Saturday, February 8, 2014

Narcissistic Rage and Narcissistic Injury

Wikipedia is dubious in some ways but they do get some things right. As I've pointed out before, those who do not know how Heinz Hohut is, or Otto Kernberg, or Melanie Klein, have no business whatsoever talking about psychopaths or the Dark Triad - because they do not know what they are talking about.

Narcissists, psychopaths, those of the Dark Triad - all are the same. Weaklings covering up their feelings of shame and humiliation with braggadocio. And those who try to imitate them are the same.

"Narcissistic rage is a reaction to narcissistic injury, which is a perceived threat to a narcissist's self-esteem or self-worth. Narcissistic injury (or narcissistic scar) is a phrase used by Sigmund Freud in the 1920s; narcissistic wound and narcissistic blow are further, almost interchangeable terms. The term narcissistic rage was coined by Heinz Kohut in 1972.

"Narcissistic rage occurs on a continuum from instances of aloofness, and expression of mild irritation or annoyance, to serious outbursts, including violent attacks. Narcissistic rage reactions are not limited to personality disorders and may be also seen in catatonic, paranoid delusion and depressive episodes. It has also been suggested that narcissists have two layers of rage. The first layer of rage can be thought of as a constant anger (towards someone else), with the second layer being a self-aimed wrath.

Further psychoanalytic developments

"Freud's concept of what in his very last book he called 'early injuries to the self (injuries to narcissism)' was subsequently extended by a wide variety of psychoanalysts. Karl Abraham saw the key to adult depressions in the childhood experience of a blow to narcissism through the loss of narcissistic supply. Otto Fenichel confirmed the importance of narcissistic injury in depressives and expanded such analyses to include borderline personalities.

Edmund Bergler emphasized the importance of infantile omnipotence in narcissism, and the rage that follows any blow to that sense of narcissistic omnipotence; while Lacanians linked Freud on the narcissistic wound to Lacan on the narcissistic mirror stage.

"Finally object relations theory highlights rage against early environmental failures that left patients feeling bad about themselves when childhood omnipotence was too abruptly challenged.

Kohut and self psychology

Kohut explored a wide range of rage experiences in his seminal article 'Thoughts on Narcissism and Narcissistic Rage' (1972). He considered narcissistic rage as one major form among many, contrasting it especially with mature aggression. Because the very structure of the self itself is enfeebled in the narcissist, their rage cannot flower into real assertiveness; and they are left instead prone to oversensitivity to perceived or imagined narcissistic injuries resulting in narcissistic rage.

"For Kohut, narcissistic rage is related to narcissists' need for total control of their environment, including 'the need for revenge, for righting a wrong, for undoing a hurt by whatever means'. It is an attempt by the narcissist to turn from a passive sense of victimization to an active role in giving pain to others, while at the same time attempting to rebuild their own (actually false) sense of self-worth. It may also involve self-protection and preservation, with rage serving to restore a sense of safety and power by destroying that which had threatened the narcissist.

"Alternatively, according to Kohut, rages can be seen as a result of the shame at being faced with failure. Narcissistic rage is the uncontrollable and unexpected anger that results from a narcissistic injury - a threat to a narcissist's self-esteem or worth. Rage comes in many forms, but all pertain to the same important thing: revenge. Narcissistic rages are based on fear and will endure even after the threat is gone.

"To the narcissist, the rage is directed towards the person that they feel has slighted them; to other people, the rage is incoherent and unjust. This rage impairs their cognition, therefore impairing their judgment. During the rage they are prone to shouting, fact distortion and making groundless accusations.In his book The Analysis of the Self, Kohut explains that expressions caused by a sense of things not going the expected way blossom into rages, and narcissists may even search for conflict to find a way to alleviate pain or suffering.


"Narcissists are often pseudo-perfectionists and require being the center of attention. They create situations in which they will receive attention. His/her attempts at being perfect are cohesive with the narcissist's grandiose self-image. If a perceived state of perfection is not reached, it can lead to guilt, shame, anger or anxiety because he/she believes that he/she will lose the admiration and love from other people if he/she is not perfect.

"Behind such perfectionism, self psychology would see earlier traumatic injuries to the grandiose self.

In therapy

"Adam Phillips has argued that, contrary to what common sense might expect, therapeutic cure involves the patient being encouraged to re-experience 'a terrible narcissistic wound' - the child's experience of exclusion by the parental alliance – in order to come to terms with, and learn again, the diminishing loss of omnipotence entailed by the basic 'facts of life'


"Wide dissemination of Kohut's concepts may at times have led to their trivialization. Neville Symington points out that 'You will often hear people say, 'Oh, I'm very narcissistic,' or, 'It was a wound to my narcissism.' Such comments are not a true recognition of the condition; they are throw-away lines. Really to recognize narcissism in oneself is profoundly distressing.'"


  1. Once again, you're writing a rebuttal to an argument no one is making.

    You can have narcissistic qualities and not fit the description in the model.

    No one is saying that you need to be a clinical narcissist to get women. What is so hard about that concept that you can't get it through your thick skull?

    If you have a problem with the fact that women like narcissistic qualities, either get over it or take it up with Natural Selection/God.

    Whining about those icky, naughty PUA's just makes you a loser. The very loser you keep insisting that they are.

  2. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."

    Ancient wisdom to counteract modern stupidity.

  3. Keep the braggadocio coming, Bob. Those feelings of shame and weakness are bound to abate one of these decades.

  4. This is the same guy who said he had narcissistic/pyschopathic tendencies in another post.

    So the therapy, at least for narcissism, is to keep facing the things that cause me to feel narcissistic wounds? I can see how it might work. The times that I go into prayer and self introspection helps me calm down from acting out my narcissistic rage. But I feel maybe something else is needed for longer term effects. Say society has guardrails to keep itself functioning. I either don't always see these guardrails unlike other people or I think of them less. And obviously by the time someone tells me I went over a guardrail, it is too late. I think those with narcissistic tendencies like myself are good at looking at things in retrospect, and being able to say "Ah OK, that is where I might have went wrong" but are less capable of determining or thinking of the consequences (or underestimating the consequences) beforehand.

  5. When you piss them off, you know you're close to the truth, Bob.

  6. They never realize what it says about them when they get they upset.
