Friday, November 29, 2013

"I Got a Bad Feeling About This"

Sometimes your gut knows more than you do:

“In my 30 years of researching violence, every victim of violence who lived to tell the tale said they had a ‘bad feeling’ before the actual attack…If an alarm goes off, respond to it. Got a bad feeling? Address it. Something nagging at you? Stop and look into it. Don’t ignore these signals. Don’t rationalize and mentally correct them. Don’t dismiss them without assessing them. Your body is built for survival and one of its hard-wired systems is designed to alert you to danger.”

That's good advice.

Art imitates life:

"There is a strict separation between the political class and the rest of the populace, with the latter working in slave-like conditions to support the former."

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

"Let's jump right in by reminding readers you see the world in part through what is sometimes called the prism of empire. This refers to the belief that the behavior of governments is best understood as the attempt by unfettered politicians and bureaucrats to dominate others."

We all doomed - sort of.

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