Saturday, June 20, 2015

Monsters as Things to Come

The word "monster" is related to the word "demonstrate." It means a warning of things to come.

To quote Wikipedia: "The root of 'monstrum' is 'monere'—which does not only mean to warn, but also to instruct, and forms the basis of the modern English demonstrate. Thus, the monster is also a sign or instruction. This benign interpretation was proposed by Saint Augustine, who did not see the monster as inherently evil, but as part of the natural design of the world, a kind-of deliberate category error."

I had know it for years, but really started thinking about it after Anders Breivik's rampage. What he did was a warning, not against Muslims (soon enough they will be swimming in terror back to their homelands) but against leftists destroying Norway. He took out the younger generation before they could grow up and finish destroying his country.

Now we have Dylann Roof, who shot a bunch of harmless black people instead of taking out gangbangers.

He is of course a monster - but what was he warning against? The coming race war, which has already arrived.

All monsters feel humiliated (watch Frankenstein sometime) and humiliation is often followed by revenge (Roof said something about all the white women being raped by blacks).

They are alienated, with no meaning or purpose or community to their lives. Lacking those things is one of the best ways to create a monster. Frankenstein, for example, is so popular because he is a benign monster who becomes alienated through rejection and humilation and so seeks revenge.

Just look at the first recorded murder - Cain humiliated by God's rejection of his sacrifice, so he blamed it on his brother and murdered him. Humiliation followed by revenge.

Breivik felt humiliated watching leftists destroying his country, so he took out the younger generation. Roof, too, obviously felt humiliated and helpless, so he took matters into his own hands.

Such monsters always feel justified in what they have done, because in their minds it's self-defense. They feel they are the ones who have been attacked.


  1. This, like the media's response to Breivik, is NOT an answer. ITs a dishonest dodge of the issue.

    White Genocide is a crime. Breivik objected to it.

    Every time we see a 'liberal' cause attacked the same MSM looks to address the root issue. NOt here though.

    THAT is why the problem exists in the first place. Choosing which monsters to condemn and which to keep around, ignore or even feed is a foolish, evil business.

    Dishonesty all around. And NO truth.

  2. But here is the problem that seems to be largely ignored by those with an agenda all their own.

    Blacks are only 13% of the US population (and that barely). Maybe 1/3 are living dysfunctional, at risk lifestyles. Black people are not reproducing at replacement levels, and abortion is highest among black women compared to any other group. But black people are supposedly taking over the country?

    This is why I say some people are being blinded by their own issues. Muslims are increasing in number and reproducing at better than replacement levels. Hispanics are already a larger percentage of the population than blacks, and reproducing at replacement levels. And are intermarrying with whites at a much higher percentage as well.

    I understand (probably better than anyone here complaining from a distance) about much of the dysfunction in the black community. But the constant assertion that blacks can even begin to 1) take over this country or 2) start a race war is just so much inanity.

  3. I won't attempt to psychoanalyze Dylann Roof, but my guess is he planned to enter the black church and start shooting immediately, only to be deflected by an usher. Then he needed an hour to get in the right frame of mind again, which is why he debated scripture before taking out his gun.
    Don't know why anyone would hate blacks instead of the powerful liberals who use blacks as control tools. Maybe he was humiliated, but more likely he wanted to raise tensions to separate the races.

  4. "But black people are supposedly taking over the country?"

    Several things:

    1: It's more accurate to say it's black run America, in that it's run for them and not whites in general, see the Stuff Black people don't like blog for more. Also there was a significant amount of Jews enabling and using blacks as their culture destroying shock troops, and that is still happening.

    2: You don't require alot of numbers to take over a country, see Jews being 2% of the population and running Washington DC like it's a Zionist outpost, read the free online book Culture of Critique by Kevin McDonald to understand.

  5. "would hate blacks instead of the powerful liberals who use blacks as control tool"

    Breivik was smarter than Roof and saw throug to the root of the problem.

    As for monsters, Cecil, more monsters are coming, and big time. Nietzche predicted the Nazis and the genocide of the 20th century.


  6. t's more accurate to say it's black run America, in that it's run for them and not whites in general, see the Stuff Black people don't like blog for more. Also there was a significant amount of Jews enabling and using blacks as their culture destroying shock troops, and that is still happening.

    Ar you kidding me? That blog is supposed to be some sort of enlightening offering? You assumed (I assume) that I am unaware of black on white crime. I am. None of that translates into what you call "black run America". The very idea is ludicrous.

    I have read that term repeatedly bandied since Obama was elected, even though he has shown absolutely no interest in any constituency other than the LGBT community and Central and South Ameorcan immigrants. Period. And by interest, I mean doing something other than the lip service required to keep them voting liberal.

    What you like to attribute to some sort of unique black dysfunction is just really a snap shot of what human nature is like with the proper incentives or lack thereof. It's why you see some of the stuff that people thought was "a black thing" seeping into the white middle class. People respond to incentives, take the path of least resistance, and act on their base natures when there is no clear and immediate penalty for doing otherwise. Blacks were just the low hanging fruit and SJW policies hastened the demise into degeneracy.

    There is no "black run America". What he have in the US is an agenda of getting as many people as possible feeling like victims, feeling helpless, feeling as if their only hope or help is the kind that the benevolent dictatorship of government can provide. You achieve that by amusing people to death while simultaneously putting a soft place to fall beneath their destructive choices.

    The mistake that was made was assuming that they can do that and not reap rotten fruit in the form of violent protest. But no one is catering to black America, because there is really, truly, no need to do that.

    Claiming that liberal white elitists who are patting themselves on the back by feigning guilt over their privileged status are pandering to blacks reveals a startling lack of understanding of both human nature and history.

  7. None of that translates into what you call "black run America". The very idea is ludicrous.

    You're fundamentally dishonest, and the rest of your post is a strawman.

  8. The blechs are merely an excuse but their damage is all too real. Broken lives and destroyed property. Look what they did to Detroit. Detroit was once the richest city in America, the Paris of the West. Those monsters the negroids turned it into a ruin that looks worse than Berlin after four years of carpetbombing. Those monsters and the Dr. Frankensteins MUST BE DESTROYED AND WILL DIE EVEN IF THE ENTIRE WORLD DIES WITH THEM.
