Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Only Two "Fairy Tales" You Need to Understand Women

Technically they're not "fairy tales" because there are no fairies in them. The Germans call them "Marchen" and sometimes here they're called "folk tales," because that's what they are.

But whatever you call them, they are a repository of age-old wisdom. Their purpose is to entertain and educate, and that's exactly what they do.

The first is a Grimm's folk tale called "King Roughbeard" (or "King Thrushbeard") and to read it click HERE. I need say no more about it because it's self-explanatory.

The second is another Grimm's, and it, too, is self-explanatory. It's called "The Fisherman and His Wife," and to read it click HERE.

(By the way, "The Husband Store" can be considered a modern-day retelling of King Roughbeard. And in some ways, "The Fisherman and His Wife," too. To read it, click HERE.)


  1. The problem with these stories is that they have as an assumption that the woman didn't go off sluting it up with whomever she took a fancy to. The fact that a woman can easily have sex with men of a higher quality than she can get a commitment out of means that she's developed a taste for caviar but can only afford trout. You think she'll be happy eating trout for the rest of her life? Take those stories and replace the princess with a whore and the prince with a peasant and they fall apart.

    And the temptation for women to go sample the caviar is great because she can see no down side when shes young and every guy in the place is hitting on her. Was just talking to a friend whose daughter decided to "go find herself" and canceled her wedding at the last minute (cost them $20K as they could not get back deposits). She had been dating this guy since she was 15 and had just graduated from college at 23 when the urge for caviar just became too great. And you think that once she's had her fill she'll realize what a fool she was for giving up a life time of trout? Nope, whatever trout she eventually hooks into a marriage with will be looked down on and treated with contempt.

  2. "The fact that a woman can easily have sex with men of a higher quality than she can get a commitment out"

    Trash has sex with trash, and no, skanks don't get men of "higher quality," even for a one-night stand. That's one of the Manosphere's many delusions.


  3. Here is another fairy tale fiction: Womens' "love" for men. Men are nothing but utilities, like workhorses to women. Men are discarded, or divorced when he can no longer perform his function.

    What women really think of men: ... -feminism/

    This comment was posted by an anti-feminist woman:

    "I hate to admit it but most of the younger woman here - including myself do not feel much empathy or compassion for men. Instead, we generally use men as a mirror to reflect our own vanity. And often we provoke their desires in cruel and capricious ways, simply for our own self gratification. Only our children can inspire a true feeling of love within us – at least if we have normal maternal affections.

    In reality, our primary interest in men is obtaining a life of comfort and security – both for ourselves and our children – which is why we still value marriage.And since younger men are becoming increasingly reluctant to marry, many of us are proclaiming to be antifeminists to help assuage their fears end secure a long-term commitment.

    Fortunately for women men’s sense of chivalry is still strong. Men are still eager to believe that women have a caring and unselfish nature. So by feigning compassion for men, we are likely to find a husband with good financial prospects, a husband whom we can always divorce if we become dissatisfied, while continuing to enjoy an affluent lifestyle.

    That I’m afraid is the real nature of women. Perhaps this page should be renamed “The myth of female beneficience”. And yet, even though I am revealing our inner motivations, most men will despise me because they prefer a beautiful lie to a painful truth. However, in spite of my selfish instincts, I have spoken the truth, fully aware that you shall only heap derision upon me."


  4. Here is the link to the article cited above:

  5. "Here is another fairy tale fiction: Womens' "love" for men. Men are nothing but utilities, like workhorses to women. Men are discarded, or divorced when he can no longer perform his function."

    In reality, women love men and men love women. Unfortunately, both sexes are manipulative and greedy in relationships. It's called human nature.

  6. That post just further confirms Esther Vilars’ book, The Manipulated Man.

    And what’s in the Bible I might add:

    Men are instructed to love their wives. While women are admonished to submit and give respect to their husbands (Ephesians, chapter 5, KJV). Note the lack of mentioning of love by the woman for her husband. God would not ask one to do something that they are not capable of – Women do not and cannot love men, at least not in the same sense that men love women. Women can love men for what men do for them, his utility, but not men holistically for his entire being.

    A lot of knowledge about women and female nature is being rediscovered. The Ancients understood human nature, especially female nature very well. Unfortunately, modern day culture conceals and obfuscates the true reality of women, and their danger to men.

  7. Bearskin is another Grimm's story on the subject of female tendencies towards entitlement, mincing bitchery and status mongering that I really like. After a father brings a wanderer who had saved him from going to prison back to his home, the man's daughters refuse to speak to him or mock him because of his shabby appearance. The excellent japanimation version of it that I saw when I was a kid is here, but unfortunately it is missing the original's dark and sardonic ending.

  8. "A lot of knowledge about women and female nature is being rediscovered. The Ancients understood human nature, especially female nature very well. Unfortunately, modern day culture conceals and obfuscates the true reality of women, and their danger to men."

    Yeah, okay, and then what? To me this all of this is only putting the most sininster spin on what everybody already knows. The fact that women care more about their children than their mates for instance is a feature rather than a bug. Women are inherently flakier and less loyal than men, but in my own experience that doesn't mean that women are incapable of loyalty or that they will dessert their husbands because of injury, illness or disaster. I'd go as far as to say that we could be doing things in terms of socialization and education to blunt the worst aspects of feminine nature. As it is, the western nations are currently doing everything possible to encourage the formation of genuinely miserable women.

    "God would not ask one to do something that they are not capable of – Women do not and cannot love men, at least not in the same sense that men love women. Women can love men for what men do for them, his utility, but not men holistically for his entire being."

    A woman is certainly capable of appreciating and loving what you call the holistic aspects of a man's entire being. She is colder though and more likely to take a man's social and financial value into consideration. Again, this a feature rather than a bug. It is only a contemptible thing when a woman associates with genuinely evil men (the wives and girlfreinds of dictators, gansters, etc.) because they are powerful and rich, or when she snubs good and worthy men solely for material/social gain. And too many western men are way too idealistic and chivalrous when it comes to women. I know that I was. Now I laugh when a woman gets angry at me for not holding the door for her. Even just reading the unvarnished Grimm stories to kids could at least be a start towards correcting things.

    One last thing: It's suspiscious to me that this woman you're qutoing here is parroting points explicitly written by various MGTOW, MRA writers. It's a little too neat. This goes back to a maxim from the start of the internet, about how if someone claims to be a chick on a forum, they're probably a dude..

  9. - I can't be arsed to find the exact comment thread where I mentioned the subject, but I still find it interesting. Well, any comment on the disputed matter that Christianity and Judaism are as bad as Islam on this issue? I direct the question to someone with the alias ending with "found God".

    Everyone else, I apologize for being off-topic.

  10. 'Trash has sex with trash, and no, skanks don't get men of "higher quality," even for a one-night stand. That's one of the Manosphere's many delusions.'

    Thank you, Bob. Somebody has to say it. And I'll second it.

    The Manosphere delusion is that a promiscuous male is 'high value'...when reality shows a different tale. He's a coward, a louse, and a deceiver.

  11. "Here is another fairy tale fiction: Womens' "love" for men. Men are nothing but utilities, like workhorses to women. Men are discarded, or divorced when he can no longer perform his function."

    The only way she overcomes that is through the grace of God. Same thing goes for men who discard their wives after they lose their use and function too. If there's no grace...we revert back to the worst forms of our human nature.

  12. "Bearskin is another Grimm's story"

    Yes, that's another good one.
