Thursday, September 18, 2014

Marriage as a Completely Broken Institution

When I graduated high school you could, if you so wished, go to work at the steel mill, starting today at what was about $25,000 a year. After several years you'd would be making $75,000 a year. As a high-school graduate.

This was when inflation was much lower, much lower. In college I drove a school bus, had a used car, a studio apartment, a phone, paid for my food - and still saved money.

I knew one woman who told me she'd find her husband's uncashed checks in a desk because he wasn't paying any attention to them.

She didn't bother to get a job, just raise the kids and hang out with her friends.

It used to be one man made enough money to have a home, a wife, two kids, a nice car, a fishing cabin in the woods, and male spaces to hang out, drink and play cards and whatever else his gang wanted to do.

All that is now gone. All of it.

Now we've got young men avoiding women - which my friends and I discuss all the time - and who are angry because they can't find a wife and instead are encountering rude, hostile women who think they are victims and who think the men they meet aren't good enough for them.

So how do the men respond? Withdrawal - the so-called MGTOW. Some young men don't even want to do this - they're forced into it. No decent jobs, can't find a worthwhile long-time relationship with a what do they do? Get high with their friends and play video games and barely make enough to live on because there are no jobs except making coffee.

Or they become PUAs, and no matter the claims to the contrary, it's based on hatred of women and oneself.

I've known several PUAs. Every one of them had a poor self-image, which they attempted to repair with the Narcissistic Supply from interchangeable women. I have never seen an exception to this observation.

It used to be the trade-off that a man worked at a high-paying job he may not have liked all that much, and what he got in return was a wife who appreciated him and was grateful, and respected him. And he got kids, home, and all the rest.

Those days are gone.

Men are still expected to do their part, but most women don't want to do theirs. They expect all the advantages of being a man and a woman, but not the responsibilities of either - which is an observation I made in about 1987.

The original marriage contract has been broken, and many women just don't get it. They consistently blame their problems on men - and refuse to look in the mirror. And what man would not hesitate when he realizes he could lose everything in a divorce and go to what is all practical purposes debtor's prison?

And with so many men refusing to create the excess wealth to keep society going, this problem, in the long run, will be self-correcting. Unfortunately, it's going to hurt.


  1. I was talking to a young gal who was serving at a pub the other day. She had a bit of a long face so I asked her what's up? "Boyfriend problems." I said, want to tell an old man about it? Apparently he lost a good job in construction and can only find a job as a waiter. (Nothing wrong with that if that is what you want to do - which he doesn't.) She admitted that she'd been hard on him telling him to be aggressive and get a better job. I told her that it is really tough out there for young men today. When I got out of school there were jobs all over the place - whether you were a college grad or not. But those jobs for young men are gone. I think she understood and appreciated it. Of course the real solution is to start your own business (while it's still legal). But not everyone is cut out for that. It's a real problem and it will only get worse.

  2. My father used to tell me when he was young they could walk into places and get a high-paying job on the spot. Now maybe they were blue-collar and you got dirty and sweaty but you made good money.

  3. Now we've got young men avoiding women - which my friends and I discuss all the time - and who are angry because they can't find a wife and instead are encountering rude, hostile women who think they are victims and who think the men they meet aren't good enough for them.

    I am tempted to go that route, but still continuing to look for a wife.

    Very difficult to find a woman who is not some combination of:

    - Entitled / Princess
    - Rude / Unkind -- very unfeminine trait
    - Unhealthy / Overweight
    - Emotionally Unstable
    - Emotionally Unavailable
    - Unwilling to submit to a husband
    - Unwilling to put their career 2nd
    - Humorless
    - Overly sensitive
    - Feminist

    It's tough out there...

  4. Women are no longer worth the trouble. Women now represent complete life destruction and annihilation. Women are now entitled, narcissistic sociopaths.

    Any man that gets married today needs deep, deep psychotherapy. Why? To wake him up to modern reality. Women are NOT men's friends anymore. Most often, they now represent men's worst nightmares.

    Only foolish, naive, ignorant men get married anymore. Their future is destroyed from the moment they sign the dotted line.
