Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Outbreeding with Neanderthals

“Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence.” - William Blake

Below is a map of outbreeding in Europe. The light colors show the most outbreeding and the dark areas show the most inbreeding.

The people in light areas created/discovered much in the world. Most of it, according to some researchers.

By the way, my ancestry is overwhelming Scots-Irish and German. My last name, for example, is a famous Scottish name and relatives have traced the Scottish side to the Lowlands of Scotland, circa 1690. In fact, most of the people in the United States have German ancestry, followed by Scots-Irish.

Now here's a map that shows the areas Neanderthals lived in.

It's recently been proven that non-African populations have from one to five percent Neanderthal DNA.

It's not original with me, but many people think we picked up a lot of good qualities from the Neanderthals. They had bigger brains than we do, but it was in the back of the head, in the occipital area and not in the front of the head, where our frontal lobes are.

The first time I encountered a writer who claimed we are part-Neanderthal was the late Stan Gooch. Here's what he wrote about our encounters with Neanderthals:

"A biological supernova occurred when Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal man met. We can, if we will listen, still clearly hear the echoes of that explosion and observe its after-effects… [B]ehind these echoes and tendrils we can also then detect the still fainter traces of Neanderthal civilisation itself, and hear the still fainter echoes of falling cities of dreams."

When he wrote these things there was no genetic evidence whatsoever we had Neanderthal ancestry, and Gooch was viciously attacked. When the genetic evidence came in, it turned out he was right. For one thing he said Neanderthals had red hair, although the gene responsible for their red hair is not the gene responsible for our red hair. Still, he was right.

What we picked up from them, however, is a matter of debate.

Gooch claimed "that Neanderthals were the original creators, the innovators, of high culture, of symbolic values and religious sensibilities, which early modern humans (Cro-Magnons) copied and adopted without genuine understanding. Neanderthal culture was not a civilisation of high technologies, but one of the mind and spirit that survives today in our beliefs, myths, folklore, and religious practices."

That may or may not be true. Only time and more research will tell.

Some modern writers have claimed we picked up much creativity from the Neanderthals, along with introversion, the ability to concentrate, and imagination. Some of them consider Cro-Magnons to be a lesser form of human.

"Let's look at the facts," writes Garret LoPorto, "modern humans made basically zero progress for over 163,000 years. They didn't invent much. They didn't develop any significant societies. They didn't build much of anything. They were basically hunter-gatherers that did not make any technological progress for 163,000 years.

"To put that in perspective, virtually all of human progress has been made over the last 37,000 years.The traits of modern humans could be summed up as very traditional, stable, with a low capacity/tolerance for risk, innovation, change and progress. In short, they were temperamentally too stable and too disinclined towards free thought or creativity to make any recognizable progress over the first 163,000 years of their existence on this planet."

He described Neanderthals as "wild and relentlessly creative to a fault. They were innovative, but because they couldn't stop innovating, battling, and moving on to the next new thing they could not maintain any progress. Think of a tribe that was 100% ADHD and bipolar -- no stability -- complete and utter madness. Without any stability their abundant creations, breakthroughs and innovations would be short-lived and forgotten by subsequent generations. Their attention could not be held for long enough to create a lasting legacy. Neanderthals were Uprisers -- radical change agents who couldn't stop changing."

The interbreeding of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal could have produced a type of "super-human" - and that could be why Europeans essentially conquered the world. They're part Cro-Magnon for the stability and part Neanderthal for advancement..

This stability/change is essential to progress. Once there is change it has to be stabilized before there can be more change, more advancement. Without the first you'd have nothing but chaos, and without the second we'd end up with 1984 or Brave New World.

There is what is known as a Neanderthal (or Celtic) toe. The big toe is shorter than the one next to it. I have one on my left foot. I know a woman who has two of them - and she is schizophrenic. Again, I wonder. (I don't know if that toe is the reason, but I am left-footed but right-handed.)

If any of this is true or not I do not really know. If this is any truth to it, however, it makes me wonder about interbreeding with people who are, to put it delicately, not up to par. That, I think, is common sense.

Because if you are not careful with whom you have children, you'll end up degrading or destroying your own bloodline.


  1. Tex Arcane has some interesting things to say about this topic.

  2. This is a new topic for me, but I'm intrigued. Can you reccomend some other books on the topic?

  3. Do you have a source for the map over inbreeding.
