Thursday, March 6, 2014

"How Many Blacks Died Under Apartheid?"

Some people would rather live under the illusion of freedom than be truly free, and if their lives got worse in that illusion they will never accept responsibility for their condition but instead blame their problems on other people.

When this article was brought to my attention the first thing I thought of was Amy Biehl, a silly 26-year-old white girl who was murdered in South Africa when she traveled there to "help" the blacks. Was she a doctor or engineer or plumber or brick layer or carpenter (I've done the latter three because my father was a general contractor)? No, her occupation was listed as "scholar." Possibly we were dealing with liberal self-congratulation as a political policy - "it makes me feel good, so I must be doing something right."

This article is from 2001 but is as relevant today as then. It was written by Vusile Tshabalala and is from this site.

"At the start of the year 1900, the number of African South Africans was found to be 3.5 million according to the British colonial government census. By 1954, our African population had soared to 8.5-million -- and by 1990, there were a full 35 million of us -- all carefully managed, closely policed, counted, shunted around in homelands and townships -- and all of us chafing and griping under the suppressive yoke of the Afrikaner Broederbond's rigid racial segregation system.

"During apartheid, our population grew apace however because we also had the benefit of the Broers' medical knowledge and their excellent agricultural skills.

"Our population growth and our average life expectancy in fact showed us Africans in South Africa to be in better than average health when compared to other Africans on the rest of the continent: in the decades prior to the official policy of apartheid,(which was started in 1948), the average life expectancy of African South Africans was only 38 years.

"However, during the last decade of the apartheid era from 1948 to 1994, our average life expectancy had risen to 64 years -- on a par with Europe's average life expectancy. Moreover, our infant death rates had by then also been reduced from 174 to 55 infant deaths per thousand, higher than Europe's, but considerably lower than the rest of the African continent's.

And the African population in South Africa had by then also increased by 50% percent.(source: "a crime against humanity: analyzing repression of the Apartheid State", by Max Coleman of the Human Rights Committee).

"Deaths due to political violence during apartheid:

"Max Coleman's authoritative book analyses all deaths due to political violence from 1948 to 1994 in South Africa and Namibia.

"According to the HRC statistics, 21,000 people died in political violence in South Africa during apartheid - of whom 14,000 people died during the six-year transition process from 1990 to 1994. The book lists the number of incidents, dates, and those involved.

"his includes SA Defence Force actions, for instance the 600 deaths at Kassinga in Angola during the war in 1978.

"Of those deaths, the vast majority, 92%, have been primarily due to Africans killing Africans -- such as the inter-tribal battles for territory: this book's detailed analyses of the period June 1990 to July 1993 indicates a total of 8580 (92%) of the 9,325 violent deaths during the period June 1990 to July 1993 were caused by Africans killing Africans, or as the news media often calls it, 'Black on Black' violence - hostel killings, Inkatha Freedom Party versus ANC killlings, and taxi and turf war violence.

"The activities of the Civil Cooperation Bureau as outlined by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, were also included in these figures.

"The security forces caused 518 deaths (5.6%) throughout this period.

"And again, during the transitional period, the primary causes of deaths were not security forces nor white right-wing violence against blacks, but mainly due to 'black-on-black necklace murders', tribal conflict between the ANC-IFP, bombs by the ANC and PAC's military wings in shopping centers, landmines on farm roads, etc.

"After apartheid:

"The present Aids-HIV epidemic -- against which the Mbeki-regime undertakes no action and still is publicly failing to properly acknowledge -- the World Health Organisation estimates that more than six million African South Africans will be dead within the forthcoming decade. And the Mbeki-led ANC regime, which could have undertaken a huge prevention campaign such as Uganda's a long time ago, has done nothing to stave off this terrible death rate.

"SA hospitals 'becoming places of death.'

"In November last year it was being reported in 'The Star' that South African hospitals are becoming places for dying -- instead of healing. In June this year, it was reported that our cemeteries were filling up so rapidly that upright funerals were being contemplated to save space. Still, Aids is not being spoken about at our funerals, and the silence and utterly unscientific public statements about HIV-Aids from Mbeki's continue unabated while our people are dying.

"Democratic Alliance spokesman Jack Bloom warned late last year that the 20% rise in deaths over the past four years among patients treated at Johannesburg Hospital could only be blamed on the high crime rate and the very serious decline in patient care. Why is our patient care so poor now, and our crime rate so high? The answer is simple: our public funds are being looted by the ANC hierarchy. And the police seem helpless to stop it.

"Tuberculosis funds looted:

"On July 10, 2001, the SA health department announced that it was going to stop R6, six million in annual funding to the SA National Tuberculosis Association because of the ongoing looting of its funds and the lavish lifestyles of its (African) executives, who award themselves R400,000 annual salaries and spend R5000 a month on cellphone calls alone... while millions of South African TB patients go untreated and are wasting away of a deadly, but curable disease.

"During apartheid, please note that the SANTA executives were seen to be extremely frugal with the governments' funding -- that many thousands of patients were cured annually, and that many doctors and nurses even VOLUNTEERED their services free of charge.

"he question is this: 'why is this man still CEO of SANTA? Why has he not been fired on the spot?'

"Violent deaths from 1994 to 2000:

"And the SA Police reports this month -- access their website's statistics at -- that a total of 174,220 people died violent deaths, from crime-related violence, between 1994 and the year 2000.

"So my question is this: 'did apartheid ever kill as many Africans as are now being killed by the deliberate neglect and looting of our tax funds by the current, supposedly democratic Mbeki regime?'"


  1. Some people are incapable of self-rule at the level of civilization (i.e., city-building). If we just bricked in Africa they would eventually return to a pre-history state of nature.

    If the libertarians get their wish and we abolish the State, then either the libertarians exile all the people incapable of independent living, and patrol the borders with machine guns so they don't come back, or slavery returns as an institution.

  2. Yup. I hate to say it but you are absolutely right, Aunty Gnostic. Truth is not racist.

    I will not spend one thin dime on poor, starving negroes. They've been subsidizing those people for over 6 decades now and all this money aimed at feeding and saving starving Africans - is just producing more illiterate, violent starving Africans that need to be fed.

  3. Most of the anti-Apartheid activists who ultimately took over the government were supporters of Marxist policies. That continues to be the case and South Africans are dying and suffering because of it. Marxism and socialism cause internal destruction where ever they're applied, regardless of ethnicity.

  4. Marxism and socialism cause internal destruction where ever they're applied, regardless of ethnicity.

    True enough, but it's interesting that minarchist and libertarian philosophical movements appear to be overwhelmingly an Anglo-Celt phenomenon.

  5. There were actually some former slaves in the U.S. who embraced that minarchist and libertarian philosophy to a degree. Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver advocated for the decendants of slaves helping and bettering themselves, not relying on the government. Where they came from, government was the enemy. They had some initial success. Unfortuately, some local poor whites were filled with envy when that happened and attacked successful blacks, and those they attacked had nowhere to turn for recourse. Bob has talked about the envy/revenge cycle in other threads.

    In the United States, Libertarian philosophy is a mostly western and midwestern movement. It never got far in the eastern part of the country, including the South.

  6. As usual Bob you are right on the money. Here in Ireland we are on of the most sickeningly Left-Wing countries on the planet. It's truly revolting listening to the propaganda on the radio and tv talking about how hard blacks had it in South Africa when they had by far a higher standard of living than other African countries. Why was there a border in South Africa? To keep people from getting in, not out. Another point is that a large part of the population increase in South Africa was due to other tribes coming in to the country.

  7. Unfortuately, some local poor whites were filled with envy when that happened and attacked successful blacks, and those they attacked had nowhere to turn for recourse.

    Da man, keepin' da Roffbardian brutha down!

  8. The real mystery remains the source of the demonic power of political correctness.

    I say it is a genetic flaw deeply hidden in the Caucasian genome.

  9. The worst slaughter, as a percentage of population, was the Commie Pol Pot.

  10. You should check out the Simon Pegg movie 'The World's End'. Not to give anything away, but the ending has a very subtle message about what happens when you ignore what the benefits you didn't realize you had.
    It's also not a bad movie.
