Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"Hypergamy," Har Har

I used to have a girlfriend whose younger sister is very good-looking. She also worked for Microsoft. My ex told me that Bill Gates at one time was clearly interested in her sister but she wanted nothing to do with him even though he was at that time one of the richest men in the world.

Butbutbut - "hypergamy!"

Same thing with a women whose boyfriend inherited $500,000. She still didn't want to get involved with him, even though at one time she had been.

Butbutbut - "hypergamy!"

You know - women are loveless whores only interested in "cash and prizes" and when they've got it they'll "trade up." And they'll have sex with "alphas" to get "superior alpha genes" but marry "betas," even though they despise them. You know, for "provisioning."

Who came up with this adolescent crap? Mixing together a science fiction movie, the Greek alphabet, bits and pieces of the worst of evo-psych - and made-up words?

In reality relationships are associative mating. Women do prefer a man who is taller than them and makes more money, but that's all I have ever seen. Every study ever done has confirmed it.

You may say these are anecdotal, but so what? "Hypergamy," which is supposed to be supported by evo-psych...oh, I forgot, evo-psych isn't a science in the slightest. It's all anecdotal itself.

People tend to be attracted to those who look like them. I've had half-a-dozen women just look at me and admitted they were immediately attracted to me. They looked like me. They could have been sisters. They also said I looked like their father when younger.

There is an old observation that women marry men like their fathers and men marry women like their mothers. That is, if they had good relationships with them. I've seen that, too. Anecdotal? Again, so what?

Most people don't even know how science works, anyway. Hypothesis, theory, Type I and Type II errors? Nope.

I've run across several know-it-alls in my life. They've all been very annoying because they have an answer for everything. Even if they were clearly wrong.


  1. "Who came up with this adolescent crap?":

    Rollo Tomassi (therationalmale.com)

    Also, there is the Pareto rule that is bandied about in the manosphere: 80% of women only date 20% of the men.

    I think hypergamy is just women being greedy, lazy and selfish.

  2. "I've run across several know-it-alls in my life. They've all been very annoying because they have an answer for everything. Even if they were clearly wrong."

    LOL. I was thinking the same thing about the sock puppet hydra Cheech and Chong Found God/Anonymous/MGTOW'd Out, stalker troll or whatever identity she/he/it desires to publish as.

  3. The last one is a hell of a know-it-all.

  4. I wish that I knew it all. The things I could do!

    It depends upon how much of a cold-hearted, selfish loveless golddigger the girl happens to be. While there would be some who are that damaged, I now look at my own posts where I state: "frivorce with cash and prizes" and wince.

    Frivorce yes, but conflating that with a "for her own $$$ gain only?" Bad thinking on my part, in retrospect.

  5. Fools think they are blind animals but they don't realize they are TRAINED ANIMALS. I refuse to be labeled by a letter. My behavior is not from inherent biology or sociology but upbringing, observing, reasoning, and deduction. In other words, learned.

    The CHILDREN in college today, where all this crap is aimed at, can't even change a fucking flat tire. They never learned how. Their helicopter parent(s) were too scared to allow them to get dirty. But that's why they use excuses and allow themselves to be labeled after a Greek letter. I just call them dumb.

  6. I am on the fence.

    In our day marriage meant something. Today it doesn't and women definitely are trading up in many cases.

    If you want to get tetchy Bob, hypergamy is one of a couple viable theories to explain common female behaviour under marriage 2.0. Women DO marry for power or money just as men do ... In fact, historically that has been the way of it throughout most of history.

  7. Women are, overwhelmingly, incapable of being attracted to a man they don't look up to. They have to think he's a bigger deal than them. Emotionally and psychologically stronger, more successful, stuff like that. More admired by others, maybe. Whatever: If she doesn't feel like the junior partner, she can't get turned on.

    That's hypergamy. Not that they're attracted to EVERY man who's a bigger deal than them, but that being outclassed by a man is ONE indispensable requirement for attraction. Cudgel the bag of rotting dogshit between your droopy little ears, Bob, and contemplate the concept of "necessary, but not sufficient".

    Over your head. Logic is hard for some people. It's impossible for weak people with a head full of resentments.

    But this thing about female attraction, it's a fact, Bob, you dumb shit. You know it's a fact, you dumb shit. You know Roissy and Roosh and those guys define it the way I just did, you dumb shit. You know your bitchy, resentful little strawman misinterpretation has nothing to do with anything they write.

    Look at the sexless losers who come here for validation, Bob. They come here to hear you tell them it's not their fault they can't get laid. They want to hear that their fucked up, needy, pathetic, whiny loser behavior isn't their problem.

    What the hell kind of "man" goes out looking for excuses not to try to fix what he's doing wrong?

    Your pathetic fans.

  8. Touched a nerve, didn't I? The things insecurity does to the young and naive...who think they know it all and can read the minds of those who post at this site.

  9. "Look at the sexless losers who come here for validation, Bob. They come here to hear you tell them it's not their fault they can't get laid. They want to hear that their fucked up, needy, pathetic, whiny loser behavior isn't their problem."

    Though I respect him - I need no validation from Bob. What's more - I need ZERO - and I mean ZERO validation from women and the supposed alpha males. I'm not a dancing monkey for the patriarchy, the gynocracy, progressives or conservatives. Alpha males, to me, are man's worst enemy.

    As far as being a loser and not getting laid - I now turn down offers to get laid. A woman's vagina is not that big a deal. It's a cavity in someone's body - one that comes with potential male life destruction through child support (alimony light), palimony, alimony, false rape, false harassment, false DV charges and STDs. Breasts are just lumps of fat and tissue designed to feed babies. Men need to get over their obsession with breasts, vaginas and female validation entirely. Once they do, life gets a whole lot easier and enjoyable.

    Hypergamy is real - but not for the reasons everyone thinks. Women were socially conditioned to be hypergamous. Watch Disney movies and movies like "An Officer and a Gentleman".

    My mother dumped my father to be with my step father because he was far wealthier - BUT - my step father went after my mother because she was fifteen years younger than his current wife. There are two sides to the story - and hypergamy has an equivalent in males (the desire for younger women). Now that some women have lots of money - they're going after younger men who are desperate and poor. See how it all works now?

  10. Stefan Molyneux promulgates more manosphere idiocy on youtube:

    "What is Masculinity":


    The truth about Stefan Moyneux:


  11. "A woman's vagina is not that big a deal."

    When I was about 13 I had some goofy beatnik/hippie who was about 60 tell, "Once you jazzed one snatch you've jazzed them all." By the time I was 19 I found that to be true. The only thing that makes it special is love, which is something I see precious little of in the Manosphere.

  12. 'The last one is a hell of a know-it-all.'

    His ego is quite huge...which is why when you challenge his view of the world (which is quite skewed from his self-admitted cad past) he turns into an adolescent.

  13. 'The only thing that makes it special is love, which is something I see precious little of in the Manosphere.'

    Which if you know about how love works...it doesn't come from our genitals.

  14. "...My ex told me that Bill Gates at one time was clearly interested in her sister but she wanted nothing to do with him..."
    "...She still didn't want to get involved with him, even though at one time she had been."

    If you're depending on a woman to be honest when it doesn't reflect favorably on her, "you're building your castle on sand".
    I've seen in person how manipulative, dishonest, and "free with the truth" that women can be. It's not for nothing that women can lie with the face of an angel, swear falsely on a stack of Bibles, and 'wrap themselves in a cloak of Righteousness' as they further lie about their lying. Just look at how women can make false accusations of any kind, lie under oath in court, "cry on demand on the stand and laugh about it in the hallway", and never/very seldom face any kind of prosecution for perjury.
    If a woman makes any claim, GET WITNESSES or "the other side of the story".
    Why? Because women are at heart, LIARS -- especially when it suits them.
    How do I know? I've seen it in person, and they have spent the last forty to fifty years proving it.

  15. 'If you're depending on a woman to be honest when it doesn't reflect favorably on her, "you're building your castle on sand".'

    Well she was talking about her sister in this instance so how does that reflect badly on her?


  16. "The fundamental defect of the female character is a lack of a sense of justice. This originates first and foremost in their want of rationality and capacity for reflexion but it is strengthened by the fact that, as the weaker sex, they are driven to rely not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive subtlety and their ineradicable tendency to tell lies:"


  17. I see the whole manosphere as being severely flawed. What does it say about the people serving and drinking this Kool Aid? Immature, fatherless, self centered, pleasure seekers who are learning tricks manipulate people to use them? There seems to be little integrity. On a slight aside, in the original Planet of the Apes, in explaining his reasons for leaving earth, Charleton Heston astutely observed "There was a whole lot of love making, but no love."

  18. The Red Pill types are just exchanging one Matrix for another. For that matter, we're all in a Matrix and I'm not sure we can get out.

  19. The Manosphere isn't flawed at all. Sure - it's pure, unadulterated poison... But so is chemotherapy. It has to be taken in moderation with salt... And under tha advice of knowledgeable physicians like Bob and Jim and Captain Capitalism.

    The world has gone off its fuggin gourd and most of our weaker men and women with it. Right now the best advice for young men is right here...

  20. “I now turn down offers to get laid. A woman's vagina is not that big a deal. It's a cavity in someone's body - one that comes with potential male life destruction through child support (alimony light), palimony, alimony, false rape, false harassment, false DV charges and STDs. Breasts are just lumps of fat and tissue designed to feed babies. Men need to get over their obsession with breasts, vaginas and female validation entirely. Once they do, life gets a whole lot easier and enjoyable.”

    You’ve sworn off women entirely. Good for you. That’s your obsession. Other men, however, do NOT need to take your advice to be validated.

    “My mother dumped my father to be with my step father because he was far wealthier - BUT - my step father went after my mother because she was fifteen years younger than his current wife.”

    Exactly the psychological profile of MGTOW’s. A jaded childhood experience.

    “If you're depending on a woman to be honest when it doesn't reflect favorably on her, "you're building your castle on sand”.”

    Corrected for accuracy—If you’re depending on people to be honest when it doesn’t reflect favorably on them, “you’re building your castle on sand”.

    “I've seen in person how manipulative, dishonest, and "free with the truth" that women can be.”

    Since we speaking anecdotally, I’ve witnessed several women to be kind and truthful.

  21. "What the hell kind of "man" goes out looking for excuses not to try to fix what he's doing wrong? Your pathetic fans."

    Ah yes, the same rationalization hamstering I have come to expect from male sluts or ass jockeys who claim to be swimming in pussy, but like junior high wannabes are lying through their teeth. When called out on their bullshit, they cry like petulant little bitches. What kind of "man" would crawl up under of Roissy, Roosh, "Rational Male" and ride their nuts?

    I see I already have the answer to that question though, considering this was posted under Anonymous.

    One final thought on this comment. I love how these guys somehow gained superpowers like knowing everyone's life (whether sexual or otherwise personal) to go along with that super "game" that they possess. It's also interesting to hear them talk about "taking the pussy off the pedestal" when that's the only thing that gives them validation in life (the pussy in itself). That's just taking "the pussy" off one pedestal and placing it on another. But I know that "Anonymous" won't have the balls to reply to this because it's true. And the truth kills everybody, especially the young punks filled with arrogance, pride, and hubris

  22. REPLY - PART 1

    There is no simple way to fix marriage. Marriage has been on the decline for decades and will eventually go extinct for all but the wealthy. Recent research (Breaking Up Is Hard to Count: The Rise of Divorce in the United States, 1980) shows that the divorce rate, rather then getting better has been getting worse. In 2012, not including California, there were 2.4 million divorces. California, with 40 million residents, stopped reporting their divorce rate more than two decades ago. Why? They had a 75% divorce rate for four straight reporting periods. Four other states stopped reporting their divorce rates as well. What does this mean? It means that the 50% divorce rate is at best a conservative estimate. Those with a vested interest in promoting marriage will tell you that only 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce.

    I've been single, married and divorced and can say with all sincerity that getting married was the most horrific decision of my life. I gave another human being legal, emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual and financial power over my life - and she used that power to destroy me. I thank God every day that I didn't have kids with her and that our marriage was short. Never again will I give someone that kind of power in my life. Those pushing marriage should realize that tens upon tens of millions of men, over the past 40+ years, have been destroyed through marriage and divorce - which is the real reason why men are opting out. The three books every male should read in high school are (1) The Manipulated Man, (2) The Myth of Male Power and (3) Stand by Your Manhood. This of course will never happen. Why? Schools are now controlled by feminists (hypergynocentrists).

    Men opting out of marriage has long been a dreaded act in all societies. Every effort is being made to shift the cost of single mothers to men (single/unmarried men paying for abortion, birth control, maternity costs, paid maternity leave, all forms of welfare). Men pay the vast majority of taxes but the vast majority of discretionary spending at the state and federal level for related programs go to women's health, education and welfare. Women have Affirmative Action, Affirmative Consent, alimony, child support, Title IX, the VAWA and they live longer. Do women pay for men's higher auto insurance premiums?

    Be wary of those with the "I've been married for 20+ years and it's wonderful" stories. Many of them will one day be on a divorce support site writing things like, "I can't believe this is happening to me. It came out of the blue. She was my soul mate. I never thought this could happen to me!" Grey divorce is now and has been the fastest growing sector of divorce for many years.

  23. REPLY - PART 2

    Most of the advice you'll get to save marriage is all focused on keeping the wife happy. It's the "happy wife - happy life" response. This advice has been given for decades - to no avail. Again - many a man giving that advice will one day find himself divorced, broke and suicidal. Divorce is filed most often by women because (1) even now, men are the majority of breadwinners, (2) no-fault divorce means the wife can cash out at will and (3) the courts are biased in favor of women (gynocentric).

    No matter how many times you tell people the real reason marriage is dying, they'll deny it. Everything is always the man's fault - so the fix will always be presented with a gynocentric taint or be blatantly gynocentric. If the wife divorces, the man didn't make her happy. If the man divorces, he's a cheating, loathsome misogynist. You'll be told that men live longer when married (horribly skewed lie), that most people want to get married but can't financially (even though it's cheaper to share expenses) and because cohabitation is the easy way out. In the UK, they're working on the 'Cohabitation Rights Bill', which will force legal marriage after X number of months of cohabitation. It's being billed as a way to make breakups after long terms relationships more fair to women - by giving them the same rights to alimony and asset division that married women enjoy. Several countries already have this law and the marriage rates there have declined even further. Soon, it will not only be unwise to marry, but also unwise to cohabit.

    Marriage is dying because it is the most corrupt, gynocentric institution in existence.

    How did women think they could walk away from their traditional roles and think that men wouldn't do the same? The female mind is defective or it's purposeful ignorance.

  24. REPLY - PART 3

    The media (movies, books, TV, music) have long been used to shape (brainwash) social behavior and attitudes, often with significant damage done to the target audience for the benefit of a particular class or group. Promoting marriage is asking men to sign the most anti-male contract on earth. Yet - all of media (movies, books, music, TV) push men into destroying their own lives through marriage.

    Why is it that so many fear men standing up for themselves and saying, "I'm not going to marry you. I'm not going to cohabit with you. I'm not going to sign a contract that gives you the power to destroy my life. I can stay single, regardless of whether or not I get sex and not go through the anti-male, life destroying process of marriage and divorce. There is nothing good in marriage for men - so I refuse to get married."

    It's such an obviously righteous male sentiment - but will nevertheless be attacked by those with destructive, wholly naive, patently gynocentric, delusional illusions and enchantments regarding male disposability. The same anti-male thinking goes into male-only selective service. Cultural misandry is so deeply embedded that the majority of women are fine with male-only selective service. Male disposablity is a culturally accepted norm among women.

  25. "The three books every male should read in high school are (1) The Manipulated Man, (2) The Myth of Male Power and (3) Stand by Your Manhood."

    Also add:

    The Predatory Female by Lawrence Shannon.

    The Anatomy of Female Power by Chinweizu.

    Men on Strike by Helen Smith.

  26. "Promoting marriage is asking men to sign the most anti-male contract on earth."

    Marriage with the threat of divorce is essentially a slave contract for a man. A man can be jailed for failure to pay child support, no matter what the reason.


  27. The book: "The Fraud of Feminism" by Ernest Bax is also good:


  28. “There is no simple way to fix marriage. Marriage has been on the decline for decades and will eventually go extinct for all but the wealthy.”

    People will still get married. It’s not going to become “extinct”. Less common, perhaps.

    “I've been single, married and divorced and can say with all sincerity that getting married was the most horrific decision of my life.”

    Yes, for YOUR life.

    “I gave another human being legal, emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual and financial power over my life - and she used that power to destroy me.”

    Perhaps you married the wrong woman. Perhaps you made decisions in the marriage that enabled it to go sour.

    “Never again will I give someone that kind of power in my life.”

    Ok, great. Move on.

    “Those pushing marriage should realize that tens upon tens of millions of men, over the past 40+ years, have been destroyed through marriage and divorce - which is the real reason why men are opting out.”

    SOME men are opting out.

    “Every effort is being made to shift the cost of single mothers to men (single/unmarried men paying for abortion, birth control, maternity costs, paid maternity leave, all forms of welfare).”

    Single men and women/married men and women pay for these things.

    “Men pay the vast majority of taxes but the vast majority of discretionary spending at the state and federal level for related programs go to women's health, education and welfare. Women have Affirmative Action, Affirmative Consent, alimony, child support, Title IX, the VAWA and they live longer.”

    Men and women pay for these things.

    “Be wary of those with the "I've been married for 20+ years and it's wonderful" stories.”

    Actually, celebrate those stories.

    “Why is it that so many fear men standing up for themselves and saying, "I'm not going to marry you. I'm not going to cohabit with you. I'm not going to sign a contract that gives you the power to destroy my life. I can stay single, regardless of whether or not I get sex and not go through the anti-male, life destroying process of marriage and divorce. There is nothing good in marriage for men - so I refuse to get married.””

    The smell of your projection here is something fierce.

    “Male disposablity is a culturally accepted norm among women.”

    Corrected for accuracy—> Disposibility is a culturally accepted norm among some men and women.
