Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"We Are All Agents of the Serpent"

This article is from Unmasking Feminism.

Those who don't know that the story of Garden of Eden is the most important story in the West are making a mistake. I've written about it several times.

The article starts here.

Great article to read here. Sections are pasted in here for brevity, but please do read the entire article.

Far too much emphasis is placed on the fact that Eve sinned first; two equal and opposite heresies have resulted from this focus. The first is that women are the inherently sinful sex, temptresses who lead men astray and are in need of strict moral guidance. The other states that the Bible is inherently misogynistic and fearful of women; that it is a collection of complaints from broken-down old men, who want to blame women for their own shortcomings. Neither of these two statements are borne out by the text itself.

A few years ago I totally believed this–woman took the fruit, she caused the Fall, and therefore everything going forward is the woman’s fault! When you run from one extreme to the next, that is what happens.

By eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge – by embracing sapience – an enmity has been placed between man and woman that exists nowhere else in the animal kingdom. Nowhere else do you see the sexes actively conspiring to make themselves miserable! For all the ease and comfort that the female of our species enjoys, hers is a life of pain and sorrow, ever seeking after drama. Her happiness lies in submission to a dominant man, but her need for drama drives her to destroy male dominance. As for us men, we are cursed to work. We feel an incessant drive to achieve and accomplish. Our happiness lies in work and leadership, and yet the world itself conspires to exhaust us, to erode our accomplishments and beat us down until we become like Adam, desperately trying to keep his wife happy by doing the very thing that will make her miserable.

The serpent started the battle of the sexes, but he did not take sides. He empowered Eve in the same way that Feminism empowers women today; it hands them the tools to destroy their marriages and erode their fertility. But neither the serpent nor the Feminist could achieve this without male collaboration. Neither has the ability to bring anything into creation, in and of themselves; all they can do is twist the truth and steal resources from others. They rely upon man to be too weak, thirsty, or lazy to point out the truth, and most of the time he is.

Yes, there is a sinister force behind this all and its not men or women. It is the invisible hand, Satan, that causes us to blame and feed off each other. Weak or lazy men help enable bad behavior in women. When they give into every whim, they allow her to dominate. As Henry Makow said here, “But men are also to blame. We have accepted the feminist lie that women should be independent and pursue careers. We have abandoned the many gentle and loving women who instinctively want to build their lives around a man. We have pursued the busy, neurotic, overachievers who guarantee us heartbreak, divorce and broken family.” Women may thirst for drama and destruction, but if men didn’t provide the water, play into and encourage bad behavior, then the thirst would die out. Like its always said, “don’t feed the trolls”, but a lot of men can’t help but to feed into woman’s behavior rather than flat out ignore and don’t give it a source to pull from.

I’ve written a lot on anti-suffrage issues (just search the term on blog) and often you will see arguments that women should have never got the vote, that it was all feminism’s fault, but yet it was men in congress that eventually gave the right. At the end of the day, the decision was in their hands (they had the final word), not women. Women led the charge and men finished it.

To frame this as an attack on masculinity misses the point; this is just as much of an attack on femininity. The serpent doesn’t have a preference of either sex, it merely wants to blaspheme Truth, Beauty, and God’s creation, and Feminists – disciples of this serpent – seek out the same thing, whether they know it or not. By destroying the differences between the sexes, they destroy the dance of life; by diluting the two sides of the Tao they align their flag with the forces of entropy.

It is up to both men and women to fight on the side of Truth and Love, but each must fight in their own way, in accordance to their own nature. That means that we – the men who fight for all that is Good and Holy – must be the ones taking up the mantle of leadership.

Both the pain and the glory of masculinity is ours, and ours alone.

This is where I stand now — both men and women need to do their part and both have to admit they share some blame for allowing themselves to be agents of the serpent. There is a school of thought out there that men can’t lead until women submit. That women have to “let” men lead, before they can lead. These are weak and lazy excuses for not claiming their right as men, as leaders. Women can femdom a man because he makes it easy for her, basically he hands her the key to his castle by refusing to lead until she first does something first (which ironically makes her the leader).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. " enmity has been placed between man and woman that exists nowhere else in the animal kingdom."

    Written in ignorance and all too easily disprovable.

  3. Check out Jordan Peterson's 'Maps of Meaning' about the Garden of Eden story, among other major stories of Western society.

  4. The only recourse young men have today is to refuse to marry, date or interact with the horde of unruly women. It's the only way to make modern women realize that they need to change.

  5. "There is a school of thought out there that men can’t lead until women submit. That women have to “let” men lead, before they can lead."
    If this is how you think then who's really leading, even is she "let's" you lead.

    Good article, thank you for posting!

  6. @Unknown

    I also have a problem with "Lets" as if permission must be granted. How about getting out of the way and not making the job of husband difficult. I remember there used to be a law called coverture that was overturned by early feminists that ensured the Authority of the husband.

  7. I don't think women's true nature is submissive. It's subservient. And if they're not, they just get unhappier...and unhappier...and unhappier.

  8. I'm not sure what the difference is between being submissive and subservient. Subservient can apparently mean excessive submissiveness.

    For the definition of subservient:

    2. servile; excessively submissive; obsequious.

    I agree that women want and need to be led by men. Society today teaches that increasingly effeminate men pedestalize women, and women are actually viscerally repulsed by weak men that excessively worship them. I think that single mother households that are raising these men is a big part of the problem. Custody of children should by default be given to the father, not the mother, after divorce. Men and husbands are depicted as incompetent buffoons and clowns on television and in movies, having to be rescued by the "strong", responsible and capable female - think of Lara Croft, Ellen Ripley in the movie Alien, that could never exist in real life. People have forgotten the fact that civilization, technology and culture was created by men.

  9. “The only recourse young men have today is to refuse to marry, date or interact with the horde of unruly women. It's the only way to make modern women realize that they need to change.”

    [Laughs], young men are doing fine in the dating world. They can choose for themselves whether or not to marry. Modern women need not change at all.

    “I agree that women want and need to be led by men.”

SOME women, yes.

    “Society today teaches that increasingly effeminate men pedestalize women, and women are actually viscerally repulsed by weak men that excessively worship them.”

    Society does nothing of the sort. There are men out there who understand when, how, and why to put women “in their place”.

    “I think that single mother households that are raising these men is a big part of the problem.”

    Ok, I can buy part of your argument.

    “Custody of children should by default be given to the father, not the mother, after divorce.”

    That’s not how it legally works.

    “Men and husbands are depicted as incompetent buffoons and clowns on television and in movies, having to be rescued by the "strong", responsible and capable female”.

    SOME men and husbands are shown this way, yes.

    “People have forgotten the fact that civilization, technology and culture was created by men.”

With men destroying civilization in the process.
