaning, importance and community through those things. Even the Founding Fathers, to a man, were religious, although almost all of them were Deists. "

    If there's one thing that the refugee crisis in Europe has proven it is that countries who do not have blood, soil and faith at the center of their identity will not remain countries for long. And a nation of kith and kin is definitely not the vision that the people running this country have for the US. Our ruling class is happy to sell out whites by importing Mexicans in the same way that slavers and plantation masters undercut colonial white Americans by importing slaves. They feel entitled to a hidalgo culture, and whites make lousy peasants.

    "Leftists hate the United States and seek their utopia in other countries. Since there are no longer any foreign countries for them to idealize, they have turned their hate and envy onto the U.S. and seek to change it - in reality, for the worse."

    By any demographic or cultural standard, they did change it. The majority of k-12 students are now non white. That's our future staring you in the face. The US is a nation with a shrinking, increasingly demonized minority of whites that's trying to impose a crazy, contradictory multicultural/feminist/LGBT rights ideology on the world and its own population. Our ruling class has contempt for regular whites and is doing everything that it can to atomize and dispossess them culturally, politically and economically. That's what the US is.

    And you know what? Fuck that shit. Who wants to be a part of that? People who still think that the US is about mom, God, stars and stripes and apple pie are already living in the past. The US is done. It's a dead man walking. Regular white people need to understand that and start putting their energies into something that will benefit them and their families in the long term. Whether that means moving to some whitopia in the rockies or to a condo in Budapest, we need to move our loyalties, money, time and energy away from this steaming pile of disaster that the US has become.

  6. The West (at least the United States) was founded on political and economic liberty. You cannot get meaning, importance and community through those things.

    Yes you can. I am proof that you can. Meaning, community, and whatnot are acquired by associating with others who share your world-view and objectives. This can only come about through free-association in an environment that is completely free from any form of coercion. For example, I moved to SoCal following my graduation from university in the late 80's. It was there that I first found people who shared my interest and passion for radical life extension, space, libertarianism, and transhumanism. Indeed, we essentially created the transhumanist movement starting in the late 80's. These people are my life-long friends. Many of you talk about group identity in the form of ethnicity, tribes, nationalism, and community. I consider these people who share my transhumanist world-view and objectives to be my community and "tribe". These are my friends starting in the late 80's and I value my association with them over all others.

    My number one objective is radical life extension. I want to make it to actuarial escape velocity. I have no use for any world-view (philosophy, ideology, religion) that would impede my ability to accomplish this personal life objective of mine.

  7. "My number one objective is radical life extension. I want to make it to actuarial escape velocity. I have no use for any world-view (philosophy, ideology, religion) that would impede my ability to accomplish this personal life objective of mine."

    Yeah, you and your pals sure sound trans-human all right! There are a LOT of trans-humans around these days. Hey best of luck with your Escape Velocity.
