Saturday, September 5, 2015

Cruz and Trump

Ted Cruz, whom I said before (and before Trump) is the only candidate with a brain. He is now positioning him with Trump, unlike the other candidates (Jeb Bush is a complete and utter fool). If Trump gets the nomination, I hope he selects Cruz as VP. If Cruz gets it, I hope he chooses Trump.

The sooner the treasonous parties of the Republicans and Democrats are completely destroyed, the better for America. And for that matter, the sooner the older columnists, like George Will are gone, the better.


  1. Cruz is a NWO proponent, who knows maybe Trump is too. Cruz is also not a natural born american and as unqualified to stand for president or vice president which goes for obama as well but obama prevented anyone from challenging his natural born-ness in court.

    the NWO people well they are communists same as obama

  2. The belief in conspiracies is the American disease.

  3. Bob,

    I agree with you both about the conventional party machines as well as the older newspaper columnists. Even though I am skeptical about Trump on actual policy, I like what he is doing to the GOP establishment, which must go away if we are to have a future.

    Jeb Bush is a bozo who has no place in the white house. We've had two Bush's already. We certainly don't need another Bush in the white house.

  4. Cruz is a phony. It is laughable he talks about the Constitution but has no clue what that means. He did not support Ron Paul and has yet to say which federal agencies need to go if he had a way to do so. And he is also an Israel first supporter to which I say screw Israel already. They have nukes and Jews which means money, so I'm sure they can take of themselves.

    Trump is certainly entertaining and has given a couple good civics lessons on how the system works. He has said more than once that I'm businessman and I pay to play if it benefits me. It is also good he bringing up immigration, but the rest of economic ideas don't do much for me. Even he has not really talked about shutting down any part of the federal government he could.

    In the end, they still need Congress to do anything anyway.

  5. Its AD 460 in Rome: This won't be fixed

  6. @Bob

    Not looking for an argument, are you saying no conspiracies ever happen?

  7. Every candidate dem or repub other than Trump has the same economic policy positions towards China, which are:

    1.China is our friend, everyday, in every way. Always.

    2.Trade with China is the best thing ever, and we'd die without it. Why do you hate free trade? Are you a commie isolationist or are you just stupid? Stop asking stupid questions, moron.

    I'm an 80's kid, and a lot of the stuff my parents bought me was American made. And I don't remember people starving in the streets or walking around barefoot and shirtless because of that. Even now I love it when I can find US made shirts or jeans in a thrift store because the quality and fit is so much better. Now if I want a pair of 501 jeans or Chuck Taylors I pay about the same price as I would have in 1985 (inflation adjusted)for an imported version which is inferior in every way.

    China is a country with a massive labor pool, comparatively little or no regulations on things like work conditions, pollution or patents. They practice cold eyed economic nationalism and could care less about libertarian ideologies or any other precious economic theories. If it benefits them to be protectionist, they're protectionist. If it benefits them to be free traders, they're free traders. They do what they need to do to get the best deal for China. So of course they were going to annihilate our industries when we opened our markets to them. And that's exactly what has happened over the last 30 years -the largest transfer of wealth, jobs and technology in human history. But it benefits our elite class and serves their interests, so we don't really talk about it.

    Trade and immigration are the only 2 things going on in this country that matter. If there are no jobs and only welfare, you end up with behavior sink like you see in black America. If you don't have a meaningful definition of borders and citizenship, you don't have a country. That's why I'm enthusiastic about what Trump is saying right now.

  8. "The sooner the treasonous parties of the Republicans and Democrats are completely destroyed, the better for America."

    Do you mean you are supporting the same Trump that just signed a Loyalty Pledge to the REPUBLICAN PARTY? And you're selling the same Ted Cruz that's been a Beltway Brat since the Nineties? And a Senator, no less?

    The 'treasonous parties' must be 'completely destroyed' except, you want Cruz and Trump (deeply invested Republicans) to lead the nation?

    Yikes. Stick to taxis.

  9. "The belief in conspiracies is the American disease."

    The denial of America's conspiratorial origins -- and present -- is the American disease. People who are too lazy, stupid, cowardly, or economically/financially invested in their comfy lives to do due diligence research and investigation of the obvious collusions in American politics, social policy, and general direction are the disease. Denial is a type of lie.

    Thus spake the cancer, advising the healthy cells: 'Hey no problems here. Come on and get healthy like me!'

    After forty years of what I've seen in D.C., anybody who backs this as normal and/or desirable, and to be furthered and continued with Business as Usual, is the real conspiracy nut. With plenty mixed company in the jar.

  10. "The belief in conspiracies is the American disease."

    No one wants to believe that there is nothing more to life than working hard, putting your time in, eating your vegetables, brushing your teeth, etc. every day until you die. And there will always be people who believe that there is some secret which if found out or exposed would explain everything, or validate them completely, or free from their drudgery. This is a passage from Umberto Eco's conspiracy theory parody novel "Foucault's Pendulum" about the motivation of conspiracy theorists:

    "A plot, if there is to be one, must be a secret. A secret that, if we only knew it, would dispel our frustration, lead us to salvation; or else the knowing of it in itself would be salvation. Does such a luminous secret exist?

    Yes, provided it is never known. Known, it will only disappoint us. Hadn't Aglie spoken of the yearning for mystery that stirred the age of the Antonines [second century AD Rome]? Yet someone had just arrived and declared himself the Son of God, the Son of God made flesh, to redeem the sins of the world. Was that a run-of-the-mill mystery? And he promised salvation to all: you only had to love your neighbor. Was that a trivial secret? And he bequeathed the idea that whoever uttered the right worlds at the right time could turn a chunk of bread and a half-glass of win into the body and blood of the Son of God, and be nourished by it. Was that a paltry riddle? ... And yet they, who now had salvation within their grasp -- do-it-yourself salvation -- turned deaf ears. Is that all there is to it? How trite. And they kept on scouring the Mediterranean in their boats, looking for a lost knowledge, of which those thirty-denarii dogmas were but the superficial veil, the parable for the poor in spirit, the allusive hieroglyph, the wink of the eye at the pneumatics. The mystery of the Trinity? Too simple: there had to be more to it.

    Someone -- Rubinstein, maybe -- once said, when asked if he believed in God: "Oh, no, I believe ... in something much bigger." And someone else -- was it Chesterton? -- said that when men stop believing in God, it isn't that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything. "

  11. Umberto Eco doesn't know diddly. Another pretentious modern intellectual. He sounds inbred, too.

    The Word of God (as conserved, however imperfectly, in Scripture) teems with conspiracies, including the overarching and ancient conspiracy of satan and his vast legions of fallen angels. On numerous occasions, Christ himself pointed out the conspiracies of the various elements of the (false) religionists of his time, as fronted by Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees. After hearing the truth from him -- which, of course, they hated -- they immediately got together in secret to hatch plans against the Lord's life.

    Move along now! you nutty Conspiracy Crazies. Um hm.

    I know a fair number of folks who not only believe in God, but are about his business. And they are well-aware of the many collusions and conspiracies that took place, and take place, on and around this planet. They are far more reality-based than their 'grounded' and 'rational' fellows. And they don't support Republicans for President either. :O)

  12. Zuckerberg, Soros, the Bushes, Clintons can easily advocate for any position that benefits them openly with no need for secrecy. They already have the media and press on their side in any issue. All they have to do is throw glitzy conferences and say that anyone who disagrees with them is a racist, sexist or homophobe. What use would secret Bilderberg clubs or NWO conferences even be to them?


  13. "Do you mean you are supporting the same Trump that just signed a Loyalty Pledge to the REPUBLICAN PARTY? "

    The news was as meaningless as the Republican Party itself is.

    "Umberto Eco doesn't know diddly. Another pretentious modern intellectual. He sounds inbred, too."

    Inbred? That's a strange thing to say. You didn't understand the passage, so I don't know why you felt like you had to comment on it.

  14. Bob shows once again he doesn't understand politics. Read Democracy in America, please. Add Leviathan and The Law by Bastiat while you're at it. Then you'll understand that none of the bozos that will be offered to us in Nov '16 will make a damn bit of difference.

  15. Hell - I don't understand politics or you boys either. You quote obscure, self proclaimed intellectuals trying to prove how smart you are ... and sniff with disdain at honest men that don't put on the same phony airs intellectual sophistication that you do! HAR HAR HAR! Pull my other finger fellas! It has bells on it!

    Bob: do you think your picks have an honest shot? I am looking at modern America with its swarms of black and brown parasites. I see legions of greasy liberal hippies, chattering women, homosexuals, and socialists that would that enable and encourage them, and openly attack and undermine the nation that enables and protect themselves. To them both your picks are anathema.

    Are there enough rational, productive men left in America to save it by installing rational leaders through the democratic process?

  16. "Inbred? That's a strange thing to say. You didn't understand the passage, so I don't know why you felt like you had to comment on it."

    OK well next time I comment, I'll be sure to clear it with you first. Cause I just don't understand why you wouldn't know how I felt. Obviously you're so bright, you know how I feel about stuff.

    Yee + ikes.

    I'm not down on Umberto Eco specifically, I'm just sick of people trotting out these supposed Giant Intellects to do their thinking and rassling for them. I'm not impressed by these sorry philosophers and gurus and pseudo-elite yammerers. I'll take Jeshua and the OT prophets, and y'all can have EVERYBODY else, including Eco and Sun Tzu and Plato and Rousseau blah blah blah lookit me, I'm just so damn smart. Like clinging to farts in a hurricane.

  17. "Read Democracy in America, please. Add Leviathan and The Law by Bastiat while you're at it."

    Read them decades ago.

    As for conspiracies, some people think everything is a conspiracy. By the way, Isaiah forbids blaming everything on conspiracies. I know my Bible, too.

  18. "You quote obscure, self proclaimed intellectuals trying to prove how smart you are ... and sniff with disdain at honest men that don't put on the same phony airs intellectual sophistication that you do! "

    Yeah, Eco is a smart guy, but he has also been a popular, bestselling novelist for decades. His novels have sold literally millions of copies, and one them was made into a Hollywood blockbuster starring Sean Connery and Christian Slater. He's not obscure by any standard you could come up with, and I seriously don't think the quote above is anything fancy or difficult.

    "I'm not down on Umberto Eco specifically, I'm just sick of people trotting out these supposed Giant Intellects to do their thinking and rassling for them."

    If some genius has already made the same point that I want to make better than I could, why reinvent the wheel?

    "I'll take Jeshua and the OT prophets, and y'all can have EVERYBODY else, including Eco and Sun Tzu and Plato and Rousseau blah blah blah lookit me, I'm just so damn smart. Like clinging to farts in a hurricane."

    I take it that you've got a small bookshelf in your house with only one book on it? I don't really get why a novel passage about gnostics and conspiracy theorists pisses you off so much or even has anything to do with what you're writing, but (no offense) I'm really not interested in arguing about it either. Maybe just chill out a bit. You use a lot of CAPS.

  19. "HAR HAR HAR! Pull my other finger fellas! It has bells on it! "

    Here we go again, Glenn, with more of the coprophilia stuff. Whatever the subject, everything you write is always really about the poop, the farts, the asses or the buttholes. Isn't it? I realize you're from a socially progressive country where this sort of thing is considered normal or maybe even encouraged, but there are still some of us who are just simple, honest men and don't much cotton to the phony airs and pseudo intellectual sophistication of y'all up north.


  20. "As for conspiracies, some people think everything is a conspiracy."

    That indeed is a fallacy. Doesn't mean there are no conspiracies

  21. Rusty, South Park nailed us. We love fart jokes!

  22. "I take it that you've got a small bookshelf in your house with only one book on it?"

    You're wrong about that, too. I spent much of my life studying world literature (both fiction and non-fiction) before I ever opened a Bible. From some of the best professors and teachers on the planet, btw. I didn't even begin reading Scripture until my forties.

    Like to make any other false assumptions/accusations while you are at it? I'm sure that pretty much anything will salve your ego and make you feel better about your inferiority. BEEOTCH and cap that.


  23. "You're wrong about that, too. I spent much of my life studying world literature.."

    It was just a joke but thanks anyway for sharing your CV. I've got no clue what you're so pissed off about, but I promise you that you're taking this 100 times more seriously than I am.

  24. "Rusty, South Park nailed us. We love fart jokes!"

    I blame Canada. But I seriously believe that coprophilia is an obscure term for an undiagnosed epidemic of our time. I've worked with guys who'll take cell phones pics of the toilet before flushing it and want to to show them to everybody. It's probably its own branch of photography now and the internet probably has a name for it. I'm most likely in the minority of the South Park audience in that I watch the show despite its scatology rather than because of it.
