Monday, September 22, 2014

"Cock Carousel and The Wall are real"

“[Y]our opposition to the spirit of the age must primarily be an inward attitude rather than outwardly successful rebellion. The current world system knows how to suppress insurrection, so if you judge success by outward standards, looking for the successful public institutionalization of traditionalist ways you will probably become demoralized. You must begin small, first by reclaiming your mind, and then by living more traditionally, along with a few others near you, if possible. One day, God willing, a better American social order will be reestablished. But this is not possible today.” — Alan Roebuck

I saw a lot of the cock carousel in high school and college. Many of the women never got married; some did but got divorced. Very few got married and had the the marriage work out. What I've seen a lot of is hostile middle-aged never married/divorced hitting the Wall, hating men and blaming all their problems on them.

I've also met women who dreamed of a past love while having sex with their husbands. They've told me this. God knows why.

Speaking of being wild, I was wild in high school, but over it by 18. But some of the girls I knew didn't go really wild until college. I saw girls who had been cheerleaders in high school end up doing acid in college and sleeping with 30 guys - which they later blamed on "a poor self-image."

Who in some ways doesn't have a poor self-image? That's what competence/confidence is supposed to overcome.

Not surprisingly, all the PUAs I've known did have a poor self-image. They used women as Narcissistic Supply to try to fill the void where their souls used to be. It appears to be the same for sluts.

This is from the Reddit RedPill.

"...not that anyone here really doubts the CC and The Wall are real. Younger Red Pillers heed my mistakes: I'm 40+ and made a grave mistake because Red Pill info was not around 12 years ago (not to me, anyway). Post-mortem on my marriage shows that I had classic Beta qualities when I met my wife. We were both 30.

"I knew she had been 'wild' when younger (her fav word). We went through all the PREDICTABLE phases: awesome sex for a while, then dead bedroom, she stayed 'friends' with her old Alphas, I was a high-income earner, now a bitter divorce. My money, spirit and emotional health all gone. Poverty and suicidal despair coming soon.

"My personal belongings have been in storage for two years. Finally going through them. Wife inadvertently mixed an old diary of hers into my things (written before we met). Cock Carousel beyond belief. All Alphas who treated her like shit. One entry written while ONS was still sleeping in her bed, and her fantasizing about another. Beyond predictable, it almost seemed scripted: 'I need to find a normal guy to settle down with, but normal guys don't like me.'

"I now see my own Beta-ness, and have chomped down hard on the Red Pill. But it's likely too late for me. Not looking for sympathy; just needed to vent. Maybe the point of my life is to be a warning to others. Fuck my life."

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!" - Bob Marley

"What does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his True Self?" - Jesus


  1. Any man that gets married in western society gets screwed one way or another.

    At this point they should know better, the evidence all around them is overwhelming.

  2. Re: the Reddit guy you quoted: I feel his pain. I too married an Alpha Widow. As with him, it was many years before the 'sphere was even a twinkle in anyone's eye. I didn't understand until I found sites like Bob's. I spent many years trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. But you can't compete with a ghost. It would take a woman of great character to say to herself "Maybe my husband was not my first choice, but I am going to be the best wife I possibly can be no matter how I feel about it". But I suspect that would be exceedingly rare.


  3. Promiscuity is bad for both women and men, but more so for women.
