Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mixing Blood and Making Babies

Many years ago, one of my friends, a Filipina, told me that in the Philippines, many if not most of the women prefer white men. The reason, she told me, is they wanted to have what she termed "exotic-looking babies." She called this "mixing blood."

The women wanted their children to be taller, heavier, stronger, better-looking, and lighter-skinned, although being smarter was not one of the prime criteria. "Exoticism" was the main reason.

She also informed me these half-breeds made up the bulk of the most popular entertainers. Nearly all of them, in fact. She also mentioned that most Asian men wouldn't marry an Asian woman darker than they were. They didn't want dark children; they wanted them to be lighter.

She also told me every time her 40ish mother saw someone on TV with blue eyes, she'd yell, "Look, blue eyes!"

I have very blue eyes, and have been on the receiving end of such comments, always from dark-skinned brunettes, Asian women, black women, and Jewish women. In fact, I have been stared at by Filipinas. I've always known the reason for this -- my blond hair and blue eyes. Because I'm light, and they're not.

The theory --actually it's a myth -- is that if everyone in the world interbred, we'd all end up with no race, and everyone the same light brown color. This isn't what would happen. What would happen is that people would arrange themselves into a hierarchy, with the lightest at the top and the darkest at the bottom, just as is done today in every country in the world.

For good or bad, light skin is preferred nearly everywhere. Even in Mexico, which most everyone thinks is nothing but metizos, the upper classes (who are white Spanish) have been breeding themselves lighter and lighter.

One of the most surprising things I ever saw was when I turned on some South American Spanish-speaking TV stations and saw myself looking at a bunch of white people, many of whom had blond hair. I thought I would be looking at a bunch of Antonio Banderas. Hardly. In most cases, I couldn't tell the difference between them and Americans.

I was also surprised to find that most of the rulers of the Arab lands looked European. It appears to be a truism that the lightest always end up ruling, no matter what race is involved.

If, somehow, everyone was the same race, but still had the same genetics of every race in them, sooner or later they'd recreate the races, since same would mate with same. We'd end up with what we have now -- the lighter at the top, the darker at the bottom, the more intelligent at the top, the less intelligent at the bottom. Just the way the world is pretty much right now.

I know a woman who is half African, half white American. She's what is called "high yellow" and essentially has white features. She married a white man with blue eyes (she's also commented on my blue eyes), who is the father of a little girl with white skin, blue eyes and straight black hair. What do you think are the chances that this girl, when she grows up, is going to marry a white man? 100%, I'd say. In two generations the family has gone from black to white. The black side, in fact, has disappeared.

When I was in college I knew a black woman who would only sleep with white men. When I asked her why, she said: white men are smarter and better-looking, treat women better, and, probably most of all, her kids would be smarter, better-looking -- and lighter.

She reminded me of something I heard Arsenio Hall say once, when he was a teenager and knew a black girl who had broken up with her white boyfriend. Her mother threw a fit, claiming she was a fool for breaking up with "that white boy," claiming "niggers ain't shit," and she'd end up with a "lazy nigger" like she did. Had I heard her say such a thing, I would have stood there speechless. The woman wanted her blackness to disappear.

The extinction of complete races is something that will never happen, no matter what fantasies liberals engage in. Human nature being what it is, not only would the races recreate themselves there would be the resentment and hate from those on the bottom toward those on the top, if they try to share the same land. That's why multiculturalism (more accurately named multi-tribalism) will never work.

The yellow-skinned woman I mentioned? She's treated better by whites that she is by blacks. I've seen black men be utterly vicious to her, to the point I thought about hitting them. I know why they acted like that, and I think she does too: envy. They can't stand the fact they know they can't have her, and she is better than they are. That high-yellow skin drives them nuts.

With the minor interbreeding that's going on (and it will always be only that), the races will not disappear, therefore there will always be conflict.That's why different races and ethnic groups should have their own land.

What will happen is that interbreeding will cause those who are non-white to be absorbed into the white race.

So, all the haters out there who'd like to see white people disappear: sorry, it ain' gonna happen. The exact opposite will happen, actually.


  1. It's kind of weird, because I have very light skin and very blue eyes and I get the same reaction. It's like catnip to Asian and Native American women.

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_color#Genetic_determination

    I can propose two hypotheses why blue-eyed people persist (other than simply due to aesthetics, that is). They don't necessarily exclude each other.

    First, some gene variants that contribute to blue eyes also lighten the skin tone. In the past, too little exposure to sun rays meant less vitamin D produced, which might in turn cause rickets. There might be many factors contributing, like living in forested areas, in a climate with lots of cloudy days and with harsh winters that obviously don't encourage sunbathing, spending more time under the roof of some kind than not (like for example wives and children of wealthier and more powerful men)... you might add your own alternatives, if you like.

    Limbal rings in the eyes of light-eyed people seem to be more distinct than in the eyes of dark-eyed people. More pronounced limbal rings are associated with youth. Women that look younger than they really are, might have some rather obvious advantage, don't you agree?

    Personally, I have rather dark, grayish-brown hair (not graying yet, mind), very light-tone skin that doesn't suntan easily and light gray/blue eyes, depending on lighting. I can't really tell whether that might influence the attitudes of other people toward me.

  3. Believe it or not I actually know what limbal rings are and have noticed it's easier to see them on light-colored eyes.

  4. Whites have a very good chance of disappearing in the USA and UK due to factors as below replacement birth rates among whites, gynocentric laws, and MGTOW.

  5. @Bob,

    Yes, even in Ireland, the White Irish look down on the Black Irish.

    You said a mouthful re: Mexico. We tend to see only those of Amerindian descent. That's because, as you pointed out, the ruling classes are of white Spanish descent. They come here too: as tourists, not as day laborers. They are watching with delight as those foolish gringos are voluntarily importing their underclass.

  6. George,

    No, whites aren't going to disappear. With no whites Africans would be culled by the hundreds of millions. And Europeans are traditionally genocidal. So much for Muslims, who will learn to swim back home or be murdered.

    Things aren't linear cause and effect. They're a feedback system.

  7. “Many years ago, one of my friends, a Filipina, told me that in the Philippines, many if not most of the women prefer white men.”

    “When I asked her why, she said: white men are smarter and better-looking, treat women better, and, probably most of all, her kids would be smarter, better-looking -- and lighter.”

    “When I was in college I knew a black woman who would only sleep with white men.”

    Let me see here. Taking anecdotal stories and broad generalizations and declaring them as fact. I will admit, you do have a knack for logical fallacies.

    “What would happen is that people would arrange themselves into a hierarchy, with the lightest at the top and the darkest at the bottom, just as is done today in every country in the world.”

    These caste systems are remnants of European colonialism, ancient relics that today serve no purpose other than talking points for race baiters. Indigenous identity was constructed by the dominant European and Mestizo majority, and physically and intellectually imposed upon indigenous people as a pejorative. Naturally, this identity became socially stigmatizing, and contrary to social expectations and ideals. Leave it white Europeans to develop paternalistic cultural policies for “appropriate” for indigenous peoples.

    “That's why different races and ethnic groups should have their own land.”

    Except America was not built on ethnic or race exclusivity.

    “What will happen is that interbreeding will cause those who are non-white to be absorbed into the white race.”

    Anyone who advocates interbreeding and race mixing is a traitor to whites, Bobby. Why do you hate your own kind?

    “not only would the races recreate themselves…”

    That’s a great magic trick. Care to reveal the secret to your bullshit?

    “With the minor interbreeding that's going on…”

    Yoda says, “Historically illiterate, are we”. Interbreeding has been a major driving force for since the 1600’s. Increasing numbers of Europeans, for example, who historically married only within their own ethnic group, married outside of it. The United States is the prime example of “mutt building”—Germans with Irish, Italians with da Joos, Spanish with English, whites with blacks, blacks with Native Americans, hispanics with blacks, etc.

    “I'd say. In two generations the family has gone from black to white. The black side, in fact, has disappeared.”

    You were asleep in biology class. The combination of genes thrown up every time a baby is born means that mixed-race child can be anywhere on the racial spectrum between his/her two parents. The genes that control the amount of melanin in a person’s skin operate under "incomplete dominance”, which means no specific trait overrules the other traits. All of the variant gene traits are completely expressed. Visually, a mixed-race child's skintone will be a visual mix of its parents. The “whiteness” is now a shade of black or brown. Try again.

    “They are watching with delight as those foolish gringos are voluntarily importing their underclass.”


  8. George, there are as many whites in the US today as there were people total in the US in 1970. The numbers are close to the same for the UK. Whites are not going anywhere. To think otherwise is nothing but hysteria.

  9. "These caste systems are remnants of European colonialism,"

    Show me one place in the world where the smart and dark are on top and the dumb and white are on the bottom.

    Hello? Hello?


  10. "Show me one place in the world where the smart and dark are on top and the dumb and white are on the bottom."


  11. Come now , MGTOW'd Out. I thought you didn't like anecdotes.

  12. Rusty ShacklefordMay 6, 2015 at 3:29 AM

    "Yes, even in Ireland, the White Irish look down on the Black Irish."

    I've never heard of anything like that. Sean Connery, Jennifer Connelly, Peirce Brosnan, the Coors sisters, Matt Dillon, etc. are what I'd think of as the black Irish type. I've never even heard the term "White Irish" at all. You mean like these guys? Gingers seem to be the butt of jokes lately, so I'd say it's the complete opposite if anything.

  13. BWAHAHAHA!!! You'll engage in every fallacy possible, won't you? You know exactly what I mean. Show me any country or culture in which the dark are on top and the light on bottom.

    You can't do it, because it doesn't exist!

  14. Rusty ShacklefordMay 6, 2015 at 5:51 AM

    " For good or bad, light skin is preferred nearly everywhere. Even in Mexico, which most everyone thinks is nothing but metizos, the upper classes (who are white Spanish) have been breeding themselves lighter and lighter. "

    That's fine, but I personally take no particular pride or consolation in knowing that there will always be an elite group of white crooks lording it over dusky brown people somewhere. Speaking as a normal white person, it'd seem far better to have just an entire country of white people, like we more or less had here until even just a couple decades ago. The fact that white elites are psychopaths happy to undercut their own by importing slaves in past centuries or handing out citizenship to anyone who crosses the border, all to put a few pennies more in their pockets, hardly seems to me anything to be proud of. It goes deeper than that even, I think. If it were only a matter of labor, why not give work visas to better educated immigrants from Poland, The Ukraine, etc. I think they actually prefer poor peasants. They want the light/dark, master/slave paradigm.

  15. "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2337394/Neha-Ramu-13-Surbiton-IQ-162--smarter-Stephen-Hawking.html"

    He said a place where the elite are dark, not an abnormal outlier.

    "Except America was not built on ethnic or race exclusivity."

    I suppose the "rights of Englishmen" in the US constitution is something you missed?

    "The United States is the prime example of “mutt building”—Germans with Irish"

    Only a problem when it's Euro and non European, given that European haplogroups are quite close, the "Mutt" is a false label on Europeans.

  16. “Come now , MGTOW'd Out. I thought you didn't like anecdotes.”

    Never made that claim. I merely stated that when a person ALWAYS gives anecdotes and offers them as “truth” or “fact”, he/she is engaging in a logical fallacy.

    “You can't do it, because it doesn't exist!”

    You got busted out, Bobby.

    “I've never heard of anything like that.”


    “Speaking as a normal white person, it'd seem far better to have just an entire country of white people, like we more or less had here until even just a couple decades ago.”

    We’ve always been a “dark” nation, Rusty. Ever since our inception as a country.

    “He said a place where the elite are dark, not an abnormal outlier.”

    You can’t read, Obvious Shithead. Here is the direct quote—”Show me one place in the world where the smart and dark are on top and the dumb and white are on the bottom.”

    “I suppose the "rights of Englishmen" in the US constitution is something you missed?”

    Dumbass, it states “We The People Of The United States”, which encompasses citizens, who were white or black or mixed. You are thinking of the Magna Carta.

    “Only a problem when it's Euro and non European, given that European haplogroups are quite close, the "Mutt" is a false label on Europeans.”

    Fuckface, the mixing of “pure” English and “pure” French results in a “mutt”, just as much as a darkie and a European.

  17. “The fact that white elites are psychopaths happy to undercut their own by importing slaves in past centuries…”

    Are you dissin’ southrons? Them’s fightin’ words [spits chaw onto ground]. You do realize you are characterizing millions of WHITE people, who either owned, captured, transported, or purchased slaves, as being “mentally ill”, correct? Race traitor. How dare you make white people, especially white males, look like devils!

    “or handing out citizenship to anyone who crosses the border, all to put a few pennies more in their pockets, hardly seems to me anything to be proud of.”

Sir, it’s capitalism. Making profits are a person’s best friend. What’s so wrong with some coin in one’s pocket? Does not a business owner know what is best for their company?

  18. "You can’t read, Obvious Shithead. Here is the direct quote—”Show me one place in the world where the smart and dark are on top and the dumb and white are on the bottom.”"

    An ethnic alien who gets a MENSA score goes to a European country to study neurology?

    Cheechy boy, you are an autistic anklebiter.

    "Dumbass, it states “We The People Of The United States” which encompasses citizens, who were white or black or mixed."

    And that was written by white Europeans, who did not by extension include non-whites.

    "Fuckface, the mixing of “pure” English and “pure” French results in a “mutt”, just as much as a darkie and a European."

    You're saying those West Euro/East Euro folk I meet are somehow mongrels?

    Even for you that's a joke.

  19. "An ethnic alien who gets a MENSA score goes to a European country to study neurology?"

    Thanks for white knighting. It's very becoming of you.

    "And that was written by white Europeans, who did not by extension include non-whites."

    Product of an ancient time, which was corrected.

    "Fuckface, the mixing of “pure” English and “pure” French results in a “mutt”, just as much as a darkie and a European."

    "You're saying those West Euro/East Euro folk I meet are somehow mongrels?"

    Europeans historically married within their ethnic group. Why? For the sake of "purity". So, yes, Americans are mongrels. Europeans that have "different stock" are mongrels.

  20. "Product of an ancient time, which was corrected."

    It wasn't corrected. It was perverted.

  21. I'm sure your dad is real proud of you Cheechy boy, somehow you combine mental illess and passive aggression at the same while not dimishing the impact of either.

  22. Yuk it up all you want, The Obvious, all you provide is comic relief. Maybe some day you will actually have something of substance to say.
