Monday, May 25, 2015

Genesis 3:16

There is a lot of good, solid, practical wisdom in the Bible. Let's take the correct translation of Genesis 3:16:

"Then he said to the woman, 'I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.'

"CONTROL your husband."

That's in the first book of the Bible. How many people know the correct translation? How many ministers have preached sermons on it? None, perhaps?

Women cannot run societies. That's why there has never been a matriarchy. The closest these days is black culture, and it is a complete and utter catastrophe. It couldn't get more dysfunctional.

There is a good reason women have been traditionally been denied the vote. As an example, they're the ones who put Hitler into office (and yes, he was democratically elected).

Ultimately women don't want freedom. When they're allowed to do as they please, they want license and therefore degrade themselves and the culture.

Just look around.

And damn if men didn't let them do it.


  1. It looks like many translations have been revised to make this verse to be nicer to women:

    Using the words "control" and "desire" for her husband have very different meanings.

    I think these bible revisions can drastically change the meaning and interpretation of what the original writers intended to mean.

  2. 'Using the words "control" and "desire" for her husband have very different meanings.'

    I think when it comes to this all three parties should be looked at. God, the husband, and the wife.

    If you take it in the context of the passage about how God established authority in marriage...He gave it to the husband. But He also acknowledged the inner wantings of the woman:


    'a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.'

    So it is the wife's desire or wanting to have this authority and then God tells it like it is...the husband rules over her.

  3. 'And damn if men didn't let them do it.'

    Much like Adam didn't step in with his God given authority when Eve was tempted by the serpent.

  4. "Much like Adam didn't step in with his God given authority when Eve was tempted by the serpent."

    Was Adam present when Eve was tempted by the serpent, or was she alone?

  5. The Bible doesn't say, which is curious.

  6. "Then he said to the woman, 'I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.'"

    Right, that's a good translation. Also right that it's in the first chapter of the Holy Book for a reason.

    The Lord could have wiped out Eve's rebellion, immediately, and even the desire of Eve ever to rebel again. But he didn't, doesn't force us to love him.

    Instead, he increased the propensity in females to rebel against males (and thus against him) -- made it a sterner test for females to obey, and thus to get near him.

    Such females do exist, however, for example biblical Sarah, whose obedience pleased God so much he enhanced her name.

  7. Whether you are a Christian, religious or not, the bible has a lot of teachings of human behavior and good guidance.

  8. Women may get their comeuppance for their rebelliousness:


  9. Even with what feminism has brought women, they're still unhappy.

    "One in four women is on antidepressants, and women are using -- or at least prescribed -- these medications at higher rates than men. Any idea why that's happening?"
