Monday, April 27, 2015

Why The Manosphere is Full of Liars

What he is says is true. A skank can be a slut. A fat ugly neckbeard cannot.

In high school I met several guys who claimed, I fucked this girl, I fucked that girl. They were lying, just the way I encounter men on the internet bragging about their "plates." They, too, are lying. Same with Roosh and Roissy and Krauser. Liars, all them, doing what they do for money and attention.

I have met fat, ugly women who were sluts. In high school I once encountered a line of high school boys outside a trailer. I immediately knew what was going on. When I asked who the girl was (turned out there were two of them) I recognized the names. Both were fat and ugly.

By the way, the few PUAs I've known have always targeted unattractive women.

If there weren't any overweight unattractive women the number of sluts available would just about collapse.


  1. I'm in a city (Moscow) with hardly any fat girls of a young age. There are plenty of sluts and I have 3 "plates". None of which are unattractive in any way.

    Just dismissing everything isn't an opinion.

  2. It's also okay to be a whore in Russia. They're poor, and poor women become whores.

    Using women like this makes you a bad person. That's not an option.

  3. What a fine post, Bob.

    And entirely correct too...Ask yourself - would you Pump N Dump a smoking hot chick with a personality and affection for you? Apparently the faggy looking "game experts" do it all the time! Pull my other finger, boys, it has bells on it! I got a gal like that and I took her off the dating market ASAP and never regretted it. If you run across one I heartily recommend you do the same.

    PUA and slut behaviour is only acceptable under a very, very narrow set of circumstances - like after a particularly painful divorce for example. Even then, it is self destructive behaviour and should be discouraged.

    Promiscuity is correctly seen as a sin or depravity - I don't know what the actual stats are, but if you took all the young men that got killed for fucking somebody they shouldn' would form an awful long line. It isn't good for men OR women and we have the failing society to show for it.

  4. So as soon as your point vanishes, you make it a moral argument. Right after you comment on the setting in Russia that you have no direct experience with. Keep on trucking

    1. Answer this: how exactly am I using women? What knowledge have you of the situation? Instead of dumping on the manosphere, you imitate it to a T by being a blowhard pretending to know about things you don't know.

  5. Tell you want - you'd change your attitude if your daughters or wife were "plates." I know all about Russia - it's okay for women to be whores. And the men die young from alcoholism. Hell of a culture they have over there. Lie to yourself all you want. You're still a fool.

  6. 'They're poor, and poor women become whores.'

    Couldn't have been said any better.

    There they are monetarily our women are spiritually bankrupt. Either way it leads to whoredom.

  7. 'In high school I met several guys who claimed, I fucked this girl, I fucked that girl. They were lying, just the way I encounter men on the internet bragging about their "plates."

    They are either outright lying or the 'virgin HB9' was actually a train wreck prostitute.

  8. Tell you want - you'd change your attitude if your daughters or wife were "plates."

    You can say that again. The below link is proof positive that PUAs are pure cowards...coming and going like a thief in the night, taking shit that don't belong to them. They are hardcore narcissists and sociopaths constantly on the make for their next fill of narcissistic supply and validation with hyperventilating rationalization hamsters that the most arrogant and prideful woman would envy.

    And Glen, you're also correct that "but if you took all the young men that got killed for fucking somebody they shouldn' would form an awful long line." I had a friend who used to like banging married broads, until one of their husbands came after him with a blade and his crew of buddies. This dude did it right too...there was no windbaggery or Heartiste type of threats. He caught my friend on the greasy side, where he didn't see it coming. I don't know if he learned his lesson, as I no longer talk to him. He came to me looking for help, and when he told what caused his severe beatdown, too bad for you. He got what he deserved. He was just lucky he was beaten and stabbed within an inch of his life and not completely murdered. Never fuck another man's woman. Ever. The married man didn't do anything to the guy banging married women, there is no excuse that can ever justify that kind of bitchy cowardice.

  9. The equivalent of a PUA is the sneaky male. They are cowards. All they have is either getting it by mischevious means or outright lying about it.

  10. Some of these high profile PUAs...

    Do not go into someone else's neighborhood and fvck with them. Especially their women.

    It's only a matter of time before one of the these guys is fvcked with in turn.

  11. If you obtain advice from manospherists on how to deal with shit tests from women when pursuing a long-term relationship, ok, there is truth to what they say. If you seek only to put their twat on your mantle and dip (leave), while at the same time lamenting how the chick ought not to be easy, that she should be “virginal”, then you are a fucking dog.

    See, that’s why Roissy and the boyzzz at Return Of Kings lack any credibility. They despise women who are on the cock carousel, yet offer ways to “pump and dump” those same women, or those women who are holding out for the right guy, who are seemingly swept off their feet by the “alpha male”, who says sweet nothings, then has their pussy plowed by the guy who never calls back, yet has the audacity to call them a slut. These women, who ended up fucking the guy, now is left to believe the only way to get a decent dude is to fuck all guys. Then those guys say “See, it’s her fault she is a slut. Well, since she is a slut, I will try to fuck her, too”. It’s called being a hypocrite.

  12. Most of the 'sphere is geared towards guys in their 20s and 30s. Being in my late fifties I couldn't vouch for the veracity of the PUA skills. But the 'sphere - especially sites like this - helped me realize how things really work and that I've been lied to my entire life. Saved my sanity and very possibly my life. So I'm gonna take the bad with the good. I don't know how many women Roosh has actually scored with and I really don't care, but many of his ideas ring true.

  13. “But the 'sphere - especially sites like this - helped me realize how things really work and that I've been lied to my entire life.”

    How things MAY work to you.

    “I don't know how many women Roosh has actually scored with and I really don't care, but many of his ideas ring true.”

    Like bitterly complaining that he cannot score with a women because she refuses to give it up? Then, when he does get into her pants, he shames her by calling her a slut? Yeah, that idea really rings true. It’s called hypocrisy, as I stated.

  14. @MGTOW'd,

    I don't pay much attention to Roosh's PUA articles and rarely read them. I was referring to his occasional social commentary.

  15. Occasional being the operative word. Roosh and company are pariahs.

  16. A pariah to who? To the SJWs certainly.

  17. "A pariah to who? To the SJWs certainly."

    And to anyone religious, especially Christian libertarians.

  18. I assume you mean traditional conservative Christians? They are on the same page as the feminists.

    In any case, I make up my own mind. Not who other people say are on the "approved" list.
