Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Feminism Kills Civilization"

Marriage rates are now at a 93-year low. Well, that bodes well for society, doesn't it? And now we're apparently importing the cast of Idiocracy. Sheesh.

And as always, it will be that Talented Tenth that saves us. They're the ones the other 90% follows, whether they know it or not. In the long run, of course, after all the Awful Stuff runs its course.

This article is from the site, Fanghorn Forest.

"As many of you may be aware, the West is slowly but surely declining. There are many explanations for why that is happening: massive debts, Keynesian economics, and mass-immigration from the third world. However, one of the primary culprits is feminism. Since the second wave of feminism that took place in the 1960s, we have seen a decrease in the amount of children who are born in wedlock.

"We have also seen that this trend has deleterious effects on children growing up in a single parent household as I noted in a previous posting. The children who are being brought into this world are more likely to have been exposed to traumatic childhood events, thus increasing the likelihood that they will be maladjusted adults when they grow up.

"So the children who are being born are being born into broken households but what about the children that aren’t being born at all? All over Western Civilization we see birthrates falling below replacement levels. Our birthrates are falling and the solutions being proposed are to flood our countries with immigrants from the third world. I won’t go into the negative consequences of multiculturalism but as Chateau Heartise says “Diversity + Proximity = War.

"Instead of finding love with a husband and a family, the modern woman feels that she will find love in laboring as a wage slave for some corporation. Instead of listening to her heart, she listens to the rally cries of her estrogen-filled comrades filling her mind with 'you go girl-isms.' Today, we see now that marriage rates are the lowest they have ever been in history.

"It’s a shame really. The high IQ woman who chooses to forego marriage and children to be a wage slave will never pass on her brilliance to the gene pool. This trend will only continue until full blown idiocracy has arrived on our doorstep.

"The rise of feminism does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon. With that said, I think we should heed the advice of our good friend Aaron Clarey and enjoy the decline."


  1. Hi-IQ yet stupid enough to be sterile and buying into the feminist myth.

    While idiots are smart enough to breed.

  2. It's not a reversible trend, because, all things being equal, people will always prefer the "do whatever the fuck I want" path to life, rather than following a model which is given to them. Prosperity gives people that freedom, and unless prosperity is taken away and replaced with need, again, people will not give up that freedom and flexibility. Women are not going to opt for not being financially independent and having sexual freedom in their relationships unless and untilthey *need* to again. That's why marriage rates are so low -- women didn't create marriage. It works against their individual interests (tied to a likely unattractive man relative to men they could have sex with, tied to a man financially, dependent, and so on), and so it will continue to decline unless and until the situation overall changes such that it is again women's best option.

    As for men, they will simply do whatever it takes to get themselves laid. If that's marriage, they will marry, if that's PUA, they will PUA, etc.

  3. For this misandric society (which is controlled by leftists and feminists and their mangina orbiters and their White Knight lackeys) Marriage 2.0 has been found by the majority of men to be too dangerous and one-sided a commitment to egngage in -- much like playing Russian Roulette with an automatic pistol.
    Marriage (like chivalry) needs to steadily decrease until it finally dies and is gone.
    Only then will it appreciated -- when it is no longer available.

  4. 'Marriage (like chivalry) needs to steadily decrease until it finally dies and is gone.
    Only then will it appreciated -- when it is no longer available.'

    Sadly and reluctantly agree. Like the romantic urge in men, chivalry is a positive masculine condition that must not be practiced in a feminist society or nation. For obvious reasons, encourages abuse and iniquity.

    A type of chivalry will make a comeback later, when conditions permit, and the possibility of regression to gynarchy no longer exists. As you can probly guess, females actually will be far happier then. So it goes.

  5. "It's not a reversible trend, because, all things being equal, people will always prefer the "do whatever the fuck I want" path to life, rather than following a model which is given to them. Prosperity gives people that freedom, and unless prosperity is taken away and replaced with need, again, people will not give up that freedom and flexibility"

    Yeah. Only service to Christ and bigger things fixes that.

    It's the age of material consumption, markets, and of the Almighty Self. These are all feminine realms, and the men involved (who front feminism etc.) serve that general feminine imperative. The US is/was by far the wealthiest nation the world has ever seen, and ever will see. The effect multiplies.

    Material glut/feminine societies produce weak and compliant men, which most men are, especially in positions of influence, who parrot the p.c./feminist line to remain influential. The trend especially in major empires avalanches and doesn't reverse, short of catastrophe. Cheers.
