Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Real Omegas

The most influential writers in the Manosphere are either naïve or out-and-out liars.

Let's take the concept of the Alpha, as it pertains to women and sex. Supposedly "alphas" are experts at "Game," have the "Dark Triad" as part of their character, are irresistible to woman and have sex with many of them. (Apparently the True Believers think James Bond really exists.)

Oh, I supposed they exist if you're talking about George Clooney, who happens to be handsome and rich, but otherwise, no.

I've met guys who devoted their lives to seducing women. They screwed their lives up bigtime. All of them were drug addicts and even if they made a lot of money it flowed through their fingers because they were impulsive. None of their relationships with women ever worked out. They were liars and manipulators and saw the woman as things to give them narcissistic supply.

Every guy I've known who was truly promiscuous - when it was part of his character - was a drug addict/drunk, poor, and never had their relationships with women work out. Not one. A lot of them were sexual perverts.

The lower-class ones were in and out of prison and ended up dead from murder, alcoholism or drug overdoses.

The middle-class ones didn't end up dead, just with extremely damaged relationships. All of them were catastrophes with money. They just didn't have any common sense.

In other words, what the Manosphere calls "alphas" are really "omegas."

And that is what I mean about naiveté or out-and-out lying.

There is an old saying: "The poor are always with it." It means a poor character, not poor in money.

By the way, one of the most naïve things I've ever read is, "Things have changed." No, they haven't. Human nature doesn't change.


  1. What is MGTOW? -

    Why are feminists wanna be ignorant men with vaginas?

    Men are it. Everything you see was built by male brilliance and brawn.

    You can deny it, but then, you'd be a fool.

  2. Possibly we have reached peak-manosphere. Trolling for shits and giggles aside.

    Many of these so-called and usually self-proclaimed Alphas... jeez. I'm not a Man no more... I'm an Omega! Hat tip to Richard Pryor.

  3. I actually have never personally known any men who was truly successfully promiscuous with women. I have known several guys with relatively high "notch counts" (maybe 20-30 over a 10-20 year period). Everyone of these guys have had to lie their heads off to get laid a lot. If you want to screw a lot of different women, you have to lie a lot.

    I am constitutionally incapable of lying on this scale. Hence, I have never tried to get laid a lot. It simply is not worth the cost, to myself and others, of becoming a perpetual liar.

  4. Bob, is that you over at RM, posing as Insanity and hectoring Rollo? LOL!

    Has anyone been following the "Father of the Manosphere" saga? Roosh seems like he has had enough of the perpetual whining and is taking his ball and going home.

    Interesting times in the sphere right now!

  5. What's amusing is when you look at other things on life, where they've said: "Things have changed, they're different now."

    Just like the various bubbles-and-crashes in the real estate market (1987), stock market (1929, Telecoms, Dot Com), housing markets and derivatives (Banks), and (again) in the silicon-valley stock market once more. The more they say things are different, the more they look very similar to the past.

    History may not repeat, but it sure as hell rhymes a lot.

  6. I'm thinking about investing in tulip bulbs. Write a blog. Monetize. Heap shit on those who aren't tulip fetishists. And so it goes.

  7. 'Everyone of these guys have had to lie their heads off to get laid a lot. If you want to screw a lot of different women, you have to lie a lot.'

    Which is why the guys who are the manosphere giants with their self-proclaimed notch counts...should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

    If they had to lie to get women, they'll lie to get your money.

  8. 'Human nature doesn't change.'

    Which is true...the only way our nature can change is if we follow the Divine.

  9. I've guys with 100+ notch counts. Everyone of them was a liar and manupulator. They spend a lot of money achieving this.

  10. I'm telling you - for complete edification on the Man Defined By Greek Letters - Vox Day remains king.

    Even as he crows about his alpha state

    - he is regularly tarred an feathered by John Scalzi ... who actually IS a pussy, or wimp, or gamma.
    - by his own descriptions, his son is a gamma or omega or a rho...the kid is a runt
    - he looks like a homosexual
    - about the only thing he DOES know is feral women and how to deal with them...and that's just common sense.

    He isn't a cad or PUA for obvious reasons...but if you're looking for manosphere yuks, he is the alpha of comedy!

  11. 'I'm telling you - for complete edification on the Man Defined By Greek Letters - Vox Day remains king.'

    Well people do reveal something about themselves subconsciously by what they present to the world (even I am going to by doing this)...

    But he's a sci-fi guy, he's involved with Gamergate, he has an actual mask for an avatar on his twitter, and it seems like he dabbles in a fantasy world more than actual realities of life. Iv'e seen the dust ups with Scalzi and I think he's done the same with that Kluwe character.

    Plus how his wife acts online with other wouldn't surprise me if he happens to get the brunt of some of that at home.

    Now that's not to say he isn't who he actually is...after all he does look fit so he's not the typical sci-fi, video game nerd. He's also a decent writer. I think he is like many people online...puffing himself up into a fantasy when the actual reality might unmask something different. You can greek letter yourself all you want...but eventually something is going pull off the mask.

  12. Bob Wallace said..
    Every guy I've known who was truly promiscuous - when it was part of his character - was a drug addict/drunk, poor, and never had their relationships with women work out. Not one. A lot of them were sexual perverts.

    Suprisingly, or perhaps not, one of the more well known manosphere writers Roissy has pushed a theory that intelligent people are more likely to think about sex, masturbate, and take drugs:

    Kanazawa has remarked that this theory explains why smarter people drink more than dumber people: Alcohol and its effects provide a novel mental and kinesthetic experience.

    I can buy this. Based on personal observation, the smarties do tend to drink more, and take drugs more regularly. However, the less smart more often fall into crippling addiction when they take up drinking or drugs. It would seem the dumber can’t handle the novelty.

    Source: Masturbation and IQ

    I suppose if anything this shows what type of person Roissy really is. Underneath all the slick talk and fancy citations from scientists he's just some kind of sex fiend trying to convince other people that his way of thinking is the norm.

  13. "I've guys with 100+ notch counts."

    I suspect that most if not all of these notches that these guys get are not that great looking, or rather plain and average looking. Some of these guys talk like their laying hot cheerleaders and supermodels all the time.

  14. Plus his handle 'Vox Day' is a Latin-English combo. I don't know if that was intentional or not but I was interesting in digging into it further one day. Vox in Latin means voice. But if you listen to the sound of 'day' in's Dei, which means God. Vox Dei...means God's Voice.

  15. Every guy I've known with a high count always targeted unattractive women.

  16. Bob your point about high notch count remind me of a story.

    I had acquaintance years ago who had a variation of game, first time I'd been exposed to it and well before the mano-o-sphere

    The guy was poor, not that good looking and went through several dozen women in the time I knew him easily, always had something.

    I being younger and utterly naive could not figure out what he was doing or how till I sat down and thought long about it.

    Now I knew was a consensual BDSM freak guy and so it eventfully occurred to me that he simply targeted damaged girls, some were pretty enough but all of the wanted to ride his abuse train or just have a place to live or whatever. he knew how to game them.

    Now in his defense, everyone was an adult, several a decade older than him and its was always with consent but it was predatory none of the less.

    I figure out how it worked, noted and never had a use for it. I have morals, he was at one point a literal Satanist

    Eventually after a scare with misdemeanor statutory rape (she was 17) where dad was a cop who didn't care and another with HIV (he stayed clean), he mellowed out , eventually lost his game and nerve and got some common sense at a one point turning down a job working with female outpatient inmates since he didn't want to be put with people he might be with inappropriately

    What happened after? I neither know nor care.

  17. "I'm telling you - for complete edification on the Man Defined By Greek Letters - Vox Day remains king."

    Instead of telling us, why don't you directly inform Vox Day on his blog?

    "What is MGTOW?"

    In a nutshell. gay.

  18. "Instead of telling us, why don't you directly inform Vox Day on his blog?"

    I have. He threw a fit. I once told Roissy I have more experience than him and made fun of his pickup lines, and he too threw a fit. Not a conniption fit, but a hissy fit, which is a female thing.
