Monday, July 21, 2014

"Women As Victims Of Modernity"

The worst kind of lie is a half-truth, and the word "seduce" means to lead someone down the wrong path while making them think it's the right path.

I've met women who think they are victims, oppressed and harassed when they are nothing of the sort. I've met more than one who thought she was being sexually harassed and imagining the whole thing.

I and many others have pointed out before that if men withdrew from women everything they have created, women would collapse into hell on earth. In other words, they are pampered by men, yet they see themselves as victims, and of course refuse to take responsibility for themselves and blame everything on men.

Apparently they are envious of men, thinking it's Party Town out here, and wanted in the door, because many of them now believe Husband, Home and Children is the most horrible of traps.

There is from the site Charlton's Miscellany and was written by Bruce Charlton.

"In a superficial sense, women are pandered and pampered by modernity - in a deeper sense they are the primary victims.

"I know that women are privileged above men in almost all human societies (there are more than half a billion women living in the culture that is the exception); and that this preference is biologically-based upon each specific woman being on average reproductively more valuable than each man (see The Woman Racket by Steve Moxon before disagreeing with this) - BUT when it comes to the fundamentals of life, women are in the situation of having been duped by modernity so profoundly that they do not even recognize but profess to enjoy the situation!

"I will not weaken my case by stating too many pieces of evidence: two will suffice:

"1. Among the wealthiest, healthiest, most able and (on average) most attractive women - those women who are free-est in our society, and perhaps in the history of the world - the fertility rate is about half a child per woman, and about half of these women choose not to have any child.

"Somehow, women en masse have been duped into forgoing, indeed rejecting, the greatest of all earthly mortal gratifications: motherhood; for which nothing can remotely compensate - and what is worst of all they embrace their victimhood (at least they do in public).

"2. Healthy young women are intrinsically the most valued, desired, and attractive entities on this earth - and yet, about half of these beautiful creatures strategically, deliberately and (what is worst) proudly mutilate, deface and uglify their bodies with tattoos - they pay to do this, they go through inconvenience and pain to do this, the damage cannot be undone - and yet they advertise and boast about and display their foolish choices and wicked actions (wicked - because gratuitously to mar beauty is indeed wicked - and to advertise it is to encourage wickedness in others).

The trend is recent, the scope and inclusiveness of the trend is increasing and spreading, the extent of self-inflicted defacement and mutilation are expanding year on year.

"How has this happened? I think the answer is fairly simple. Women calibrate their behaviour mostly by reference to the peer group of other women - in modernity this peer group has been hijacked by the mass media.

"The only force powerful enough to overcome the peer group for women is religion; and in modernity religion has been rejected (or subverted into being merely a mouthpiece of the mass media).

"And the mass media is evil - indeed in modernity it is the very source and focus of evil

"The mass media has duped women into becoming willing mass victims - and the mass media has done so deliberately, from its intrinsic wickedness and its strategic onslaught upon good.

"The reason for the greater success among women than men is simply that the mass media can successfully mimic (at the psychological level) the peer group of women and can shape their active, chosen behaviour.

"(The mass media can and does destroy men - but as a rule men know their lives are miserable and wicked and futile; and do not embrace and celebrate and make political movements out of their desperate condition, in the way that women do.)

"To do all this to women, the mass media first had to clear away religion by portraying Christianity as intrinsically anti-woman and a misery-inducing fraud, and imposing a secular world view - and this was accomplished very fully about fifty years ago - in the mid 1960s.

"Modern secular women are helpless before the mass media: psychologically, nothing stands between each modern woman and the pervasive, crushing, gleefully destructive power of the mass media.

"Since the mass media is the source of evil in modernity, it can be equated with Sauron's One Ring - which puts modern women into the situation of Frodo when he had become 'addicted' to the Ring.

"So here - from The Lord of the Rings - is the situation of modern, secular, media-addicted woman:

"No taste of food, no feel of water, no sound of wind, no memory of tree or grass or flower, no image of moon or star are left to me. I am naked in the dark, Sam, and there is no veil between me and the wheel of fire. I begin to see it even with my waking eyes, and all else fades."

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