Sunday, April 26, 2015

"The Beta Bux Myth Debunked by Science"

In my life I have never met an Alpha (all men are a combination of that Greek alphabet soup). I have never seen Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks (getting off the "carousel" and marrying some spineless wimp who they don't love? - get real). I have never seen women chase "Alphas" (all the relationships I have seen have been associative mating). I have seen fat, unattractive, stupid women think they should get guys way out of their league. All the PUAs I have known have been cowardly douchebags. All the Bad Boys I have known have been drunks, drug addicts and criminals; most have been in and out of prison, and are now murdered or in prison. I have never seen any of them be popular with women. Most the "sluts" I have have known have never seen married and if they were are divorced. Some, though have had successful marriages, but I have found that the biggest sluts I've known are still sluts. I have never seen 20% of the men get 80% of the women. A number of men who get divorced hate women and many women who get divorced hate men. (By the way, I have been around a lot and simple-minded criticisms that "things have changed" or "you need to get out more" are just that - simple-minded.)

Many of the concepts in the Manosphere are nonsense. They're just easy to understand, like feminism or Marxism. And like feminism and Marxism, their explanatory power is poor.

This article was written by Susan Walsh and is from Hooking Up Smart.

I’m feeling feisty today and reader Kevin sent me a link to an interesting article, so…

Let’s bust a myth!

Are you familiar with the phrase “Alpha Fux, Beta Bux?” It refers to the widespread (heh) practice of women having sex with noncommittal alphas until they go over that pesky SMV cliff at 30. Then they scramble like mad to find some poor provider sap to serve as their workhorse and emotional punching bag. Oh, and they never have sex again once they snag him.

Well…it turns out there is some merit to the idea of settling, but you may be surprised by the booby prize.

Anyone who has watched a lonely friend shack up with a useless buffoon can relate to this new finding: People really do settle for less in a relationship when they fear being single.

A study of 3,000 Canadian adults of all ages showed that:

Participants with stronger fears about being single were more likely to stay in relationships they were unhappy with – and more likely to date people who weren’t good for them, the researchers concluded in a paper published in the "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology."

How did people settle?

1. “They settled in the area of personality, choosing someone who might come off as more of a jerk or uncaring as a partner.”

2. “People who were more afraid of being single were more willing to date someone unattractive.”

Was it primarily women who settled?

“It was roughly the same for both men and women – they both expressed similar levels of fear of being single and we saw that affecting their relationship positions in similar ways.” Did people settle more as they got older?

“Interestingly, [no].”

And another myth bites the dust…I’ve always said that the alpha chasers don’t “change lanes” to marry decent guys. The carousel is the ride that never ends, it just goes round and round forever.

Oh, before I forget:

Someone else has finally written an intelligent response to that stupid SMV graph. In a post titled "People Doing Statistics Badly," the blogger at "Midnight in the Garden of Epsilon and Delta" explains why the manosphere depiction of female vs. male SMV is completely bogus, and how the red pill objections to my analysis were groundless. He did point out something I had missed:

Should a person’s peak sexual value drop because they live longer? Men and women do, on average, have different life expectancies in the USA and as a result if we assert the area under both curves should be equal, then we are penalizing the longer-lived sex with slightly lower sexual value for the rest of their younger years in order to have some left over for those extra couple years of life.

So there you go, ladies. You’re a little hotter than you thought.


  1. I've been skeptical of the idea of massive amounts of women on the "cock carousel". But it's talked about constantly in the manosphere, on reddit,, etc. I believe this is delusional thinking by guys with very limited experience with women, and trying to generalize and extrapolate broadly human behavior from a limited subset of women. Promiscuity in women is highly deviant behavior I think. Humans are complex social creatures.

    Rollo Tomassi harps constantly about the delusional cock carousel, alpha fucks/beta bucks, the 80% of women getting only with 20% of men, etc, and women only liking "alpha" guys.

  2. The Rational (Sic) Male. I've had to warn guys not to take him seriously, because he has swallowed every ridiculous concept in the Manosphere fish, hook, line, sinker, rod, reel and boat.

  3. Regarding "alpha" guys, I've had in several instances in which the an attractive girl is talking about a guy she likes or her boyfriend and her relationship troubles with him. I'm expecting to see a handsome good-looking guy like Fabio or James Bond, but I'm always amazed at the disappointment once I see them: The guy sometimes turns out to be shorter than me (I'm under 6 ft), very ordinary, not special or handsome looking, bad education and/or job prospects, or ridiculous personality.
    I'm thinking "where's the "alpha" in this guy?" What does he have that I don't? Incredible. I've seen this so often that any guy with experience with interacting with women would see the delusion in the "alpha guy" concept.

    Maybe these women were just responding to his aggressiveness or extroverted personality? Or the perception (or misperception) that other women desired him (social proof)? Women do tend to be attracted to men that other women want, no matter his looks or status - social proof is real with women from my own experience.

  4. All myths are predicated on elements of truth, Bob. You and Susan need to properly understand the myths before you can make a serious effort at debunking them. You may not need to 'get out more' but you definitely need to understand what a lot of these players are saying. What you are hearing may not be exactly what they are saying. I often need to read the neoreactionaries several times to understand their points and/or logic.

    Sexual Market Value theory is valid, IMHO. The game changes markedly as age increases, and the established stereotypes arose for a reason. And while there is plenty of foolishness in the monosphere, I think when we talk about stuff like 'SMV cliffs' most are smart enough to understand we are talking figuratively and not literally.
    As far as 'studies' go, we all know that you can cook a study to say anything you want and it is only as good as the people paying for it and conducting it.

    From my lofty perch in the Peanut Gallery (happily married) - I see kernels of truth and merit in MGTOW, Game and even PUA theory.
    The biggest mistake a man can make is generalizing with regard to women. They are as individual and diverse as men and exception that prove the rule abound.

  5. Apparently none of you ever went to High School. If you had you'd see it every day. The Jocks were usually dumb as a post and they had pussy galore, while the smart guys were masturbating to Dad's Playboys over the weekend.
    You may not like the manosphere, but to say it doesn't exist is to just close your eyes to reality.

  6. You just proved my point, Joshua.

  7. Susan Walsh as some authority regarding anything? On what grounds?

  8. But that's high school, Josh. Fast forward 10 years and those jocks will be truck and fork lift drivers, with beer bellies, either divorced or possibly stuck with wives and kids they probably don't want. The geeks will be middle or upper class earners with similar wives and girlfriends.

    I think that we disagree and stumble over definitions. Bob is correct in his contempt for men like say, Vox Day, Roosh or some of the other poseurs of the manosphere that present themselves as the 'Alpha' ideal. They are cretins and clowns for the most part and not to be taken seriously by our boys.

    One of the neoreactionaries posits (and I agree)that some men examine the odds and make their decisions. The Alpha examines the odds, makes his decisions and then works on improving his odds.

    In other words, he has a plan. If he wants a quick Pump N Dump he will adopt caddish behaviour. If he wants a lasting relationship he will study his woman and proceed accordingly. The reason he is so confident and self assured is that he knows where he is going before he gets there. Alphas can be heroes OR villains.

    This will gall some but if you watch - you will even see Alpha women too. There are far less of them but they are around and their company is truly a treat. They are not to be confused with the turd brained 'powerful women' of the liberal left, or the fat braying skanks that are all too common. These women tend to be very smart, very quiet and very alluring.

    Any road, that's my take on it. Your mileage may vary.

  9. Though the theories of the PUA's are intriguing, I still have trouble getting beyond the grand experiment of one of their leading lights,Krauser.

    Out 1000 approaches, he bedded less then 30 women. This is well within the bounds of chance. Yet there are those who think he is a god. I just see him as a really determined pussy chaser.

    I do see some wisdom from some of these chaps, but the things that ring true have been known forever, and are part of masculinity, not some secret voodoo discovered in LA nightclubs.

    And remember, the most wealthy artists of this day and age repeat their style and vary their images. Michelangelo would have been a pauper in todays art market.

  10. "I'm a 7. My hubbys a 5. My side guy is a 9. Girls, marry below you and keep the hot guys as a side dish." - 'Lucy', from @tinderfessions

    "After fucking 20 guys I decided to try a virgin. He's gonna be a doctor and he's already talking marriage #jackpot" - 'Maria' from @tinderfessions

  11. "All the Bad Boys I have known have been drunks, drug addicts and criminals; most have been in and out of prison, and are now murdered or in prison. I have never seen any of them be popular with women."

    We must live on different planets then. Every thug I've known has always had plenty of women begging for his attention.

  12. You're running across the wannabes, Retrenched, the kind who would crap their pants if they ran across a real one. I'll give you a hint about the really dangerous men. They're quiet. The big mouths are just pretends.

  13. "Susan Walsh as some authority regarding anything? On what grounds?"

    And Vox Day, Roissy, Krauser and Roosh are?

  14. "I'm a 7. My hubbys a 5. My side guy is a 9. Girls, marry below you and keep the hot guys as a side dish." - 'Lucy', from @tinderfessions

    "After fucking 20 guys I decided to try a virgin. He's gonna be a doctor and he's already talking marriage #jackpot" - 'Maria' from @tinderfessions"

    Fallacy of Composition. Just watch what happens to them in several years. It won't be good. And do you really think I haven't seen these things?

  15. 'Rollo Tomassi harps constantly about the delusional cock carousel, alpha fucks/beta bucks, the 80% of women getting only with 20% of men, etc, and women only liking "alpha" guys'

    Ever read about his personal story...he claims to have bedded ~40 women and played in a band before he got married. And the few times he's talked about his marriage he sounds like a pyschopath. His perspective with women is skewed if that is true.

    The sluts usually get two options for husbands.

    The man destined for prison...or the man so emasculated she is his goddess. Both men are not a good prize for a slut.

    The commonality between these two guys...they usually have emotional problems and can't control their anger. Normal women want an emotional rock....delusional sluts will eat that stuff up because they crave drama.

  16. "The man destined for prison...or the man so emasculated she is his goddess. Both men are not a good prize for a slut."

    Been my experience, too.

    Those Tinderconfessions, if true, are looking at catastrophes down the road. Once a slut, always a slut - they always cheat and they always get caught. For that matter, they're incapable of love, since they're narcissists/borderlines/psychopathas.

  17. "I'm a 7. ... My side guy is a 9. Girls, marry below you and keep the hot guys as a side dish."

    I find this hard to believe - the female poster must be delusional or lying (if it's true, I really doubt that it is common). So a guy that is a "9", a supposedly top "alpha" guy and good looking, is going to waste his time with sub-par women, say 7 and below, and most likely overweight and including other serious personality problems? Wouldn't such a guy have his schedule filled to the brim with all of the uber-hot hotties supposedly vying for his attention?

    I've rejected women before for various reasons, and I'm not a "9." So I should assume these guys hotter than me are getting my rejects?

    I just got back from my local mall. I found very few women, hardly any, that were really attractive and that I would really want to spend any time with, let alone get it on with. America is truly in a obesity epidemic with women. And that's not considering their problematic personality issues. Many of these princesses are actually repulsive - just who are these so-called "7" women and below (the majority of women) really sleeping with?

  18. "I'm a 7. ... My side guy is a 9. Girls, marry below you and keep the hot guys as a side dish."

    These sound like internet fantasies.

    As for rejecting women, I have not been interested in many for these reasons: fat, unpleasant and stupid (they go together) or slut (disloyal and selfish).

    I've also found that women who can't get men fantasize that men are after them. For that matter, I've seen the same thing in men, although it's only a fraction of the hallucinations of women.

  19. "Once a slut, always a slut - they always cheat and they always get caught. For that matter, they're incapable of love, since they're narcissists/borderlines/psychopathas."

    Promiscuous women really don't change. A marriage contract isn't magically going to make them monogamous and faithful to one man - promiscuity hardens and changes women for the worse (There are very good reasons why our ancestors valued virgin brides. Our ancestors understood human nature much better than most people today). These women are divorce time bombs for any marriage. Most likely when they are older, they will have to settle for a man who is lesser (at least in her eyes) than the men she was able to attract when she was younger, when she should have been courting men properly for marriage, rather than whoring for men that would never commit to them. These women become resentful of the men that they settle for. It's very sad really, but very predictable and avoidable.

  20. You break it down a lot of the fuel for the carousel has to do with the man having anger/emotional problems meeting up with a woman who had the lack of a male role model growing up. A lot of times drugs and alcohol are involved so the sex is very rarely a sober experience. The police usually get a call as well.

    I have a relative who is a drug addict and was in prison, has anger issues and has trouble keeping a job or making friends. He was able to find plenty of women to hook up with...the woman he knocked up has had three kids from three different men and also used drugs. One time she sent a bunch of her friends to beat him up when they were in one of their many fights.

    There's nothing good that comes out of that particular lifestyle for either sex.

  21. 'I've also found that women who can't get men fantasize that men are after them.'

    That's basically mostly what rape culture is. The ones that can't get man think that any man who does so much as look at them wants to rape them.

  22. Yes between the obesity and the delusional and outright dangerous personalities...many women have disqualified themselves of being relationship material, let alone marriage.

    ' Many of these princesses are actually repulsive - just who are these so-called "7" women and below (the majority of women) really sleeping with?'

    Guys with anger/emotional issues. Either the feminist guys who consider women goddesses, or guys who are headed to prison that attract the divas and drama queens.

  23. "I have a relative who is a drug addict and was in prison, has anger issues and has trouble keeping a job or making friends. He was able to find plenty of women to hook up with..."

    Like attracts like (assortive dating and mating), rather than the often touted 80/20 notion in the manosphere is much more likely in reality. Women can be attracted to men for all sorts of reasons, quite often irrational and stupid reasons. Women can be notoriously bad at judging a mans' character and marriage potential: Which gender writes love letters and marriage proposals to murderers and serial killers in prison? It's women. Never heard of a man doing this.

  24. Women can't just leave things (or men) alone. I've rejected women before, then all of a sudden they think there is something wrong with me (and not themselves or that I'm just not interested) or that I'm gay, which I'm not. Many women feel entitled and think they should be able to get any man they want, they don't think about the guys' feelings. Women have gone on to create gossip and mischief about me just because I wasn't interested in them.

    "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

  25. 'Never heard of a man doing this.'

    That's because the only way a man can look past or deal with a woman's dangerous crazy initially is if she blinds/traps him with sex. Guys are lying if they think they are so strong they overlook what pair bonding does to them.

    Men with bad character do tend to attract women with similar bad character...blind leading the blind. Don't be fooled.

  26. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

    I'll bet that saying in various forms is about 10,000 years old.

  27. In which half of married women admit that their husbands aren't as hot as the men they slept with before marriage. Also, about 2/3 of married women would rather read or nap than have sex with their husbands. I'm guessing they'd still happily get it on with some of their exes though.


    Also, this, from Sheryl Sandberg...

    “When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and, trust me, over time, nothing is sexier.”

    Question: If equal partners are so "sexy" then why don't girls seek them out for hookups in college, when their SMV is at its peak? Why do they go for the jocks and bad boys instead, while ignoring the "equal partners" until their party years are over?

    Could it be that maybe, just maybe, women prefer one type of man for sex, and another type of man for marriage?

    I dunno, just throwing it out there.

  28. In other words, Sandberg is telling men that if they want sex with girls in their prime, they should be commitment-phobic, or be crazy, or be bad, or be cool. If they want to marry a girl after she's had lots of sex with all of the above, they should be an "equal partner".

  29. 'Could it be that maybe, just maybe, women prefer one type of man for sex, and another type of man for marriage?'

    Could it be that's the feminist's playbook? Or delusion?

    Saying you are looking for an equal partner in marriage is already a delusional statement. God said the wife desires her husband and he rules her. Feminists say to desire anyone but their husband and she rules him.

  30. "Could it be that maybe, just maybe, women prefer one type of man for sex, and another type of man for marriage?"

    Any woman who listens to Sheryl Sandberg is a fool, because she is a fool.

    I went to high school and college.
    I've known a lot of sluts.

    Where I'm from some girls lost their virginity at 13 and 14.

    Maybe some women choose one man to sleep with but another to marry. I would estimate at the most it's ten percent - and since half of marriages end in divorce, it's clear that ten percent is included in the 50% of divorced couples. These are the divorced women who end up hating men - and Lord knows I've seen a bunch of them.

    One of the problems with many women is that they cannot see into the future. They also fall for the appearance of masculinity rather than the real thing.

    Any woman who sleeps with one type and man and marries another type is courting a castrophe of a life.

  31. "Once a slut, always a slut - they always cheat and they always get caught. For that matter, they're incapable of love, since they're narcissists/borderlines/psychopathas."

    I've seen this truth in both women and men.

  32. I don't think women consciously say to themselves "I'm done riding the carousel - now it's time to find some sucker who I can divorce rape in a few years" but I do know several women in their twenties who are riding the carousel and are pining for some guy who I know is never going to commit to them. But what then what will happen in their early thirties is that "baby rabies" will set in, and then all of the sudden they - maybe subconsciously - start looking for good father material. And yes, sex does disappear after the children are "done" because she married someone for his father qualities - not because she was attracted to him. How do I know this is real? Because that is exactly how it played out in my life.

  33. Sex is the only hook these women have. Once they have you hooked (married/children)...they can take the hook away.

  34. "Could it be that maybe, just maybe, women prefer one type of man for sex, and another type of man for marriage?"

    It's not that their necessarily choosing, they often do not have a choice, they have to SETTLE FOR the man, or any man, that they can get for marriage when they are older. The guys that these women were whoring around with when they were younger would not commit to them and never would. Any woman who is decent looking can probably get a young guy, more attractive than them relatively speaking, to sleep with them when they are younger. The problem is that this gives these women the idea that they can get a man better than they can really get to commit for marriage.

  35. "Like attracts like (assortive dating and mating), rather than the often touted 80/20 notion in the manosphere is much more likely in reality."

    I've said before: the brokenness in her is attracted to the brokenness in him. Which, given the women that I've found since my divorce, says a helluva lot about me.

  36. Nature plays a cruel joke on women: Nature makes many young girls, even the plainer girls, attractive and cute (or "fuckable" in layman terms) in a very narrow age window, say aged 15 - 24. They spend these prime years being celebrities and catered to by men, and everyone else, because, well, they're so young, cute and charming, and I should say "fuckable", during this time. But it doesn't last forever, as they seem to think. And this can be a very traumatic letdown for them, creating bitterness, hatred and resentment. The smarter girls, and the girls being properly advised by their mothers, aunts, grandmothers, etc., tell them how the game of life is played, and how they should use their prime years wisely in securing, hopefully a good husband. Looks, youth and a pleasant personality are prime factors that decent men desire. And her masters degree in literature (along with the school loan debt) from Columbia is not going to compensate for her age, cankles, and bad personality in the dating and marriage market. They become invisible to men when they get older, and no longer get the fawning attention like when they were younger. Sadly, many young women I don't think are getting this advice. They cannot compete for the better men at their age with the younger, prettier women that do "get it."

  37. "Rollo Tomassi harps constantly about the delusional cock carousel, alpha fucks/beta bucks, the 80% of women getting only with 20% of men, etc, and women only liking "alpha" guys'."

    Rolo Tomassi (, I believe, also advocates just using women for sex or "spinning plates."

    Most women, at least, normal, emotionally healthy adult women, are not "just going to be fine" with a sex or fuck-buddy relationship, and nothing more. They're going to want a relationship. I think this is a recipe for disaster, what happens if she wants more, and he rejects her? What about false rape allegations if she gets angry and vindictive, like women tend to do?

  38. "And yes, sex does disappear after the children are "done" because she married someone for his father qualities - not because she was attracted to him. How do I know this is real? Because that is exactly how it played out in my life."

    Married women not wanting to have sex with their husbands has always boggled my mind. 50% of marriages divorce within 15 years. How many intact marriages are unhappy and/or sexless? A big percentage I suspect. I've never been married, but I do know that that the "Coolidge effect" is very real in humans from my own experience. I honestly don't know how long term married couples deal with this effect, maybe they just stop having sex and see each other as "friends"? I think that humans are not psychologically designed for long term pair-bonding and mating with just one partner.

  39. In the past - and probably today - not wanting to have sex was grounds for divorce. I've been mystified at the few women I've met who no longer want to have sex with their husbands but still think he's supposed to make the money. They would be stunned if they got divorced and ended up up with no house, no car - nothing. Let's see them have to work full-time and end up in a studio apartment.

  40. Regarding the Coolidge effect (sex boredom or aversion with the same 1 partner, as in marriage):


    I remember reading that in Judiaism, they advise that the man and wife sleep in two different bedrooms for 1-2 weeks out of the month to ward off the Coolidge effect which seems to work.

  41. I've also met men who quit having sex with their wives. I'm not sure, but I believe I have posted articles from Heretical some years ago.

  42. "Married women not wanting to have sex with their husbands has always boggled my mind."

    I can always tell the look a married guy has when he isn't getting any. The vacant, despairing look. I know, I had that look for many years. Most of the married guys I know who are over forty have that look. That is what mistresses were invented for. And it used to be an accepted institution. But the niggardly wife doesn't want her husband getting satisfaction anywhere else either, because she loses that power over him.

  43. Married womens' attitudes toward sex and their husbands can be appalling.

    From the Deadbedrooms reddit board:

    "Another chicken lurker here too.. I'm in a mother's Facebook group and there are always discussions consisting of trading excuses not to have sex, making fun of their husbands for wanting sex, and a few who celebrate not having sex for X amount of months/year ect. One said her husband asked her when they could be intimate again and she said to him "why would I have sex with you again? I've got my baby now!" and was commended for it. It broke my heart. They make fun of me for wanting to have sex with my partner and me not feeling like it happens enough."

  44. Making fun of their husbands for wanting sex

    Classic male shaming, which modern boys/men are raised to just accept without protest. They are raised to be ashamed of their male desires.

    This is where "dread game" works wonders. But you have to be in good enough shape for your wife-unit to believe you have options. If she still doesn't care, then there are only two choices: divorce, or a life of incel slavery. The latter being the most common default for married men.

  45. Three ways to deal with this problem: whores, mistresses - or best of all, divorce her and if the laws were changed, she gets nothing.

    If he gets nothing, then she should get nothing.

  46. “Nature plays a cruel joke on women: Nature makes many young girls, even the plainer girls, attractive and cute (or "fuckable" in layman terms) in a very narrow age window, say aged 15 - 24.”

    Women after these age bracket are also getting fucked. A lot. There is no “prime years” for sex.

    “They spend these prime years being celebrities and catered to by men, and everyone else, because, well, they're so young, cute and charming, and I should say "fuckable", during this time. But it doesn't last forever, as they seem to think.”

    The same thing can be applied to men in their prime, only to have their looks and appearance diminish significantly.

    “And this can be a very traumatic letdown for them, creating bitterness, hatred and resentment.”

    For men and women, yes.

    “The smarter girls, and the girls being properly advised by their mothers, aunts, grandmothers, etc., tell them how the game of life is played, and how they should use their prime years wisely in securing, hopefully a good husband.”

    Good advice for some people, yes.

“Looks, youth and a pleasant personality are prime factors that decent men desire”

    Among other considerations.

    “And her masters degree in literature (along with the school loan debt) from Columbia is not going to compensate for her age, cankles, and bad personality in the dating and marriage market.”

    Just like guys who also secure debt going to college and not taking care of themselves physically.

    “They become invisible to men when they get older, and no longer get the fawning attention like when they were younger. Sadly, many young women I don't think are getting this advice. They cannot compete for the better men at their age with the younger, prettier women that do "get it.”

    Corrected for accuracy—Men and women become invisible when they get older when their looks face, and no longer get the fawning attention when they were younger. Sadly, many young men and women don’t get this advice. They cannot compete for the “better” men and women at their age with the younger, more attractive people that do “get it”.

  47. Men can almost always get a younger woman, no matter their age, unless they are absolutely horrible. Woman cannot.

  48. I'm in my late 50s and I still get plenty of smiles from young women ... or maybe they're grimaces. :-D

  49. I am completely mystified at how many smiles and looks I get from women who could be my daughters.

  50. Regarding miserable married men, see:

    Here is a typical post:

    "After 23 years of marriage, my wife has filed for divorce. I was committed to a lifetime, not
    because there was any excitement to it, and certainly not because there was any great
    outpouring of sex, but because I bought into the idea that vows met something, and the kids
    would be healthier with a stable home.
    I will never marry again, as there is nothing in women worth making a commitment to. As a
    rule, they are shallow princesses who have bought into the notion that they should drive
    Mercedes, turn in the original wedding ring for a flashier one, and be provided for in a
    fashion that allows them to have a nanny raise kids while they shop for shoes. My wife read
    Bon Appetit only. She would have tea with girlfriends that totally trashed their husbands,
    and they compared lifestyles so that they could all envy the ones with bigger, better more.
    Life is all about pleasure for themselves.
    Mine has no concept of work, and no concept of what it takes to make a living in the world.
    Of course, she wants her freedom and support from me at the same time. Judges are not made to
    account, and they condone the actions of unscrupulous ball crunching lawyers that make a
    mockery of the law and the rules of discovery. In most states, the woman can give out sex to
    everyone but her husband, and on divorce the husband is supposed to be her ATM forever.
    As a result, women will bring down society. They offer nothing to it. Sure, some of them can
    bake a decent muffin, but I can get a nice one at the local bakery for a buck fifty. Some can
    pump out babies if they don’t decide to murder them first with an abortion. Their sense of
    entitlement rather than of work and commitment means that children they elect to keep will
    grow up with fucked up expectations.
    On the dating side, they are whores. Give them a nice dinner and share a nice bottle of wine,
    and you can get more sex on a weekend with a date than you can get in a year with a wife with
    a sense of entitlement."

  51. It's women who destroy societies, not because they want freedom, but they want license - to do what they want without accountability. The law, someday, will realize that again.

  52. “Men can almost always get a younger woman, no matter their age, unless they are absolutely horrible. Woman cannot.”

    See, on its face, it is true. An older man can get a younger woman. BUT, an older man cannot get an attractive younger woman unless he has looks and/or money.

    “I am completely mystified at how many smiles and looks I get from women who could be my daughters.”

    Unless they are asking you out, or are giving overt signs that they want to fuck you, they are simply being nice.

    "It's women who destroy societies, not because they want freedom, but they want license - to do what they want without accountability."

    Observably false. Men create, then destroy, societies. The fall of Carthage, the fall of Rome, the fall of the British Empire, I can go on and on. Men have the power.

    "I will never marry again, as there is nothing in women worth making a commitment to."

    Great, don't marry again. Meanwhile, men and women are living in holy matrimony happy and healthy lives.

  53. "Unless they are asking you out, or are giving overt signs that they want to fuck you, they are simply being nice."

    You think I don't know when a woman to coming onto me?

    Get real. Your not a mind reader.

  54. You think I don't know when a woman to coming onto me?”

    Don’t flatter yourself, Bobby. A mere smile is not “coming on to you”. Those young daughters you speak of have been properly taught how to act nice. Now, unless they show you their bra and panties, or provocatively lick their lips, or make overly sexual statements that clearly indicate they want you to take them home, or realize that you have boatloads of cash to spend on them and make the decision to tempt you to be their sugar daddy, their smile is simply a “Hello, there”.

  55. Dysfunctional women keep chasing dysfunctional men. They don't "settle down" to a nice, stable provider. A close relative of mine is a classic example- one child, 5 husbands, as follows:

    -Foul-mouthed violent drunk who beat her (and was beaten mercilessly in return by her brothers).
    -Timid and gentle alcoholic, but basically decent; father of her only daughter (much saner than mama).
    -Biker gang creep; leather jacket, tattoos, and obvious criminal affiliation.
    -Insane, hyper-controlling Evangelical religious nut, probably compensating for a long life of sin and vice.
    -Cheerful gambling addict; whole paychecks squandered down at the racetrack.

    Later, she shacked up with another boyfriend (not husband, to everyone's relief) who beat her, in her '50s. Her brothers had long since given up on avenging her.

  56. Anony, your stories keep getting better and better. Hollywood is calling your name.


  57. 'Don’t flatter yourself, Bobby"

    Don't flatter yourself by thinking you read people's minds. That's the main delusion of leftists. Along with hostility.
