Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why I Feel Empathy for Some Women

There is a lot of silliness in the Manosphere, such as the belief that all women are loveless hypergamous whores, including ugly obese skanks who can't get anyone. I won't go into any detail on anything else, except to say it's a narcissistic devaluation of all women.

However, I do meet a fair number of young, attractive, intelligent women who have a hard time finding guys, because so many of them have gone AWOL. Most aren't PUAs, contrary to the hallucinations of the Manosphere, but many have gone MGTOW, even though they may not know the term.

Mostly they find so many women so disgustingly unpleasant, and physically revolting, and marriage such an incredibly bad deal, that they have withdrawn from the whole mess. Add to that there are very few decent jobs available...

It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack for some women to find men.

Then add to that nuclear rejections....

Men aren't so much afraid of being rejected (although when it happens all the time, it's devastating) but when you get humiliated with a nuclear rejection, there are good reasons to avoid women.

Not every woman "rides the Cock Carousel," seeks "Alpha Fux and Beta Bux," is turned on by the Dark Triad, goes to college, wants a career and then expects to find Prince Charming and get pregnant in her early 30s, then end up bitter and hostile with several cats. They do exist, and I've met them one than once, but it's not all women.

There are decent women out there. But again, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack for both men and women.

And not only do the men pay for it, so do the good women.


  1. Bob, I agree with you. I'm as aware now as anyone to the FI. However I have a theory about the commenters who write "all women are hypergamous whores" or refer to all women as "cunts". I firmly believe that most of them are teenagers or twenty-somethings (or possess the maturity level of) who probably never have had a LTR and maybe never even been intimate with a woman.

  2. That's the impression I got. Really, really young, parroting what they read in the Manosphere and thinking it's all true, even though their experience in life is minimal.

  3. You might feel this way after talking to these women when they're acquaintances or friends. But would you feel this way towards them if you were speaking to them as potential lovers?

    Because women often have a less-than-savory side when dealing with men in their field of dating. If you got in that field, you might find why these "young, attractive, intelligent women" aren't getting dates. Often they mistake nastiness for sarcasm or take playing "hard to get" to illogical extremes when dealing with guys they can date. Sometimes they make it a point to let me know right off they had a higher-value man before. Or a higher-powered job. Most men don't want to sign up to be Alan on "Two and a Half Men," and leave immediately.

    We create our own reality to a large degree, and if this is the reality in which they find themselves, I don't think the blame can entirely go to men.

    -- Days of Broken Arrows

  4. As long as I have to suffer in a multicultural feminist hell, no I really can't say I feel any empathy towards these snowflake attractive good girls you speak of. Let them all burn.

  5. This is one of the better short articles on W vs. M I've seem in a while.

    Its pretty much spot on.

    The thing is though, as what is basically a MGTOW (I don't use the term but I'm not in the market in any way) I have to ask,what do women have to offer me me that's worth the cost and risks?

    I've yet to see a woman, feminist, NAWALT or any other be able to answer that.

    And note here I don't mean just money but precious time, emotional energy, effort. All of it.

    Almost every woman I've met fails the cost benefit analysis test.

  6. When you do a cost/benefit analysis most women are not worth it. And if you mention to them, as in "What do you bring to the table?" they get offended.

    However, some are intrigued by the question.

  7. I don't empathize with them. Good women used to ostracize and shame whores. They chose to stop. That's was their own choice and they can live with the consequences.

  8. A lot of women have problems with cause-and-effect.

  9. > I firmly believe that most of them are teenagers or twenty-somethings ... who probably never have had a LTR and maybe never even been intimate with a woman.

    This isn't a new insight your springing here; it's the same old tired shaming cliche leveled by feminists and man-boobs since time immemorial. "You don't like women? Sour grapes, you small-penis virgin neckbeard loser!"

    I've followed the 'sphere for a while, and I've noticed that the bitterest, angriest guys, the guys who use the harshest slurs at women... are the older men who have been through the divorce mill. It's a consistent theme.

    Hate doesn't spring out of inexperience. Hate comes from pain, and you see the worst misogyny either from older men who've been divorce-raped, or (more rarely) from younger men who have been "nuclear rejected" one time too many.

    1. Congrats for missing the point. One should be aware of the feminization of our culture and the way it tries to shame men into being unrewarded, disposable beasts of burden (actually the only new part is "unrewarded"). But when I hear someone tell me all women are "cunts and bitches" I tend to not listen to anything else they say. That usually comes from guys who have no actual experience with women.

  10. "and you see the worst misogyny either from older men who've been divorce-raped, or (more rarely) from younger men who have been "nuclear rejected" one time too many."

    If a guy has been nuclear rejected more than a couple of times by different women, you might reasonably ask why?

    Perhaps his approaches are shite.

    I have observed that the almost very first thing a man does after getting divorced, is marry again, sometimes within months.

    Perhaps he was too fixated on his mother, of course the new wife could've been the reason for the divorce in the first place.

  11. "However, I do meet a fair number of young, attractive, intelligent women who have a hard time finding guys, because so many of them have gone AWOL... But again, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack for both men and women. And not only do the men pay for it, so do the good women."

    I always tell my single friends the three-date rule: "Never give more than three dates to someone who isn't at least potentially marriage material". If you're obviously incompatible, any more than that is just a waste of each others' scarce and precious time. What's worse, you'll get attached, and it'll be very painful when you finally have no choice but to break it off.

    I've known several good women who spent some of their prime fertile years with creeps and losers not because they wanted to ride the carousel (some remained virgins throughout), but simply because these bums were the only men paying any romantic attention to them (and yes, my observations mirror Bob's- the most manipulative cads were almost always cowards, held in contempt by those around them).

    Most of those women would have been happiest with what the PUA bloggers would deride as a "Greater Beta"- a regular pleasant and reliable, but non-milquetoast, kinda guy- but those men have been subjected to so much nuclear rejection, anti-sexual-harrasment indoctrination, demonization of masculine desire, and general flaky and unreliable behavior from women, that they were timorous and hyper-cautious about asking any woman on a date.

  12. @ Robert What?

    It is men like you who enabled and continue to enable the feminist world we all live in now. At one side of your mouth, you say we should be aware of the feminization of our culture, yet on the other side you white knight for said women of feminized culture.

    1. Yes, I can see how I am enabling the feminists by telling men to be aware of the FI and that there are no benefits to marriage for men in modern America. But if your way of dealing with the situation is to shout "cunt whore cunt whore" in stacatto, I guess that's how you have to deal with it.

  13. "Perhaps his approaches are shite."

    Ah, yes, the Invincible Shield of Game. Or perhaps many women expect too much from men. After all, we have the wisdom of the ages, embodied in, of all things, the Brothers Grimm story, "King Roughbeard."
