Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Withdrawal of Chivalry From Almost All Women

A few years ago I had a woman tell me, "Men are responsible for all the problems in the world." This was in 2010, not 1968, and she wasn't a man-hating lesbian, just a spinster without husband, home and children, which is why she blamed all her problems on men. (Actually, I had two women tell me that in 2010.)

I told her, "No, sweetheart, you've got it exactly backwards. Women ruin everything they get involved in, and men have created culture, civilization and technology."

I had engaged in one of those Gedankenexperiments (thought experiments) that many people think Einstein invented (he just popularized the concept in the U.S.) and had come to some, let's say, rather interesting conclusions. Those conclusions left the aforementioned woman speechless. (I had actually expected her to go all female-hysterical on me.)

Let's imagine if all men withdraw all chivalry from all women. Now of course we have to define chivalry. Let's use a really broad definition: everything that men do, wittingly or unwittingly, to protect and support women.

Using that definition, if all chivalry was withdrawn, what would happen?

Women's lives would completely collapse.

Men created civilization. They created culture. They created technology. If they withdrew all those things from women, women would be, to quote Camille Paglia, reduced to living in grass huts. Or, as humorist P.J. O'Rourke wrote, without men, civilization would last until the next oil change.

Carl Jung thought that men were biologically and universally the natural 'culture makers' – more objective, better leaders, more rational, and more independent. He believed that women were biologically and universally the 'relaters,' who were better at caring for others, knowing their feelings and emotions, and valuing relationships. He also said, "Man cannot stand a meaningless life," so you might want to watch happens when meaning, importance and community are taken out of men's lives - because that is what the purpose of feminism is.

Some women, of course, have added to civilization, culture and technology. But they are a handful - statistically outliers. Of course, leftists (all of whom are self-deluded mental cases) will say the lack of contribution was due to thousands of years of oppression. (If leftism can be defined in one sentence, it's this: "It's your fault, not mine.")

The reason so few women have added to society is because they overwhelmingly don't have the ability. This is why men dominate (and always have, and always will) in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). Men (specifically white men) are responsible for creating discovering about 98% of everything in history.

What do women bring to the table? Their wombs. The ability to have children. And that, ultimately, is why men protect them. No women, no children.

These days, women control their reproduction (thanks to male scientists). They can get divorced and take a man's children and half his income (thanks to laws passed by men). They have access to easy, high-paying jobs because of Affirmative Action (which means "White Men Need Not Apply"). They can get abortions any time they want for any reason, and men can't say a damn thing about it.

I consider all of those things to be "chivalrous," although it's a perversion of true chivalry. A chivalrous man was originally an armed knight of generally high economic and social status, who was willing to do fatal violence to protect the weak and helpless. And as the poster known as Dalrock wrote, "An act of kindness or deference by such a man to someone weaker or lower in status to him is gracious in nature because of the real and immediate ability he possessed to do otherwise."

Unfortunately the modern perversion of "chivalry" has backfired, and in a big way. Men have actually cut their own throats. And as for women in combat, that's not going to happen. What it means in women in the back with easy jobs, and lots of undeserved promotions and raises while men, as always, die or are horribly wounded. Just as they do in dirty, dangerous jobs that women don't want to do.

Many women expect to be treated as a man's equal - except they don't. They still want men to be chivalrous. If men on a sinking ship pushed women out of the way, women would be outraged and horrified about all these terrible men shirking their obligations to die for women they don't even know. There would all kinds of articles about how they are entitled to this. They want these men to be gracious, if you define "gracious" as meaning "I could kill you but I choose to help you instead." It's gotten to the point where some men are saying, "I owe you nothing."

Many men get little respect, gratitude and appreciation. Sometimes, insult, mockery and devaluation. It's got to the point where they have little control over their own lives.

I am reminded of what is called "The Three Laws of RoMANtics:

1. A manbot may not injure a woman being or, through inaction, allow a woman being to come to harm.

2. A manbot must obey any orders given to it by woman beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A manbot may protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Many years ago I told a woman, "Women want all the advantages of being a man and a woman and none of the responsibilities of either." She said nothing because she had no answer.

I believe women's greatest fear is to be deserted. And the withdrawal of chivalry is, to them, being deserted. On some level they must know that without the contributions and support of men, they're reduced to poverty and destitution. Their lives would be Solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish and Short.

Their lives would be horrible. That's one of the reasons they get so bitter without husband, home and children. They think it's their due, along with easy, high-paying, indoor jobs.

Anything women have gotten involved in (because men let them) they destroy. Men gave them the vote, and they have consistently voted socialist. They dominate in education and now we have little boys stuffed with dangerous psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin because they act like boys and not girls. Bring a squirt-gun to school and you could end up in jail (those cops should be ashamed of themselves).

Instead of gratitude toward men there is bitterness, anger and sometimes hate. These are the fruits of feminism: "As you sow, so you shall reap." These are the logical consequences of leftist/lesbian feminism.

You can't be happy unless you feel gratitude. As Meister Eckhardt wrote, "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."

I had mentioned that without meaning, importance and community in life (Eckhardt's "thank you") you won't have much of a life. Women are not appreciating and saying "thank you" to men anymore and in response men are withdrawing their chivalry from women. Men are returning the resentment and contempt directed at them for the last 40 years.

I'd like to see it taught in school that men created culture and civilization and technology. That might happen someday, but it's not going to be anytime soon, not with "Women's Studies" and other worthless classes and degrees.

Ultimately men are responsible for feminism, because of a misguided sense of fair play. Because of a misguided sense of chivalry. In other words, they don't want to be gracious anymore, and instead want to hurt women out of revenge.

A few years ago I saw a woman try to change a tire with the wrong tools. She would have never gotten that tire off. So I changed it for her.

I will no longer do that. These days, she's on her own. And in more ways than one.


  1. For quite some years now I developed a little hobby of mine, slowing down when entering or exiting public buildings, waiting for a member of Equal Gender to pass in front of me , and open the Heavenly Gates herself. Although I always smile and say 'thank you' the reaction is almost uniformly a mixture of a scowl and 'if looks could kill'. Around 80% of Equalittes, that is.

  2. Hmh, what would happen if all women were to disappear?

  3. "Hmh, what would happen if all women were to disappear"

    Look at the military or men's prisons. It would not be a good thing.

  4. "I will do longer do that. These days, she's on her own. And in more ways than one"

    You have a typo here.

  5. I believe women's greatest fear is to be deserted. And the withdrawal of chivalry is, to them, being deserted.

    That is very insightful. Fear is most likely the main emotion that has driven women to feminism. The fear of desertion makes them look for a solution- and instead of thinking how can I make my man happy so he won't want to leave? they think I need to get a job so I won't need a man! This reasoning has been an abject failure for us all.

    I'm sad that chivalry is lost but women have no one to blame but themselves. Despite everything I do see a lot of chivalry in my day-to-day life still. But how much longer will that last?

  6. The education system is totally against boys. When my son was in school I had him read the poem "Horatius" by Thomas Babington Macauley. Here are few verses to whet your appetite for some real warrior poetry:


    He reeled, and on Herminius
    He leaned one breathing-space;
    Then, like a wild cat mad with wounds
    Sprang right at Astur’s face.
    Through teeth, and skull, and helmet
    So fierce a thrust he sped,
    The good sword stood a hand-breadth out
    Behind the Tuscan’s head.


    And the great Lord of Luna
    Fell at that deadly stroke,
    As falls on Mount Alvernus
    A thunder smitten oak.
    Far o’er the crashing forest
    The giant’s arms lie spread;
    And the pale augurs, muttering low,
    Gaze on the blasted head.


    On Astur’s throat Horatius
    Right firmly pressed his heel,
    And thrice and four times tugged amain,
    Ere he wrenched out the steel.
    ‘And see,’ he cried, ‘the welcome,
    Fair guests, that waits you here!
    What noble Lucumo comes next
    To taste our Roman cheer?’

  7. My previous comment about Warrior poetry was an attempt to show my son that erudition in both the arts and in war are a man's prerogative. The point being that the Roman women were safely behind the walls as Horatius faced off with the Etruscans on that single bridge over the Tiber. It was not only his duty to defend Rome but his honour as well.

  8. Excuse my language but fuck, I would have loved to had that poem as an example in English class rather than the gay crap we were forced to listen to. And I was in school over 30 years ago. I can not imagine how much worse it is. Does anyone even know where to look if they wanted to include something like this in their teaching? No, because we have so disregarded our heritage that it is all but lost to the winds. Perhaps that is the most depressing thing of all.

  9. I'm not a big fan of poetry but I really like Rudyard Kilping's "The Power of the Dog."

  10. Excellent post. The general concept of honor has been discarded by popular culture in a remarkably short period of time. Without honor, there is nothing. Men have been viciously dishonored over the last 50 years, especially white men.

    On the other hand, when you try to denature something, Nature invariably bites back.

    We are in the midst of a silent, but massive re-set of our culture. I grow more optimistic the worse things get.

  11. "The reason so few women have added to society is because they overwhelmingly don't have the ability. This is why men dominate (and always have, and always will) in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). Men (specifically white men) are responsible for creating discovering about 98% of everything in history."

    It's still not clear to me if women have the intellectual capability to perform the same as men or not. Are mens' and womens' brains that much different? I think it may be more of a behavioral issue - women just make different choices on if and how they use their brain, not necessarily that their brains are inferior and can't do the same things as men. I think that once women grow and mature, they realize that they can get men to do things for them through manipulation and such, instead of doing things themselves. It's human nature, they see how much power they have over men, and it makes their lives easier.

  12. Anonymous said ". I think that once women grow and mature, they realize that they can get men to do things for them through manipulation and such, instead of doing things themselves."

    Oh dont worry, they learn this long before they mature, more like around 5 years of age. What is really sad about the female brain is it's low level of perception. Many women continue throughout their lives thinking they can still manipulate men in their old age, however their Sexual Market Value drops to almost nothing after 40 or so. They have less and less power over men.

    But this is the part of the blog that nails it.
    "Women are not appreciating and saying "thank you" to men anymore and in response men are withdrawing their chivalry from women. Men are returning the resentment and contempt directed at them for the last 40 years."

    To put it succinctly, women are not nice anymore, but nasty toxic creatures best avoided. Pump and dump.
