Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Little Bit is Exotic, A Lot is Genocide

Elliot Rodger would have been better off in my Midwestern hometown, had he been willing to grow his hair and party on the weekends.

When I was in high school we had a few Asians and a few sorta Asians. No one cared.

I remember one Chinese guy named Dave, who came to my house with some friends. He had hair past his shoulders, as I did. He had some hashish with opium, and all I can say is omigod. Another was a Korean guy who once picked up a friend and me in his father's convertible. Then there was the Homecoming Queen whose father was a Korean War veteran, who bought his Korean War bride back. Her brother, who I swear was called Woody, ended up marrying a white girl.

No one cared. A tiny bit is actually interesting and kind of exotic.

I recently visited my hometown and found in the newspaper an article the few Asians in high school claimed they were being mocked and picked on. Why?

Because we now have a bunch of Asians in this country. Too many, and now we are having the inevitable problems of multitribalism.

It's clear that Elliot Rodger hated effeminate Asians, of which he was one. Why else would he have beaten and knifed three of them to death?

These problems with multiculturalism are inevitable. I lived in Albuquerque and found the "Hispanics" there hate blacks and have pretty much ethnically cleansed the town. They never minded white people. I never had a problem.

I suspect this country in going to fracture along ethnic lines. Whites and Asians on top, Hispanics in the middle, blacks at the bottom. Just wonderful.

Gated communities for whites, often high in the hills, with the teeming, unwashed masses huddled in the valleys below. Yep, I'm really looking forward to this mess.


  1. [quote]These problems with multiculturalism are inevitable. I lived in Albuquerque and found the "Hispanics" there hate blacks and have pretty much ethnically cleansed the town.[quote]

    Yeah, from what I've read the hispanic gangs have done the same thing in Los Angeles to the Black gangs (like the Bloods and Crips). First the white people moved in, then the blacks displaced them, and now the hispanics are displacing them. It'll be interesting to see what the next step is.

  2. I don't know what the tipping point is but I know the percentage doesn't have to be very high.

  3. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
