Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hoosiers Unlimited

I was raised middle-class but there were a lot of lower-class people in my town. I got to know them quite well. For one thing, you couldn't escape them and their drama, which was the purpose of their meaningless lives.

The bottom were the white trash, who were addicted to heroin and meth, unemployed, and had been in and out of prison. When out of prison they always had warrants out on them.

The next rung up were the hoosiers. Originally it meant someone from Indiana, but when was that? Seventy-five years ago? Where I was raised (the St. Louis area) it was an insult.

I once asked a friend, who had been raised 300 miles from me, what "hoosier" meant to him, and he gave me the same definition I had.

Hoosiers show three characteristics: laziness, envy and and unjustified pride which they use to cover up the fact they're losers.

Not surprisingly, those are three of the Seven Deadly Vices, and they are all interrelated. If you have one of those vices, you have all of them.

I said hoosiers are lazy. That's sloth. They don't want to work. They think other people should support them. They ignore the fact they're high all the time, which they don't see as a problem.

They're also envious, which they don't even know. It manifests itself as trying to drag everyone down to their level. Every hoosier I've known had no brains, no education, no job, no money, a POS $400 car, no house and generally the lowest-rent possible apartment - when they weren't sleeping on relative's couches.

Since they are too dumb and lazy to succeed, they don't want anyone to succeed. That's what envy is.

Anyone thoughtful enough knows that liberalism and feminism are based on envy. But so are the bottom feeders, who always vote Democrat, when they bother to vote.

I have met many people who are working-class, and support themselves and their families. They may not have much of an "education" but they're admirable people and don't have an ounce of hoosier in them.

The unjustified pride manifests itself as continually offering unasked-for advice, and thinking it's good advice and not nonsense. When someone is right near the bottom of the barrel in all ways, their advice on anything is not merely worthless, it's downright dangerous.

It's unfortunate that hoosiers have children. My experience has been about one-third of them turn out to be hoosiers, one-third suffer from "failure to launch," and one-third make something of themselves, although it's always blue-collar.

Male hoosiers are the ones who screw obese women. The Manosphere, as usual, is confused about these things, hence the deluded belief that the "thirsty" and the "Omegas" are the ones doing the landwhales. In reality it's associative mating - hoosiers and landwhales go together because bottom-of-the-barrel ends up with bottom-of-the barrel. That's why you see skinny guys and enormously fat women together at Wal-Mart.

I was recently sitting outside a coffee shop with a friend of mine when a 270-pound hoosier female starting talking to my friend. He knew her from the past. When she left he told me she was on disability - she would have rather weighed 270 pounds than lose weight and work - and that one hoosier male had had sex with her, with the comment to my friend, "Well, it's pussy."

That's pure hoosier.

I've written before that to truly understand people, you have to understand the Seven Deadly Vices and the Seven Cardinal Virtues. Not merely just memorize them, but understand them, which means relating them to people you know and their behavior.

All it takes is time, observation, and a little reflective thought.


  1. Seems the term up online...that version of Hoosier is the St. Louis term and not the Indiana term.

  2. Bob, FredPill is all about the science, except when the science disagrees. LMFAROTFP!!!

    So you can actually work your way out of the friend zone, and even pot a higher smv woman by using the friendzone.

    Too Fucking Perfect!

  3. Posted that at Rollo's, only one reply in 3 days. of course it is a "joke".


  4. "Seems the term up online...that version of Hoosier is the St. Louis term and not the Indiana term."

    It's the same in Chicago, where my friend was raised.

    But yes, it's definitely a St. Louis term, and an insult.

  5. South St Louis hoosier motto: "you think you're better than me!?" Typically it's screamed hysterically after someone has asked a hoosier to stop doing some damaging or dangerous act that's interfering with the lives of everyone around them.

  6. Funny how a title labeled to a group of people can be looked as demeaning them one way...and a term of endearment for another.

  7. Such is the english language Earl.

    And yes, that's the reasoning behind the pairs I see at Wal Mart. I used to always wonder about that.

    As a black male, I guess I'm a genetic loser and hence that explains the winks and stares I always got from fat women. However, I'd rather just remain alone then ever be with a fat woman. If fat/old/single mothers are the best a loser like me deserves than celibacy is a far better existence.

  8. "I was recently sitting outside a coffee shop with a friend of mine when a 270-pound hoosier female starting talking to my friend. He knew her from the past. When she left he told me she was on disability - she would have rather weighed 270 pounds than lose weight and work - and that one hoosier male had had sex with her, with the comment to my friend, "Well, it's pussy." That's pure hoosier."

    2 things about this:
    First, the dregs of feminimity still get laid. Seemingly no woman in this country without crippling mental or physical handicaps need do without. In the American relationship marketplace the odds are in women's favor, demographically and in a lot of other ways.

    Second, Men and women judge men by different standards. There are traits men respect which are good for a society as a whole which seem to register poorly or negatively with women. To you a 90lb tatted up tweeker might be the bottom of the barrel who has to settle for screwing land whales. That woman might not see it that way because her actual 300lb, 90iq male counterpart who stocks the shelves at wal mart is going without entirely. The introverted guy who does the books for the store also doesnt have a girlfriend because, whatever else he has going for him, he lacks the hoosier's "insane confidence." This is what I saw anyway during (the very brief) time that I worked at one of those stores.

  9. I heard the term meant something totally different with no pejorative connotations in Indiana, but I've never really been sure about that.

  10. Well if one of the state universities uses it as their moniker...I'm assuming they don't want it to mean low class trash. But I'm not from Indiana.

  11. The matriarchy mixes together promiscuity, female empowerment (Govt benefits direct to females), drugs and alcohol and the end result is lots of new hoosiers for the future generations.

    The root of the problem is not black people, or white people; the root is the matriarchy.

  12. "Typically it's screamed hysterically after someone has asked a hoosier to stop doing some damaging or dangerous act that's interfering with the lives of everyone around them."

    Know what a redneck's last words are? "Hey everybody, look at this!"
