Thursday, February 14, 2013

Yo, Lost Boys of the Manosphere: Real Alphas are Patriarchs

"Women seems wicked when you're unwanted." - The Doors.

I call them the Lost Boys of the Manosphere. It's a nasty comment but a true one. They never learned what a man is supposed to be (which is really no fault of their own), so they look to the "celebrities" of the Manosphere, whose ideas they imitate because they have very few of their own. That makes them Sheeple. They're fond of talking about taking the Red Pill, but they've just exchanged one Matrix for another.

The Lost Boys invariably have some pretty damn bad problems with women, which is why they look to the Manosphere for advice. Some good advice is available, but an awful lot of it just plain stinks.

One thing they are utterly confused about is the "alpha." The word "alpha" comes from the study of canines, and it means "parent wolves." They are the only couple that bred, to make sure there weren't too many puppies which could not be supported and therefore would die if not. That's all it means.

The Lost Boys (and the Lost Celebrities for that matter) think Alpha means a guy who is popular with women, manipulates them and gets a lot of sex. The traditional term for men like this is a "cad." I've known some; they've all been cowards who've always ruined their lives unless they change. They're not some Dark Triad Bad Boys who all the chicks dig. They're insecure and cowardly, which they cover up with bluster and fake confidence. They're frauds.

In other words, these guys, for whatever reason, have poor self-esteem, and like all people with low self-esteem, are easily humiliated. And those who are easily humiliated always try to prevent it, hence, the reaction to feminism that is the Manosphere.

Some cads can be fairly high-class. The worst ones are called niggers and white trash, and they are on the bottom because of lack of intelligence, immaturity, impulsiveness, and laziness. They don't want to work, do drugs, and try to live off of whomever they can.

The lowlifes show, in varying degrees, all of the Seven Deadly Sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

I've met those who had no clue whatsoever what "alpha" means. One thought pit bulls were alphas. That is far beyond the border of ignorance and deep into Stupid Country.

If you take the canine definition and apply it to humans as it is supposed to be, what you get is a married man with a lot of children and a high-paying job. It is what a man is supposed to be: a patriarch. Not a player, not a cad, not a puzzled Lost Boy.

A patriarch is supposed to show the Four Cardinal Virtues: prudence, justice, temperance or restraint (self-control) and courage. Such men are supposed to be chivalrous in the original sense: they seek justice; they will defend themselves and the weak and powerless, using weapons if necessary: they try to be noble and honorable. They are confident in themselves and their self-image is based on true achievements.

That doesn't mean grave or serious. It can mean play, which is not only necessary but at its best is absorbing and creates well-being. It can mean well-being, or eudaimonia (the correct translation of "the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence). You gain well-being through arete, or excellence. And you can gain that through freedom, through competence, and though meaning and importance.

The general interference by the government has made those things exceedingly difficult to achieve.

Then we have leftist/lesbian feminism, destructively enshrined in law, which has made marriage a raw deal for men. It's got to the point where it's not even worthwhile for a man to get married, not when a woman can divorce him and use the law to ruin his life and take away his kids and money.

Since there are very few high-paying jobs available for men these days, that's also a dagger into the idea of marriage and children. The only way a man can big bucks is if he a) works his butt off establishing his own business (and it just might fail) or b) gets a degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). Most men don't have the ability to do STEM.

There is really only one reason for the lack of high-paying jobs: meddling in the economy and society by government, which blights everything it touches.

Feminism pretty much got its start 50 years ago, when the ghastly Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique. What we have now is the first generation raised completely under its evil spell. That's why they are so confused as to what a man is supposed to be, and why they are lost, and why they believe in some of the more foolish, naive, and dangerous concepts of the Manosphere - Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Sigma, the Dark Triad.

Supposedly those who show Dark Triad traits are supposed to get are. Just like the guy who thought pit bulls were alphas, these guys don't even know what the Dark Triad is. Psychopaths have no conscience whatsoever and are incapable of love. The worst are the serial killers, many of whom are necrophiliacs and cannibals.

For that matter, narcissists are incapable of love. They may desperately need people, don't they don't love. The women I have seen these girls get have almost always been lower-class: srippers, hooker, drug addicts, groupies. Invariably they've been disturbed.

And, yes, feminism is evil. It is based on hate and envy. It creates shattered families, fatherless boys (the word "bastard" means a fatherless boy and a cruel heartless man), confused unhappy men, confused unhappy women (it astonishes me the number of women I know on psychiatric drugs).

Many of the celebrities of the Manosphere don't know what they are talking about, and you fall under their spell at your peril.

Men are no longer allowed to be patriarchs, not with the destruction wrought by the State. Now they've taken a detour into the bizarre religious cult that a lot of the Manosphere has become (anything that uses its own private language is a religious cult).

When you have married men with high-paying jobs, who have a lot of children, and who are patriarchs of their families (and fathers and mentors to young boys), then you the basis for a happy, stable society. When you don't have those things, you have a society in collapse. Which is what we have now.

Feminism has not only made men unhappy, it's made women unhappy. And women's greatest flaw is to blame their problems on men, which in a twisted way makes sense, because men created civilization, society, and technology. Women don't have the ability to do any of that (all the women who have produced anything useful in the world you can fit in a large closet).

Not only have men created almost everything, specifically European men, no matter where they reside in the world, have created 98% of everything.

Since men have fucked things up by not being patriarchs anymore (out of a misguided sense of fairness), women have become lost, too. The Lost Girls of Feminism.

None of this will last. The current system is unsustainable. Things are warped, out of balance. Meaning and liberty are in peril. There is just as much chaos as equilibrium.

Unfortunately, things are going to get even more scrambled before they get better. It's not as if government or society will go first. The government has gotten so big (the biggest red flag there is) and is so intertwined with society (like the cancer it is) that they'll go together.

The Manosphere is a needed reaction to the evils of feminism. It'll sort itself out, once it gets rid of the bad ideas. It's not going to be much fun.


  1. Excellent post. Finally a proper response to the "I am an Alpha because I can get sluts and you can't," mentality. You are correct about these sorts being once called cads: I recall from years ago a woodblock print from the late 19th century depicting a virginal woman horsewhipping a cad (the print was called "The Cad"); a short search turned up nothing of the series by Rockwell Kent.

  2. ...Once it gets rid of the bad ideas...

    Curious - what are the "bad ideas" in your opinion?

  3. Bad ideas? Those who praise "the Dark Triad" don't even know what it is. Alphas apply to dogs, not people. Hamsters, hypergamy - the private languages of a religious cult.

    Did you even read the article or just skim it?

  4. This is the smartest, most accurate and balanced article I've seen on the Manosphere topic.

    The alpha man is neither a nu-male nor a PUA male slut, but rather the man who exemplifies the best of Western ideals and tradition.
