Friday, June 21, 2013

Politics and the Terrible Mother

"Nowhere are prejudices more mistaken for truth, passion for reason, and invective for documentation than in politics. That is a realm, peopled only by villains or heroes, in which everything is black or white and gray is a forbidden color." - John Mason Brown

If there is any good at all about politics, it makes things so extreme they're easy to understand, compared to much more complex things which can take a great deal of analysis in order to make any sense of them.

Let's take the mythological Terrible Mother, that hate-filled, envious, power-mad monster who wishes to destroy men. Today, she is embodied in feminism, which wishes to destroy men out of envy and hate.

Feminism is leftist, just as true conservatism (I repeat true conservatism) is rightist and masculine. In fact, leftism is inherently feminine - although I'll add it is the bad feminine, i.e., the Terrible Mother.

The Good Feminine exists, but can only exist because of the Good Father. With the loss of the Good Father the Terrible Mother pops up and always tries to destroy. (In other words, we need pater familias).

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, in his Leftism Revisited, described leftism as attempting to "overthrow the Father." He also commented that leftists don't merely misunderstand human nature; they don't understand it at all.

The feminine principle operates by feeling, just as the masculine principle operates by reason. Leftists always operate on feeling, although they think they operate on reason, which they do not. To them, truth is what they feel is the truth.

Worse, leftists are narcissistic, which is defined as seeing everything as all-good or all-bad, with nothing in-between. Narcissists always think they are right, project their problems on other people, and see those they disagree with not as mistaken, but evil.

Even though the term "narcissistic" didn't exist in the any of the mythological stories of the Terrible Mother, it does now, and it is a good word.

The Terrible Mother, both personally and politically, operates on feelings, not reason; thinks she is always right and those who disagree with her are evil, and blames her problems on others. (Jung said women's worst flaw was thinking she is always right.) The Terrible Mother is a malignant narcissist.

Sounds familiar? Sure does, doesn't it? It's every leftist who ever existed. All of them are narcissistic, which means they are about four-years-old emotionally.

As for that subset of the Manosphere known as PUAs/"Alphas" (the Cad variety) the "Dark Triad," theses are the characteristics of the Terrible Father, and those who think these are good things are fools. The Terrible Father only destroys, just as the Terrible Mother only destroys.

Let's put it this way: who advances and who destroys? Darth Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi? (By the way, "Vader" means father in Dutch. It's been claimed his name means "Dark Death Father" - which is exactly what I thought when I first saw the movie when I was 21).

Both the Terrible Mother and the Terrible Father are about power, domination, manipulation and control. About sadism.

I try to make things as simple as possible at the beginning, then you can move on to more complex things. That is why I have been interested in mythology for so many years. Myths last because all the dross has been burned away over a thousand or more years, and what you are left with are short, entertaining stories about the universals of human nature.

"He either idealizes his objects or devalues them. At any given time, the objects are either all good or all bad. The bad attributes are always projected, displaced, or otherwise externalized. The good ones are internalized in order to support the inflated ("grandiose") self-concepts of the narcissist and his grandiose fantasies and to avoid the pain of deflation and disillusionment." - Sam Vaknin

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