Monday, June 9, 2014

It's Men Who Shit Test Women, Not The Other Way Around

I've pointed out before that one of the more egregious delusions in the Manosphere is that shit tests exist. They don't. If any shit tests do exist, it's men shit testing women, go see if they can pass the I'm Not a Narcissistic Psycho Bitch test. That's why sites such as "A Shrink for Men" (over there on my blog roll on your right side) exist.

This article is from the site No Ma'am and is titled, "When Men's Trust is Gone."

"No fault divorce, paternity fraud, false allegations, the DV Gestapo and the fact that a woman can have a man turned into a criminal with one phone call - the list of reasons why men are absolute fools to trust any woman today just goes on and on. Sure, there are 'exceptions', but that argument by itself pisses me off because it fails to recognize the personal devastation that so many men have been through and any man who embarks on a personal relationship with a woman risks these days.

"As I frequently point out - only one out of six chambers of the gun is loaded in Russian Roulette, but you still don't see everyone playing it. The 16.67% of getting your brains blown out is still far better than the approximately 40% chance a man has of having his life destroyed by a relationship with a woman.

"Men today are hyper-aware and hyper-critical. Because the law provides men absolutely no protections whatsoever, men have to protect themselves. Thus, any and every misstep by a woman, every tantrum, every irrational argument, portends the day he will be facing her in court - either in a divorce proceeding or defending himself against charges of rape.

"Pay attention here, MNIK - women today are under such an extreme level of scrutiny by men, looking for any sign of the crazy bitch lurking inside and hiding and waiting to come out until she has the guy over a legal barrel, that no human being can pass the test. Men are like the soldiers who sit watching the radar screens trying to catch the nuclear missiles coming over the pole in time to shoot them out of the sky before they leave nothing but a crater where his life used to be.

"Women have really fucked themselves, and all other women by this process."

"It's tough to trust a person who holds a club behind her back and says, "A club? What club? I don't have a club." - Jack Kammer in If Men Have All The Power, How Come Women Make The Rules? p29



    RoK actually posted an article about narcism. Now if they only posted more articles about the dangers of these things to society, rather than Dark Triad encouragement, I think we would be golden.

    Heh the manosphere always called out the thing women did and projected onto men. The manosphere has grown so big, that they are starting to do the same thing, project their own biases onto women yet they do not see it.

    If they were blind they would not be guilty, but now that they claim to see... well I don't need to finish the quote for any Christians out there.

  2. So many women are unpleasant; they call that a shit test for men, if they can get past that psycho behavior...what do they have? Not a good woman, but a nut.

  3. Are you certain about that? One big change is that the way a man looks gets a lot more scrutiny than it used to. Look at all the money they spend on grooming and dressing well now, not to mention how many constantly work out in gyms and even use steroids. They do want to get women to notice them and now with so many women having their own income, a good paycheck isn't always enough to get their attention.
