Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Feminism is Based on the Belief that Women are Inferior

Historically, men supported women and women had the babies. Yet it's been believed for a long time that having babies and home and husband isn't enough for women. It's a lesser thing. It's inferior to moving into a man's world.

I find this bizarre. Many women now believe that just being a woman and fulfilling what traditionally has been women's roles isn't enough anymore. It's inferior to trying to be like a man.

Doesn't this mean that feminism is based on the belief that women are inferior? The weaker vessel?

Worse, since so many of them can't compete, there has to be Affirmative Action or the standards are lowered. That's not going to work.

And since they're can't compete at all in those dangerous, dirty jobs, there isn't any Affirmative Action or working in coal mines, steel mills and logging.

Bizarrely, now the standards are being lowered for the military and firemen. Honestly, is that not based on the belief that women are inferior, so they standards have to be lowered to basement level?

And what sort of utterly deluded woman believes she can carry an unconscious 200-pound man out of a burning building? Would see rather see him die than admit she's not fit for the job?

Hell, I was unfit to be a fireman. At least I know it.


  1. "Feminism is based on the belief that women are inferior" -- and they keep proving that every day and every time they open their mouths.

    "And what sort of utterly deluded woman believes she can carry an unconscious 200-pound man out of a burning building? Would she see rather see him die than admit she's not fit for the job?"
    Just as long as it's a man who dies, you KNOW that she would! She would also likely think that she should get a medal "because I TRIIIEEED!"

    The Feminists and modern western women who are their eager "Useful Idiots" are so narcissistic and full of arrogant self-pride that they would rather have Western Civilization collapse, than EVER EVER EVER admit that they were wrong!

  2. My theory is that putting women to work is the societal equivalent of eating our seed corn. When a women stays at home she does a lot of useful things for her family and community that aren't necessarily obvious . Things that are more important though than the gruesomely boring and meaningless work that she would do in some cubicle, which only goes to furthering some corporation's bottom line. There are a lot of reasons (mostly self inflicted ) why this arrangement is no longer economically possible for most families, but I would still put it forward as the best way.

    Letting women into the military shouldn't be a problem (they need nurses, filing clerks, etc. ) except that we've gone completely insane on gender. I saw this AT&T commercial the other day called "First woman in the Majors" which I'm just going to describe as exhibit A. As far as the fire service goes, I'd expect that a lot of the women trying to get in are paramedics. I once spent a week riding along with fire service paramedics, so I heard a little about this. EMS is always the little brother of the police and fire services, so paramedics are poorly paid unless they work for a fire service. This is despite the fact that something like 80% of the service that fire departments provide are EMS (houses burn down a lot less than they used to.) Letting a woman join a fire department in a clearly defined EMS role is fine, but there is no room for sanity based discernment, distinctions or discrimination in our society, particularly when it comes to gender, so you end up with feminists demanding that their being lady firefighters running into burning buildings, etc. We're just living in a fundamentally broken culture.

  3. "And what sort of utterly deluded woman believes she can carry an unconscious 200-pound man out of a burning building? Would she see rather see him die than admit she's not fit for the job?"

    The same deluded woman who thinks she can do anything like a man but can't because of patriarchal oppression. After all her woman studies degree told her so.

  4. I wonder how the perception of weak women will change, when there will be a woman who will get through the army ranger course without lowering the standards? It will be weird to have a trained merciless killing machine of a woman who contradicts the feminist narrative.

  5. "And what sort of utterly deluded woman believes she can carry an unconscious 200-pound man out of a burning building? Would see rather see him die than admit she's not fit for the job?"

    I'm over sixty and have yet to hear ANY female ever admit she was wrong, about anything. Even about something trivial.

    What's that tell you? Women would rather see the entire planet die, including 'their' own nations, than admit they were wrong. About anything. They would rather their own sons go fatherless, be tortured, be drugged, cry themselves to sleep at night, than admit that they and their gulag are wrong, and need to change. Why do that when you can just hire more guards? Independent hard-charging female guards, at that!

    This is the collective nature of the persons who have been set in rulership over (unemasculated) males for four decades, and running. The monstrousness has only remained afloat from feeding off the spiritual, creative, economic, and intellectual achievements of the non-gulag cultures that preceded them. Now they've run through that, too. Their solution? Double-down on the propaganda, mancages, laws, disenfranchisements, and degradations. Until everything that's good is gone. After that they and their hirelings will pretend they didn't really understand, and were too confused to be held responsible. Somebody else made them place their own will-to-power and thirst for vengeance ahead of the welfare of everything and everybody.

  6. http://www.boredpanda.com/a-17-year-old-russian-powerlifter-with-a-doll-like-face/

    There a few girls who could carry a 200-pound man out of a burning building.

    However, they all live in Russia, and they all are smart enough to know that models and pro athletes are paid more than firefighters.

  7. "Things that are more important though than the gruesomely boring and meaningless work that she would do in some cubicle, which only goes to furthering some corporation's bottom line."

    What is so wrong with male business owners seeking the expand their profits?

    "There are a lot of reasons (mostly self inflicted ) why this arrangement is no longer economically possible for most families..."

    Patently false. Couples need money for their technological toys. We no longer live in the 1970's when a family could make a go of it with one income.

  8. Why did Satan tempt Eve first?

    Why wasn't Adam offered the apple first?

  9. Suicide by Female:


