Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Imitation and Conformity in the Manosphere

"what fantasy world do you live in. the evidence is all around you of girls popping out babies to these men. but because you have failed to better yourself & use game, you want to take the blue pill & think that none of this is real. you sound young. so very very young & inexperienced with girls." - PhantomZodak

People imitate each other, and they do it to conform. They desire to conform, because they are terrified to independence, of ambiguity, of uncertainty, of not being a sheep with their identical sheep thought. In high school we imitated exactly how each other dressed, which showed to which social group we belonged.

Unfortunately, I see this imitation and conformity in the Manosphere Here's some examples: Alphas, Betas, Deltas, Gammas, Omegas, shit tests, hypergamy, Red Pill, the Blue Pill, the Dark Triad, "chicks dig jerks"....

Men memorize these words and conform to them, so they can belong. They get meaning, importance and community from them. For them it is now tradition. If they can't change their minds and move beyond these things, they're not that smart.

Again, unfortunately, those who refuse to conform - the critics - become the ostracized and the scapegoated. Isn't that amusing? The critics are insulted and cursed as witches who are a threat to the cohesion of the group.

But isn't that what the feminists do?

Nothing can advance unless there is opposition and criticism. Many haven't forgot that. They've never known it.

And what are their responses based on?



  1. why don't you just become friends with that black pill guy.

  2. Truth hurts, doesn't it? It's called cogntiive dissonance.

    If you can't take it, don't dish it out. And you certainly can't take it.

    1. This is completely OT and I guess I'm showing my age, but I can't hear that "dish it out" line without thinking of Edward G Robinson in "Little Caesar" :)

  3. //"Unfortunately, I see this imitation and conformity in the Manosphere Here's some examples: Alphas, Betas, Deltas, Gammas, Omegas, shit tests, hypergamy, Red Pill, the Blue Pill, the Dark Triad, "chicks dig jerks"...."//
    This is all just euphemistic circus carny newspeak for the proles doled out by the self proclaimed intelligentsia.
    I read Alpha as Strong man, Beta as Weak man, Deltas, Gammas, Omegas are all synonymous with Loser; Shit Tests are invitations to violence; Hypergamy read as Greedy Bitch; Red Pill read as convenient popular culture reference although dated to Truth as Blue Pill is to Lies; Dark Triad is read as Evil; and finally, "Chicks dig jerks" is read as women are attracted to bullies, thugs, and sadistic plutocrats for the hyper masculinity they display (read as domestic violence) when the majority of men are reliable, agreeable, civilized men. So when good men are seen as worthless, we can rightly conclude that modern society is going to shit. What I find absolutely preposterous about the cult of game is the evo psych bullshit trying to cover up that the game is not a new concept, but the same zero sum game of intra male competition that has always been in play since time immemorial.

  4. "So when good men are seen as worthless, we can rightly conclude that modern society is going to shit."

    According to the manosphere:

    Good, decent, civilized, educated, employed, productive men = "beta males" (men that women don't respect and are not attracted to, and just use) = bad.
