Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Little Miss Can't-Be-Wrong

"When women hold the helm of government, the state is at once in jeopardy, because women regulate their actions not by the demands of universality but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions." - G.F. Hegel

Carl Jung pointed out women's greatest problem was thinking they are always right, and until they gave up that belief they'd never be happy.

The opposite side of that coin is that thinking they are always right means anyone who disagrees with them is always wrong, so women have to blame their problems on them - and that observation is in the story of the Garden of Eden, in which Eve blames the serpent, and Adam blames Eve.

I was talking to a young man several days ago when I referred to a woman we know as "Little Miss I'm-Never-Wrong." He laughed and said, "Have you heard that song, "'Little Miss Can't-Be-Wrong' by the Spin Doctors?"

He played it for me on his phone. I had forgotten all about it, but yes, I have heard it. It came out several years ago.

Not only do many women think they are always right, many of them are natural socialists/fascists. I've seen that many times, which is why so many of them vote Democrat (socialist) and support universal heath care.

When you put all that together you get natural socialists/fascists who think they are always right and blames problems on other people. Does any of that sound familiar to you?

Since many women are natural socialists/fascists they believe other people should support them, while they give little in return. I've seen that many times, too.

Generally, the dumber the woman the more they are like this. And since the average IQ is 100...

Since women have been given the right to vote, we're heading toward socialism - which is the equal sharing of poverty (of course, some men are socialists, too).

Men are responsible for this for letting women get out of control. And since so may woman - not all, of couse - are like this, the more power they have, the more they destroy things. And they don't even know it.

Ezra Pound once wrote that artists are "the antenna of the race." That, of course, also includes musicians.

"The female principle, like a herd, is pure Democracy. It seeks to find truth through consensus and opinions without regard for timeless principles." - the Masculine Principle


  1. It's no coincidence that Democracy and Feminism conquered the Western World at precisely the same time. Nor that America sells and propagates Feminism globally, under cover of 'participatory democracy'. (Yes the Bushes did this, too.) Nor that America began it's descent into corruption and evil concomitant with the enfranchisement of women. Giving collective-minded creatures the power of mass institutional coercion isn't fairness or equity, it's willful destruction of all that is good. Self-serving malevolence can be pursued en masse, while claiming one is 'on the right side of history' and filling one's pockets with money.

    Pointing out error to a female/females results in guaranteed beatdowns by said female/females, typically via males hired and/or convinced to enforce female wickedness, hypocrisy and selfishness. As I've mentioned before, I'm over age sixty, and I've yet to hear even ONE female ever admit she was wrong about ANYTHING . . . much less apologize for bad behavior. Instead, they just ramp up the vengeance-machine, whether it's the government, the schools, the police, or the pastors. I've watched women destroy 'their' children for no reason other than to take revenge on some guy. Try to tell them they're wrong . . . and the Vengeance Machine just ramps up another notch, because the alternative would be for them to admit they are wrong. Literally, many females would rather die, and would rather their children's lives be permanently scarred and ruined, than to admit error (and thereby admit that their power-over-everything is not infallible, and that Getting Their Way is not a universal virtue).

    This mentality is encouraged, funded, and enforced by all elements of modern culture, as evil gradually was incentivized and normalized, and re-defined as empowerment, progress, and justice.

  2. “As I've mentioned before, I'm over age sixty, and I've yet to hear even ONE female ever admit she was wrong about ANYTHING . . . much less apologize for bad behavior.”

    You ought to buy a lottery ticket, with your apparent odds of never having this situation occur.

    “I've watched women destroy 'their' children for no reason other than to take revenge on some guy. Try to tell them they're wrong . . . and the Vengeance Machine just ramps up another notch, because the alternative would be for them to admit they are wrong.”

    Corrected for accuracy—I’ve watched people destroy their own families for no reason other than to take revenge. Tell them you’re wrong, and they dig in even more by refusing to admit they are wrong.

    “Literally, many females would rather die, and would rather their children's lives be permanently scarred and ruined, than to admit error.”

    I’m sure you will be able find a number of stories from the Internet that can offer proof to your assertion.
