Sunday, September 14, 2014

"Female Achievement at the Cost of Happiness"

I not so long ago was standing just a little ways from three women talking about various things. Once mentioned she loved being a stay-at-home mom, but apparently now had to work, I guess for extra money.

The idea of a man supporting his family on one salary is gone, and women have to work whether they want to or not.

And now, they are being encouraged to go into fields for which most women are not suited. They become doctors, don't like it, so they quit. Now they're being urged to become programmers, which mostly means they'll be parasites on men.

I've met women who got divorced, especially middle-aged ones, and their hostile behavior and hate-filled faces are plain for all to see. For one thing, they now have to work, and clearly don't like it.

Several days ago a woman and I were at a coffee shop/bookstore on a Saturday night. I counted seven single women there by themselves. I checked their bare ring fingers. Two were 20ish women there with their mothers, who also had bare fingers. Divorced.

One of the problems is that women don't even know what they want.

Good times are coming for all.

I picked up this gem from The Red Pill at Reddit.

"My girlfriend was in tears last night.

"She is a College senior studying a STEM major at a top 20 University in the United States.

'This was our conversation: Her: 'Sometimes, I just think I want to be a hairdresser or something.'

"Me: Then be a hairdresser.

"Her: I can't because everyone I went to school with will make fun of me.

"Me: Why?

"Her: They are all going to school to be doctors and researchers. And I want to prove to them that I can, too.

"Her: My whole life I was told I have to make do as much as my brain is capable of. It's just so hard, I don't know what to do.

"She is applying to Grad school this fall. It isn't what she wants (she has even said as much) but the expectations from everyone around her are pushing her in a direction that she doesn't want to go (she mentioned the people she will see at her middle school reunion, LOL).

"Female achievement at the cost of happiness."


  1. This is why the Bible insists that a woman submit to her husband. If a woman submits to her husband, and to God, then she won't worry about this.

    It's funny, but the feminist patriarchy-haters don't seem to mind living under this tyranny of forced achievement. Apparently it's better than the mostly imagined oppression of previous eras.

    Women do not need protection from men nearly as much as they need protection from other women.

  2. This is why the Bible insists that a woman submit to her husband. If a woman submits to her husband, and to God, then she won't worry about this.

    It's funny, but the feminist patriarchy-haters don't seem to mind living under this tyranny of forced achievement. Apparently it's better than the mostly imagined oppression of previous eras.

    Women do not need protection from men nearly as much as they need protection from other women.

  3. Most of the unmarried women I know on a personal level have done just that. Most are unmarried or divorced and childless.
    My female cousins who never went to University are mostly married and expecting, but work part time jobs with people who paid for worthless degrees.
