Sunday, September 7, 2014

Leftism in the Manosphere

“When women go wrong men go right after them.” - Mae West

The most concise definition I've heard of leftism a comment from Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, in his magnum opus, Leftism Revisited: it's about "the murder of the Father."

I picked this up from the Elusive Wapitii.

“Why are we here today?” she asked.
“To make revolution,” they answered.
“What kind of revolution?” she replied.
“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.
“By destroying the American family!” they answered.
“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.
“By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.
“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
“By taking away his power!”
“How do we do that?”
“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
“How can we destroy monogamy?”

Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears. Was I on planet earth? Who were these people?

“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they resounded.

The Manosphere is a response to feminism - but not all of it. That's why it's such a mishmash. In some ways it's just as leftist as feminism, e.g., the promotion of the PUA and MGTOW lifestyles. Each of those destroys monogamy and patriarchy just as surely as feminism, which is leftist.

Ironic, isn't it?

There is an old saying, "As women go, so do men, and so does society.

Let's put it this way: women were the first to go Women Going Their Own Way, with the emphasis on career over marriage, and were the first to become their version of the PUA lifestyle with the promotion of promiscuity, and now, Slutwalks.

It's why I've pointed out, among other reasons, why there is nothing new in the Manosphere. Because in many ways it's just men following women - to each's destruction, and therefore, of course, society's.

That's what happens with the promotion of Hedonism - which, by the way, was thoroughly debunked by the Greeks thousands of years ago. Not to mention the Bible.

It's why I've pointed out that people like Roosh and Krauser and Roissy are frauds living lives that will lead to their destruction - the lies, the promiscuity, the whoring (and don't think they don't) - the hedonism that leads straight to boredom and ennui and hopelessness.

Which is the end result of being a leftist and not even knowing it.


  1. Roosh, Roissy, and the rest of the manosphere are reacting to the choices given to them. Women these days are sluts, so it makes no sense to get married and engage in monogamy.

    Roosh, at least, has stated that he would like to live like in the old days, but that's not an option anymore.

    And it's true: those days are gone. Trying to be monogamous and patriarchal doesn't work if the women aren't interested in going along with it.

    It's not leftism, it's reality.

  2. Thanks for the link, Bob!

    A lot of the left/right debate pivots around the definition of "left" and "right".

    If "left" is avant-garde, dynamic, revolutionary, and "right" is the establishment power structure defended by those that want to keep their position in society, then certainly the MHRM is left and the femmarxists are right.

    Another variation is "left" as defined as in the direction of more government, and "right" is in the direction of less. In this concept, the MHRM, being somewhat more libertarian, is relatively more "right" than the mainstream culture. But are great many in the Manosphere are largely Left on the "more government / less government" spectrum.

    However, historically in the West, the Left have been those that have dethroned Yahweh God and have replaced Him with an idol--usually themselves but sometimes the State. In this sense, both feminists and a great many in the Manosphere are both Left as they reject objective Truth in favor of something that feels better for them.

  3. Should add that in the latter conceptualization, the Left focuses not on upright living, but on maximizing individual autonomy...thus we see both feminists and PUAs/MGTOWs focusing so much on self-actualization and hedonism.

  4. Actually, feminist leaning Christianity in the form of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was quite pivotal in destroying the patriarchal family in outlawing prostitution in the late 1800's and then more of the same with Prohibition.

  5. I might disagree Bob!

    The lefties and liberals are the idiots that are going along with feminism. They are the ones that are devastated when their wives aren't haaaaaaaaaappy anymore and throw them out like so much trash. They are the ones enabling and encouraging effeminate behaviour, gender role reversals, homosexuality, the idolization of women and other unmanly behaviours.

    I don't like Roosh and Roissy either - they leave me with a rather 'douchey' impression that certainly smacks of liberalism.

    In a drunken haze I found myself perusing A Voice For Men. A guest Paki columnist was trying to link men's rights to that ground ape that got shot in Ferguson - saying that the shooting was an attack on men, and not self defense from feral negroes. I left in disgust. I would rather have Bob or EW do my speaking for me, thanks.

  6. the idolization of women...bob is so into chivalry.. bob is full of rather have bob speak for me you fuckin pussy...speak for ya self demenin fucwit.. since bob is so against women havin any rights and all the child murders boil down to women and all the child abuse is by women...what is bob gonna do ....bob is a bullshitter ...the more we have fuckin arse hles like you and bob the more society will suffer....stupid fuckin cunts you are

  7. The PUAs are certainly just as destructive to our civilization as the feminists.

    However, I don't see how some men choosing to ignore women altogether, and not form relationships with them, is equally destructive to society. It's only anti-patriarchal insofar as the men who choose such a path will never become patriarchs; they will be as some men have always been - lifelong bachelors. And unlike PUAs who also remain bachelors, at least they won't be adding to the chaos by exploiting women for sexual purposes then discarding them as they please, which only exacerbates society's problems - PUAs mean that more women will be embittered against men (if used by a PUA but hadn't been before) and/or that women who are already embittered against men (i.e. ones who have allowed themselves to be used) will become moreso (as their partner count increases and their value and feeling of self-worth decreases).

    No, far as I can see, so long as they don't influence more than a small number of men to join them - and how many men want to eschew sex and companionship altogether - their effect on society will surely be negligible - because they won't be adding to human misery - and therefore not negative.

    Now, if MGTOWs somehow WERE able to get far more men to join them in their lifestyle, then arguably that could be a net negative for society, if the number of women able to find mates were to actually be impacted by their decision. But I fail to see such a 'critical mass' ever being achievable by them...

    I say all this as a pro-patriarchy Christian bachelor who is as open to the possibility of remaining a bachelor for the rest of my life as I am to marrying and becoming a patriarch, should I meet an acceptable woman. I don't eschew dating and relationships, but so far, I haven't found a 'Mrs. Right', and perhaps I won't. I don't see that if I do not, I will have done society a disfavour. But if so, I will not blame myself, but our dysfunctional modern society for producing so few decent options that I don't come across one who I find acceptable, lovable, and worthy. If I am open to possibilities, I can't be said to not have tried, after all. And if I remain a bachelor, I can't be arsed to care if someone points a finger at me and dares claim I didn't do my pro-society patriarchal duty by not 'manning up' and just choosing one semi-randomly, to help propagate my genes / the species / reinforce patriarchy, etc. To such a one, I'd say 'kiss my ass'.

  8. (I meant a 'Miss Right', to become a 'Mrs. S.', of course. :) )

  9. 'In some ways it's just as leftist as feminism, e.g., the promotion of the PUA and MGTOW lifesstyles. Each of those destroys monogamy and patriarchy just as surely as feminism, which is leftist.'

    I also was thinking this today, although I find little objectionable in MGTOW, as separation from wickedness or oppression is neither weakness nor sin. But PUA/Game exactly fulfills feminism's stated strategy -- promotion of promiscuity and other extra-marital sexual deviations.

    So while overtly denouncing feminism, the Game cult in reality supports feminism's chief plank and ultimate goal, as there can be no father-led families w/o monogamy. As in America, functional matriarchy fills the (manufactured) void.

    PUA and Game especially appeal to teen boys and young, inexperienced men, often adrift in a fatherless and gynocentric culture. It's noteworthy that the PUAs and Gamers showed up online -- often claiming to have invented the manosphere! lol -- JUST at the time that masculine consciousness was beginning to share notes, and to gel, on the internet. Then suddenly comes a boom of gamers and PUAs, drawing attention to themselves and their methods, and away from other aspects of male awakenings. Suddenly it all comfily folds back into being about Getting Laid again, hunting poosy, instead of moving away from dependence of men upon women, especially regarding sexuality.


  10. 'However, historically in the West, the Left have been those that have dethroned Yahweh God and have replaced Him with an idol--usually themselves but sometimes the State.'

    Themselves AS the State, and as gods unto themselves; America as ultimate example. Lefties, in particular, will not suffer obedience, and the holiness of Yahweh LORD offends their pride, pseudo-moralism, and delusions of self-sufficiency outside God, as they're far too sophisticated and evolved to accept such primitive myths and silly beliefs (i.e., the didn't think up religion by their Own Wonderful Selves).


    'In this sense, both feminists and a great many in the Manosphere are both Left as they reject objective Truth in favor of something that feels better for them./

  11. The manosphere is a map of fallen human nature but good point as always. It's Playboy funding Ms.: it's part of the problem.

  12. "Roosh, Roissy, and the rest of the manosphere are reacting to the choices given to them."

    Which is why I said the Manosphere is a reaction to Feminism. However, if they want to destroy with lives with promiscuity (I've know guys who slept with over 100 women and every one has major psych problems), whores and lying, they have my blessing.

  13. Leftism has always been atheistic, materialistic and murderous, because it dethrones religion (in fact wishes to destroy it) and replace it with our God the State.
