Friday, July 12, 2013

The Real Purpose of the Military

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Cicero

Lincoln: Ha ha! I finally got the South to attack Fort Sumter and kill a mule. Now I'll start a four-year war, kill over 620,000 Americans (equal to over five million in 150 years) claim it's to keep the Union together or free the slaves, but it will really be about money. It'll be about the New England Yankees economically exploiting and crushing the South! I am so smart, being a lawyer and all -- the kind of politicians that will probably destroy American someday. Not that I'll be around.

Military officer: You're under arrest!

Lincoln: What?? I'm the Emperor Lincoln!

Officer: Not any more. You're not even President.

Lincoln: What's the charge?

Officer: Treason.

Lincoln: What?

Officer: The military is to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. You're a domestic enemy.

Lincoln: What are you going to do, hang me?

Officer: And turn you into a martyr? I don't think so. You can spend ten years in prison thinking about your crimes. When you truly repent and give a public announcement, then you'll be released.

Lincoln: This is outrageous!

Officer: No, it's patriotism.

Woodrow Wilson: I'm going to get involved in a European war the Founding Fathers warned us to stay out of so I can impose the lunatic leftist dream of democracy on them!

Military officer: You're under arrest!

FDR; I'm going to attack the Japanese for ten years so they'll attack us and I can start WWII and gave Christian Eastern Europe to the atheist Commies for 50 years!

Military officer: You're under arrest!

Truman: I'm going to get involved in a land war in Asia and lose tens of thousands of Americans even though it's not in our national interest in the slightest!

Military officer: You're under arrest!

Kennedy: The fools think my administration is Camelot! Stupid sheeple! I'm going to get involved in another land war in Asia!

Military officer: You're under arrest!

LBJ: I'm going to escalate the land war in Asia and start the socialist Great Society!

Military officer: You're under arrest!

Bush I: I'm going to start a meaningless war!

Military officer: You're under arrest!

Bush II: I'm going to start two meaningless wars and enrich the international bankers and international corporations at the expense of everyone else! And it's because God chose me!

Military officer: You're under arrest!

Obama: I'm going to...

Military officer: You're under arrest!


  1. Delightful!!!

    How sweet it would be.

  2. The Confederate States were not bastions of individual liberty. They had a more centralized government than the nation they succeeded from. They even instituted a military draft, but exempted slave owners from it. If that's not a redistribution of rights, I don't know what is. Also, how can Abraham Lincoln have caused succession when the southern states succeeded before he even assumed office?

  3. You might want to learn something besides public school history, "anonymous."

  4. According to Frances FritzGerald in America Revised, most historians don't consider school history text books as legitimate history.

  5. One of my friends is a historian and until his son graduated high school, was consistently at the Board of Education, school-book in hand, pointing out flaw after flaw after flaw.

  6. Spot on Bob-- but even for seekers of truth, it can be a long process to rediscover the past (it has taken me 30 years to unlearn the myths and I'm a contrarian by nature)). BTW there's a new movie coming out called "Copperhead" I think-- about Northern sympathizers during the War Between The States. Should be interesting viewing. Of course it will get no distribution...

  7. In prior posts, you point out that sometimes, children scapegoat by saying "he made me do it!" So now, Lincoln made the South bombard Fort Sumpter? FDR made Japan attack Pearl Harbor? I see some inconsistancy here.

  8. The answers to your last two questions: yes and yes.

    For example, FDR had been attacking Japan for ten years before the Japanese responded.

    Learn the true history of things...not the lies and propaganda of public school.

  9. lmao @ Obama. He really is one of, if not the worst presidents we've ever had. I can't think of anything positive achieved since he came into office.
