Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Madonna and the Whore

"Knowing that a woman does not belong on a pedestal is not synonymous with believing that she dwells in a sewer." - Athol Kay

I have pointed out before there are a lot of inaccurate, indeed dangerous, concepts in the Manosphere.

Some of them are the concepts of Alpha/Beta. An Alpha supposedly see the truth about women, that they are hypergamous gold-digging sluts who want "Alpha fux and Beta bux" and who are run by their rationalization hamsters. That they'll always dump their husbands if they can trade up, that they are always attracted to Bad Boys, that they have no self-awareness whatsoever of any of these things.

Betas are supposed to put women on a pedestal and Alphas see them as whores. Even though the "theoreticians" in the Mansphere can't seem to figure it out, these are just the old ideas of the Madonna and the Whore.

The split didn't come from Christianity but was identified by it. I'm sure it was identified before Christianity, since this split is created by our inborn narcissism, i.e., our ability to split people into all good and all bad. Good Madonnas and bad whores.

Our narcissism is what influences us to see ourselves as good and others as bad. What of the worst things about it is that inherent in it is scapegoating, or projection. "Since I am good and you are bad, you are the cause of all my problems, so I will degrade you, humiliate you and often try to kill you."

For women it is supposed to be idealizing Alphas and despising any man who's not. However, that's what men think they are.

The Manosphere hasn't yet figured out how to heal this split because they don't realize it was healed in the past - to the extent it can be healed.

For on thing, there are two "Alphas," not one. The one who sees women as Whores is the Cad, and my experience has been Cads don't even like women. The one who is the Patriarch/Protector is the true Alpha, not the Cad. The term Alpha only confuses. It does not clarify.

One thing figured out by Christianity - and the Hebrews before it - is the meaning of the story of the Garden of Eden. The serpent is a symbol of envy and hate and like all the envious wants to bring the envied down, even if the envier destroys himself.

Adam blames Eve and Eve blames the serpent. It what I mentioned before: it's scapegoating or projection. The denial of self-responsibility and the casting of problems onto innocent people.

The story is telling us that putting someone down is almost always based on envy. Feminism is based on the envy of men, which is why feminism will destroy men even if it destroys itself - which is what it is in the process of doing.

The Cad sees women as whores, which mean they degrade women out of envy of them, and Cads will destroy women even if they destroy themselves - which is what they do.

To the extent the Manosphere puts down women as hypergamous gold-digging Alpha-cock-riding whores, it based on the envy of women and so will destroy them even if it destroys itself. It turns women into whores, and any man who sees women as whores is courting a boatload of psychological problems.

Any man who sees them as Madonnas is also seeking that same boatload.

There is a lot of wisdom in the past. If only people pay attention to it.

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