Friday, September 26, 2014

"HALF of women have a fall-back partner on standby who has always fancied them, in case their current relationship turns sour"

If these back-up guys really exist, they are complete and utter morons, if they truly believe they can trust these women. Or perhaps these women are just deluding themselves. Or perhaps just fantasizing to the the extent it becomes hallucinations

When I was a kid there was a TV program called The Invaders. The star, Roy Thinnes, said at its peak he got thousands of letters a week from women. I don't doubt some of the women thought they had a relationship with him. Maybe they thought he was sending them messages through the TV.

This is from the site, Mail Online and was written by Deni Kirkova.

Married women are more likely have a Plan B in the background Back-up is likely to be an old friend who has always had feelings for them Other candidates include ex-boyfriend/husband, colleague or gym buddy

"Half of all women have a fall-back partner on call should their current relationship turn sour, it emerged today.

"A substantial percentage have kept another man in mind in case they end up single.

"And married women are more likely have a Plan B in the background than those who are just in a relationship.

"The back-up is likely to be an old friend who has always had feelings for them +2

"The back-up is likely to be an old friend who has always had feelings for them. TODAY'S POLL

"It also emerged the back-up is likely to be an old friend who has always had feelings for the woman in question.

"But other candidates are an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband, a colleague - or someone who they have met at the gym.

"The survey of 1,000 women also found Plan B is also likely to be someone whom she has known for around seven years, who will be 'ready and waiting' because of 'unfinished business'.

"Furthermore, around one in ten women said their Plan B had already confessed his undying love, while one in five said they were confident he would 'drop everything' for her, if she asked him to.

"Slightly more than four in ten said they had got to know the man whilst they were with their partner, while a similar percentage said he was 'on the scene' long before.

One in five said they were confident he would 'drop everything' for her, if she asked him to

"Around one in four women who have a back-up plan have feelings as strong for him as they do for their other half.

"Incredibly, 12 per cent went as far as to admit their feelings were 'stronger' for Plan B, and close to seven in ten admitted they are currently in contact with him.

"But despite the secrecy involved in having a close friend or ex to turn to, around half of the women who took part in the poll said their other half was aware of the 'third party'.

"Of those, one in five said they were able to joke about it, but one in three said their man was 'uncomfortable' discussing him.

"One in four admitted their current partner had met their Plan B, while one in five admitted he was a friend of the man in her life.

"The good news for the nation's men is that one in three women said they 'doubted' anything would ever happen with the man in the background.

"Around half had a 'never say never' approach, while trouble may lie ahead for one in six who said they were 'seriously considering' rekindling their romance with the man in the shadows.

"A spokesman for online market research company said: 'For our research to establish that 50 per cent of women in relationships have a 'Plan B' is a worrying sign.

"'This news may cause a few men in relationships to think twice about not taking the rubbish out or choosing a night down the pub in favour of a cosy night in with his partner.

"'This could spark fear in men across the UK and be great news for women looking for that extra bit of love and care so that their attentions aren't swayed.

"'The saying that "the grass isn't always greener" clearly isn't deterring women of today. They understand that anything can happen and are ensuring they have a solid back up plan should things go sour with their current man'

"'With sites like Facebook and Twitter, it's easier than ever to stay in touch with an old flame. Men need to be aware of any 'old friends' that turn up out of the blue that's for sure.'"


  1. I'm not so sure about the existence of men willing to be back up long term relationship material for women, but being a willing adulterer I think is the more likely story that is closer to the truth.

  2. To clarify, it seems more men are willing to pump and dump cheating wives/girlfriends lately.

  3. "HALF of women have a fall-back partner on standby who has always fancied them, in case their current relationship turns sour"

    Most of the other HALF don't have Mr Backup because they can't draw him.

    Modern men are boys in men's bodies. Duped where not intentionally unknowing.


  4. I am currently single.
    I know 3 married women who have all complained that they no longer have feelings for their husband, that they have no sex life with him, flirt appallingly with me in varying amounts up to and beyond direct propositions.
    I just play along, even encouragingly, never revealing that I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.
    Play them at their game.

  5. This might be related to a trait I noticed in many women. They'll sleep with a new guy before dumping the old one.

    I'm not opposed to taking advantage of this trait, but is always occurred to me, how could I ever trust a woman who started our "relationship" by betraying her previous partner? Maybe I just didn't think I was special enough to change her cheatin' ways.
