Sunday, July 13, 2014

Aphrodite and Ares - Love and War

"War is the pornography of violence. It has a dark beauty, filled with the monstrous and the grotesque. The Bible calls it 'the lust of the eye' and warns believers against it. War gives us a distorted sense of self. It gives us meaning. It creates a feeling of comradeship that obliterates our alienation and makes us feel, for perhaps the first time in our lives, that we belong. War allows us to rise above our small stations in life, to find nobility in the cause, feelings of selflessness, even bliss." - Chris Hedges

In Greek mythology, Aphrodite (goddess of love) is the half-sister of Ares, the cowardly, cruel god of war. Love and War? How can this be?

The Greeks were smarter than we are. They understood that love and war go together. Perhaps it's better say "lust and war."

Some years ago I read a book, the name of which I as usual cannot remember, that stated that when the Americans entered Paris near the end of WWII every American tent had a French woman spend the night. I was not surprised.

Recently I read an article HERE about how some American women slept with "Nazis" i.e. German POWs in the U.S.

Predictably, the thread was infected with Nazi apologists. You know, Alphas defending the white race and Europe against the Commie barbarian hordes (defending against barbarian Commie hordes was true). And women drool and tingle over "Alphas," you know. They can't keep their clothes on because they're conscienceless sluts all tingling with "hypergamy."

Again, the Greeks knew better.

Here's some other things they knew.

The brothers and sisters of Ares:

Full siblings

Hebe, Goddess of Youth
Eris, Goddess of Discord
Eileithyia, Goddess of Childbirth
Hephaestus, God of Blacksmithing and Fire

Half siblings

Aphrodite - Goddess of love, beauty, desire, and fertility.
Apollo - The Sun God; god of light, healing, music, poetry, prophecy, archery and truth.
Artemis - Goddess of the hunt, of maidens, and the moon.
Athena - Goddess of wisdom, crafts, and strategic battle.
Hermes - Messenger of the Gods; god of commerce, speed, thieves, and trade.

Now that all of this has been brought to your attention, you know why they are all related.

At one time people knew their Greek and Roman myths, since they were taught in school. So was the Bible (look up "lust of the eyes" and "lust of the flesh" sometime).

Not anymore. Of course, people still look for answers. Oftentimes they get side-tracked, unfortunately.


  1. "Now that all of this has been brought to your attention, you know why they are all related."

    The geneological tree of the gods is a good way to help people understand the world better.

    It would help the whole world out if philosophers, geneticists, psychologists and numerous other disciplines got together and drew up an up-to-date onotological tree. Ancient pagan people did it (i.e. the genealogical trees of the Gods) and it almost certainly helped them to understand the world (because, as you said, different gods are related to one another in an existential sense, you can't have one without the other), so why don't modern day priests do the same thing? It would help people to understand how the different parts/gods/ideas of the cosmos relate to one another, and how some are thoroughly intertwined.

    Gods can either:
    - branch off like a distributary and split/evolve into two, or more, different gods.
    - combine/copulate with another like a tributary god to create a new offspring which shares attributes of it's parents.

    It's based on a simple diagram: a 'Y' shape that changes depending on which way the flow is going, either up or down.

  2. I've done that myself. I made a chart once of the Greek gods and their attributes and just by looking at it you got the whole thing all at all. I plan on doing it for the Norse gods sometimes.

  3. Great. You should post it up on your blog when you've finished it. There are plenty of snazzy looking Norse geneological trees on the net, but none of them are any where near complete. They're missing shed loads of dwarves, giants, elves and gods. It'd be good to see a thorough one for a change.

  4. That got me to thinking. There are maps of the Greek gods on the internet, far better than I can do. So I'll post one of those. I did mine years ago, before the internet.
