Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Six Reasons Why Men Are Avoiding Marriage"

This is basic economics. It's a cost/benefit analysis: the costs are far in excess of the benefits. Yet so many women can't see this: it's the man's fault for a plethora of reasons, none of them legitimate.


  1. Video was pretty much on target. I don't know that I agree that young men are making "rational choices". I think they sense it on a gut level and then when they finally come to sites like this, they are able to put words to their intuitive feelings.

    I know that if I was doing it all over again, I definitely would not get married.

  2. Sometimes I think when you analyze gut feelings, they turn out to be rational.

  3. Good point. But it's made even harder because men have to battle against a society that tells them to ignore their gut instincts on marriage and women.

  4. Bob - when MEN analyse gut feelings, they turn out to be rational.
    We have an entire industry (divorce) built on the gut feelings of women. It's anything but rational.

  5. I meant men, not women. Men can analyze things; most women can't, not very well.

  6. When I think about it, I really believe we men owe a great debt of gratitude to modern women -- without consciously meaning to, they have shown (and continue to demonstrate) to us just how much better off we men are without marriage and (increasingly) without their presence in our lives.
    Isn't that interesting?!
