Saturday, March 14, 2015

"New Report: 48 Percent of First Children Born to Unwed Mothers"

One of the more tragic things about the Manosphere is that it is a sign we are in the age of the Kali Yuga. Feminism is a definite sign, as all thinking people know. But when you have a ideology that in many ways sees women as loveless disloyal money-hungry whores ("they love conditionally because of their hypergamy"), that thinks men can be ranked from Alpha to Omega, that thinks evo-psych is a real science and not fairy tales....that, too, is a sign we are in that age.

The Manosphere is in many ways the mirror image of feminism, and in many ways uses the same tactics.

There are other signs. This article illustrates some of them. It's from CNsNews and was written by Penny Starr.

Calling it “The Great Crossover,” a report by academics and social activists shows that for the first time in history the median age of American women having babies is lower than the median age of marriage – 25.7 and 26.5, respectively.

These “dramatic changes in childbearing,” the report states, results in dramatic statistics about American children. Among them, 48 percent of first births are by unwed mothers, and by age 30 two-thirds of American women have had a child, typically out of wedlock.

Kay Hymowitz, an author of the report and a William E. Simon Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, said at an event to release the report on Wednesday at the Brookings Institution, that it reflects how the view of what marriage is about has changed.

This includes young adults who say marriage and children “are two separate things,” Hymowitz said.

The overall consensus of the report, with data in part gleaned from the U.S. Census Bureau is that Americans are postponing marriage to their late 20s and 30s, putting that separation in place.

“Culturally, young adults have increasingly come to see marriage as a ‘capstone’ rather than a ‘cornerstone’ – that is, something they do after they have all their ducks in a row, rather than a foundation for launching into adulthood and parenthood,” the report states.

The report cites two reasons – middle class American men having difficulty finding stable employment that allows them to support a family and “a less understood” reason about the disconnect between marriage and childbearing.

The report states that the “good news” of delayed marriage is that women can more easily have successful careers, and research shows that divorce rates are lower for later marriages.

The “troubling” new trend, the report states, is “The Great Crossover” where delayed marriage does not necessarily mean delayed motherhood.

The report, compiled by The National Marriage Project at University of Virginia, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and The Relate Institute, also examines why the “private” decision to become a parent ahead of a marriage commitment – when done by such a large a portion of the population – has consequences for society at large.

“Researchers now view family instability as one of the greatest risks to children’s well being,” the report states. “Yet unmarried adults, including single 20-somethings who make up about half of unmarried parents, are by definition unsettled.

Further, the report states: “Most researchers agree that on average, whether because of instability or absent fathers or both, children of unmarried mothers have poorer outcomes than children growing up with their married parents.”

While a panel discussion on the report included some commentary on how religious beliefs have influenced the institution of marriage and Americans’ view of it, the report is void of any connection between morality and marriage trends and does not mention religion, churches or God.

Patrick Fagan, senior fellow and director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute at the Family Research Council, told that the prevailing social ethos in today’s culture that “anything goes” results in a disconnect between this kind of data and its moral implications.

“The social science data reflects the reality,” Fagan said. “So we have a contrast between the reality and the moral discourse about the reality.

“We can look at the numbers, but we can’t discuss the principles behind them,” Fagan said. “Even though they may be glaring at us, we cannot talk about them.”

The report concludes that “too many young adults are drifting unintentionally into parenthood before they have a plan or a partner who enable them to give their children the life and family they deserve,” but it stops sort of universal support for marriage.

“To be clear,” the final paragraph of the report states, “as noted above, we believe that marriage is not for everyone, be they 20-something or some other age.

“We recognize that not all parents can or should get married,” the report states, while adding that the “decoupling” of marriage and childbearing is “deeply worrisome.”

The solution? More government programs “to help 20-something men and women figure out new ways to put the baby carriage after marriage.”

Fagan disagrees.

“Government is incompetent in social policy,” Fagan said. “That is very clear.

“The competence lies within the family, within the church and within the school,” Fagan said. “They are the three people-forming institutions.”


  1. No, they are bang on the money in the manosphere Bob. Today's modern liberated career woman is all too often a posturing rancid cnut, and the values that drive her are also shared by about 50% of young women today - usually the same ones getting knocked up and throwing out the fathers.

    There is a generation gap going on here. Take the gap between you and your parents and measure it. Well...the gap between you and the millenials today is light years larger!

    Even the feminists from our day are recoiling in disgust at what they've created. A few have started to recant. And our young men? Well, yes they are children, and they aren't growing up - they're giving up. That is Beta behavior all the way.

    It's a different world now Bob.

  2. More signs that the matriarchy we are currently in won't last. The continuous attack on the family.

    Separating marriage from children isn't good for children. (Children need stability as much as women)

    Separating sex from procreation isn't good for marriage. (Either before marriage or during)

    Separating the humanity of people from utility isn't good for anybody.

  3. 'And our young men? Well, yes they are children, and they aren't growing up - they're giving up.'

    This is what happen when a smothering single mother or nanny state doesn't allow them to become men and instead needs them to stay as servants to women.

  4. "They see marriage as a capstone instead of a cornerstone." Why not? This is just another consequence of seeing society as an end instead of a consequence.

    The society we had wasn't a goal. It wasn't a creation of government. It wasn't the result of a plan. It wasn't an end that justifies various means. It was a consequence of men freely exercising their natural rights. It's downfall is nothing more or less than institutionalizing the envy of those exercising their rights combined with equally evil idea that government can substitute a "better" society.

    No dumber idea has infected us than the idea that society can be planned.

  5. My impression of men in the manosphere is that many if are NOT wanting children at all, but wanting to remain childfree.

    Keep in mind that in todays's society, the children belong to the mother, not the father. Many single women are probably getting pregnant without the fathers' consent.

    Children are the gateway to child support slavery of the man to the woman. Fathers can be jailed for failure to pay child support, even if they are legitimately unable to pay. It seems like every time I read a story about some man having to pay child support, it's always for an unreasonable amount. And everybody knows that the mothers can do what ever they want with the money. There are men even having to pay child support for children that aren't even their own biological children.

  6. 'Many single women are probably getting pregnant without the fathers' consent.'

    But the father is consenting to sex. I hope someday we get back to the realization that sex and procreation are tied together.

    So he'll say she lied about the fact she is on birth control. Wow that must have been the first woman who ever lied about something to get what she wants.

  7. The cure for this is to accelerate male birth control options.

    We seem to be making some small progress there but the only salvaging move aside from an aggressive traditionalist takeover which seems charitably unlikely is to make all men and women on birth control by default.

    This will be resisted of course by feminists who want power, corporation and the state both worried about population decline and the religious of course.

    It would however be a fast solution.

  8. " Today's modern liberated career woman is all too often a posturing rancid cnut, and the values that drive her are also shared by about 50% of young women today - "

    What a bunch of cotton candy bullshit. How can 50% percent of American women be ok when 80% of American women have HPV. That's 80% of the female population that are literally rancid cnuts. Take out the percentage of the American female population that doesn't have clown hair, obesity, tats/"body art", out wedlock children or ex husbands in tow. Let's not even talk about college educated women and their expectations for a spouse. I'm guessing about 5~10% of the marriageable aged American female population is left. That's maybe 10% of the the female population to form a personally compatible and lifelong marriage with. And the average American man is somehow just supposed to just make this shit work? You've got to be kidding me. Government, big business, media, the education industry and American women themselves have all been lined up against average American men for decades now and this is the result. American men are now something like the prince from Game of Thrones who was castrated and tortured until all he could do was smile and scrape towards his tormentors. It would take something like industrial grade islam to put this genie back in the bottle.

  9. I'd agree that maybe 1/10 women in the US are marriage material. And that's a generous estimate.

    I'd be willing to go 1/20 generally and 1/100 if you live in a city.

  10. “Separating sex from procreation isn't good for marriage. (Either before marriage or during)”


Sex is a biological function. It was religion that labeled it as “procreation”.

“This is what happen when a smothering single mother or nanny state doesn't allow them to become men...”

Victimize much?

    “It seems like every time I read a story about some man having to pay child support, it's always for an unreasonable amount.”

    Unreasonable? Recall that the judges, usually male, in these cases take into a formula. The rugrats have to be fed and clothed properly, right?

    “ I hope someday we get back to the realization that sex and procreation are tied together.”


That shipped has sailed. Thanks, Christian McQueen!

    “but the only salvaging move aside from an aggressive traditionalist takeover...”

    Right, because history has demonstrated repeatedly that this power play effectively champions the liberty of the people.

    “I'd agree that maybe 1/10 women in the US are marriage material. And that's a generous estimate.”

    [Laughs] Where do you guys even come up with these figures?

  11. 'That shipped has sailed. Thanks, Christian McQueen!'

    No it hasn't. Sex is still the number one thing that leads to pregnancy. It's not my fault most people don't get this basic fact anymore.

  12. "How can 50% percent of American women be ok when 80% of American women have HPV. That's 80% of the female population that are literally rancid cnuts."

    Who did they get it from? Sounds like you must have a rotten ccok.

  13. From Wikipedia:
    "By the age of 50 more than 80% of American women will have contracted at least one strain of genital HPV."

    Includes three citations.

  14. Also this:
    "If a college woman has at least one different partner per year for four years, the probability that she will leave college with an HPV infection is greater than 85%."
    Seventy percent of clinical HPV infections, in young men and women, may regress to subclinical in one year and ninety percent in two years.
    and this:
    The great majority of genital HPV infections never cause any overt symptoms and are cleared by the immune system in a matter of months.

  15. "By the age of 50 more than 80% of American women will have contracted at least one strain of genital HPV."

    Many women probably have more than one type of infection.

    A vagina is warm and most, just like a petri dish for culturing bacteria. A womens' vagina is the perfect apparatus for cultivating and transmitting disease.

    I'm looking forward when scientists invent convincing artificial, life-like sex robots and sell them on Amazon. When that happens, I will gladly give up having sex with real live organic women.

  16. "By the age of 50 more than 80% of American women will have contracted at least one strain of genital HPV."

    Many women probably have more than one type of infection.

    A vagina is warm and moist, just like a petri dish for culturing bacteria. A womens' vagina is the perfect apparatus for cultivating and transmitting disease.

    I'm looking forward when scientists invent convincing artificial, life-like sex robots and sell them on Amazon. When that happens, I will gladly give up having sex with real live organic women.

  17. Mindstorm--Meaning that MEN are the carriers, who knowingly and willingly use their Roissy inspired charms to seduce and bed women.

    Earl Thomas--And if one protects themselves during sex, the chances are significantly reduced. Again, sex is BIOLOGICAL.

  18. 'And if one protects themselves during sex, the chances are significantly reduced. Again, sex is BIOLOGICAL.'

    What are you protecting yourself from? The natural results of what sex does.

    Besides that 'protection' isn't very effective if the woman is lying or manipulating you into trying to have a kid.

  19. "Besides that 'protection' isn't very effective if the woman is lying or manipulating you into trying to have a kid."

    Women have a mortal fear of pregnancy, especially by the wrong man or rape. It's like being caught wearing the same dress as her bitch girlfriend that she secretly hates at the prom, and her girlfriend looks much better wearing it than her.

    I believe that there is no such thing (or highly unlikely) as an accidental pregnancy in the First World with modern contraceptives. Women are just being manipulative with peoples lives for their own selfishness.

    Pregnancy is the single most effective tactic in ensuring a mans' connection to a woman. A child legally, emotionally and financially binds a man to a woman. Women know that men are socially programmed and even psychologically motivated to take care of the child, and women take advantage of this desire. Men have honor and women take advantage of it.

  20. "Meaning that MEN are the carriers, who knowingly and willingly use their Roissy inspired charms to seduce and bed women."

    It takes two to tango. Both partners should be responsible during sex. Both can be carriers of disease. It's just that with women with their different physiology (internal), they are more highly susceptible to carrying and transmitting STD's unknowingly without having any obvious symptoms. The vagina is also just a better environment for fostering STD's as mentioned above. There was a recent article I believe that stated that UK women do not shower everyday, so that definitely is not going to help.

    Women are not these weak-willed, mindless automatons at the mercy of a mans' charms and seduction - this does not absolve them of any responsibility as well. Absent rape, women are the choosers of men and deciders if sex is going to happen.

  21. 'I believe that there is no such thing (or highly unlikely) as an accidental pregnancy in the First World with modern contraceptives.'

    I'm sure a few aren't intended...but I bet at least 98% of them aren't accidental.

  22. 'Women are not these weak-willed, mindless automatons at the mercy of a mans' charms and seduction - this does not absolve them of any responsibility as well. Absent rape, women are the choosers of men and deciders if sex is going to happen.'

    They can also be the instigators of sex. You don't even have to be the smooth tongued seducer if she really wants it.

  23. It's shocking that so many adult women choose to become single mothers. It isn't teenage girls doing this for the most part anymore, teen pregnancies are way down. These women are adults who ought to know better/

  24. "It's shocking that so many adult women choose to become single mothers. It isn't teenage girls doing this for the most part anymore, teen pregnancies are way down. These women are adults who ought to know better."

    It indicates that that the women are confident that they can financially support themselves and their children.

    It also indicates how much they value men, fathers, which isn't much. It is a breakdown of morality and ethics in women. The children will suffer and pay the price with learned disfunction.

  25. "They can also be the instigators of sex. You don't even have to be the smooth tongued seducer if she really wants it."

    It's not as easy as you think. You need looks and charm before you bed women.

    Corrected for accuracy--Men and women may have a mortal fear of unwanted pregnancy, with both sexes equal to the task of manipulating peoples lives for their own selfishness. Men and women are legally, emotionally and financially bound to having a child together should they pursue that option. Unfortunately, some men and women are socially programmed and even psychologically motivated not to properly take care of their offspring.

    Corrected for accuracy--It's a breakdown of morality and ethics in people.

  26. Correcting opinions of other people? Heh.

  27. 'It's not as easy as you think. You need looks and charm before you bed women.'

    Perhaps the women who have something to offer.

    A lot of them are low on the totem pole that just having a functioning penis is enough.

  28. Woe to the bastards, PUAs, and bi**hy feminists when SHTF and the welfare state runs out of other people's money because men have stopped generating surplus income. With no more welfare checks to feed the bastards, and no more money for frivolous "civil rights" witch hunts or make-work affirmative action jobs, they'll be at the mercy of men who have cousins, in-laws, and sons to depend on.

  29. "Correcting opinions of other people? Heh."

    Just trying to keep up with your own shaming methods, boy.

    "A lot of them are low on the totem pole that just having a functioning penis is enough."

    Exactly why sex is biological.

  30. Are you a schoolmarm by vocation? 'Boy'? This has stopped working decades ago. Go back to housetraining cats. Easier and more fulfilling.

  31. @MGTOW'd Out: Why don't you start your own blog?


  32. “Are you a schoolmarm by vocation? 'Boy'? This has stopped working decades ago. Go back to housetraining cats. Easier and more fulfilling.”

    [Laughs] No, you are my intellectual chew toy, a mere child getting bitch-slapped by an alpha male.

  33. 'No, you are my intellectual chew toy, a mere child getting bitch-slapped by an alpha male.'

    Well delusions of grandeur is one of the first signs of an 'alpha' male.

  34. An 'Alpha male' now? 'Intellectual'? 'Bitch-slapped'?

    Rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric.... Empty words without substance.

    No way on Earth this creature is a man. A FTM transsexual?

  35. @ Mindstorm - No way on Earth this creature is a man. A FTM transsexual?

    LOL. I never thought it that way, I thought Little Cheechy boy there was a mangina screaming "Peg me Hanna, Peg me!" But you may on to something though. No real man has to announce his "alphaness" (a meaningless word if I ever saw one before) to anybody.

  36. "No real man has to announce his "alphaness" (a meaningless word if I ever saw one before) to anybody."

    If a man has to assert he is an "alpha," he is definitely no alpha (like "Hey everybody look at me, I'm 'alpha as fuck.'" Nope - actually this is a big honkin' "beta tell" as the PUA's say it. (I actually don't believe in this alpha/beta stuff anyway - a real man is a whole man). This behavior wreaks of insecurity.

  37. This is why Vox Day and Roissy are betas, if not lower, as I said years ago.

  38. My comment on March 18, 8:24 p.m. was actually DERIDING the socio-sexual hierarchy. I thought the sarcasm was apparent. [Laughs] I sometimes forget my audience. You guys are not that smart to pick up the nuances. My bad. Next time I will use /sarcasm as a reminder to help you out. It's the least I can do.

    “Rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric.... Empty words without substance.”

    Project much?

    And, how cute, LosAngelesKing, like the good little toadie as he is, chimes in right on cue.

  39. Sorry, Cheechy boy. I was just repeating what I had to say about you in the first place. Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks you're a bitch hiding behind numerous sock puppets. The least you could do is do something productive like put the sock puppets in your mouth to muffle your screams while getting railed by bull dyke brigade.

  40. Enter stage right, LosAngelesKing, our resident little toadie.

  41. ^^^
    "Project much?"

    I don't remember calling myself pope Francis despite being an atheist.

    What makes men 'REAL MEN', Dusty/whatever? What makes you, personally, a man?

    Carry on, hag. *radio silence*

  42. Or perhaps 'sheela na gig', heh.
