Monday, July 20, 2015

I Almost Get Arrested Over a Whore

Uh oh I thought, as a car hurtled toward my taxi, stopped, then four guys flew out and rushed toward me. What's going on this time?

My first thought was they had the wrong guy and they were going to beat me and kick me and smash me in the teeth.

I have a vivid imagination.

All of them flashed badges at me.

"Get out of the car!"

What the hell? I got out of the car. I actually felt relieved I was avoiding the beating and kicking and teeth smashing.

Vice cops, it turned out. Oh damn. I'm going to jail on a Friday night. And no night court. I'd be out Monday morning.

It was Friday evening and I was heading home when a young woman, about 19, walked up to me and needed a ride out to a West County apartment complex. She said she'd pay me 70 dollars to take her out there, wait half an hour, then take her back to where I picked her up. Easy money.

I knew she was a hooker by the way she was dressed, but what the hell? Lots of hookers used cabs. None of them had cars because the money just flowed through their hands like water.

So I gave her a ride, and damn if I didn't fall into a sting operation.

Once the cops realized I wasn't going to give them any trouble, they sent her out and we were allowed to leave. They didn't even care about the empty quart beer bottle she left on the floor in the back seat.

I didn't understand what was going on, not at all. A sting operation and we were allowed to leave? What kind of sting operation is that?

Of course, since she didn't get paid, I didn't get paid. She whined to me, "I was playing with his dick when he got up and showed me his badge."

A few days later, reading the paper, I found out what happened.

The sting operation was targeted against the city prosecuting attorney, a lowlife named George Peach.

Right from the beginning Peach had a hardon for putting hookers in jail and pictures of their customers in the newspaper.

Prostitution is a misdemeanor, which means up to a year in jail. What I was doing, the cops told me, was a felony - "promoting prostitution." But they told me to keep doing it if I wanted - they weren't interested me in the slightest. They just wanted to know who I was.

Peach was a whackjob. While vigorously prosecuting hookers and johns, he was seeing prostitutes and paying for them with city money!

So the sting operation was targeted against him and I just accidentally fell into it. That's why they were not interested in me or the girl.

The cops bugged a hotel room and got Peach on tape asking for blowjob. I was almost on the floor over that one. Pay? When I owned a taxi girls used to offer them to me all the time to try to get out of paying money for rides. One girl asked if I would buy her a cheeseburger and another when I gave her money to buy a pack of cigarettes.

She had originally asked for a nickel and when I gave her the four dollars of change in my pocket she said, "Thank you! Thank you! Can I suck your dick?"

Such is the life of a cab driver.

Peach of of course lost his job and license but didn't go jail. He should have gone to prison and experienced the beating and kicking and teeth smashing from the other prisoners. Or best of all, a bunch of hookers. Poetic justice.

Years before I had met an old retired city judge who was so old he was in a wheelchair. I figured he was judge in the late 1930s/early '40s.

He told me once a month all the city cops swept up all the hookers and took them in so they were tested and treated for whatever diseases they had.

I agreed with it. Prostitution will never be eradicated - there is a reason it's called "the world's oldest profession."

This way the cops knew all the girls and could actually protect them. And if they got paid for this under the table, that is the kind of corruption with which I agreed.

Before all this happened I had been working for a escort service, since another girl had approached me at a hotel and wanted me to take her to where the service was located - a tiny house in an alley. I ended up being offered a night job. So I took it, and of all things, ended up being a bodyguard for the girls. So I understood how the cops in the past did these things.

I had no idea what was wrong with Peach, but he had some major psych problems to do what he did.

Self-delusion, narcissism, thinking he was above the law while destroying people's lives - he really was a piece of shit. He was one of the worst possible people to be in authority. He ended up destroying himself - "Pride goes before destruction" and all the rest of it.

Last I heard he was selling insurance. Not that I would buy anything from the creep.

By the way, I remember the girl's name - first and last. She left her purse in the car and while she was inside I looked through it and found her driver's license. She was Canadian.

I wonder what happened to her? I hope she ended up having a better life than Peach. Even as a whore she was better than him.


  1. Curious, Bob? How do ya 'protect the girls' from diseases like herpes and HIV/AIDS?

    No, you will never put an end to prostitution but nor will you put an end to rape and murder. Do we legalize those too? I hear those libertarian meat holes all the time; telling me to get out of their beds and bedrooms and mind my own business. And yet, when those turd brains come down with HIV they fully expect me to get into their hospital bed with them and pay for it.

    It's not just prostitution I object to: I object to the drugs, the public display of sleaze, and the inevitable bodies that turn up in the morgue for relatives to sob over.

    Whores are rightfully viewed with contempt and derision...but IMHO their customers ain't much better. If the cops want to bust those idiots and hassle them I am just peachy with it. Prostitution does nothing for a community and enables a whole bunch of harm.

  2. Vice should not be criminalized:

  3. "Curious, Bob? How do ya 'protect the girls' from diseases like herpes and HIV/AIDS?"

    I was a bodyguard against some of the guys.

  4. The new trend towards "naming and shaming" johns is just another feminist powerplay to regulate sex and use it against men. I don't support anything that makes the lives of normal men more difficult when American women in general already make them so miserable.
