Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Women and Manginas Should Not be Allowed to Teach Boys

I graduated from a pretty big university that is the biggest producers of teachers (sic) in one of the most populous states. All the education students except one were girls, and they were all stupid. Every one of them I met - and I met a lot - was stupid. That's not surprising since education majors have the lowest IQs of all college majors.

Not one of them had a library in her room. And I was in a lot of their rooms. It was more than a little disturbing, since all of them took themselves way too seriously, as if they thought the continuation of society rested on their shoulders. Or maybe none of them had much of a sense of humor.

I could tell they were incompetent, even in college. They didn't know it. But then, incompetents almost never know they're incompetent. Mostly, they think they're very good at their jobs, when outsiders can see they're not.

Only one of them was not stupid, and he was a friend of mine. He ended up leaving the field since he was disgusted by it. He later got a MS and Ph.D. in Economics. He said he will never teach public school again.

I have found teaching degrees are worthless. Does it really take four years of college to each five-year-old children in kindergarten? And an Ed.D.? Get real. It's a joke.

I didn't so much dislike school but I sure was bored by it. I graduated high school with a D+++ average. With a C as a 3, I graduated with a 2.999. I was not supposed to graduate because you were supposed to have at least a C average, but I had already been accepted to college, so they let me go.

It wasn't like I was dumb. At 12 my IQ was listed as 126 (when I found that out I was shocked). I did not do my homework, and what I did was barely done. I got suspended from school once, and was on after-school detention more than once. I skipped school more than once. Several times, actually. And I wasn't a bad kid, not at all.

On weekends I got high and drank and partied. It helped get me through school. And once I was out of high school, I quit almost all of it. I didn't need it as a release anymore.

I still have all my report cards. There are a lot of comments on them, all from women teachers, about how I did not do my homework and what I turned in was barely done, and how I did not pay attention in class and instead daydreamed. "And Bobby's got such potential!" That's an exact quote.

Even at the age of five I knew something was wrong with school. Later I identified one of the problems: women teachers. Some of them seemed to hate boys. I was hit at least three times by female teachers, one time repeatedly. That one time I was hit repeatedly I was six years old.

Women should not be allowed to teach little boys. Boys are more rowdy than girls, they don't pay much attention, they don't care about pleasing teachers, and they get worse grades. I was an example of all of them.

When I graduated college I dealt with a lot of female teachers and principals. I was appalled at how bad they were. I also met some male teachers. They were manginas. The few male teachers I had when I was in school were not pussies like they are today. One I had was an ex-Marine, was very funny, and we all liked him.

Stupid women teacher who do not like boys. And manginas. And people wonder why boys do so poorly in schools. The problem is not with boys. It's the schools.

Men are responsible for all the innovation in society. Women aren't. A few are, but they can be counted on one hand. Men created civilization. Women have babies.

It amazes me that men still are responsible for doing so much, considering how poorly we're treated today. Affirmative Action means "White Men Need Not Apply." There are barely any jobs available unless you have a degree in STEM - science, technology, engineering, math (and men will always dominate in them). High-paying industrial jobs for those with average IQs - they've been outsourced. In other words, fuck you.

I no longer believe in the public schools. Pull your kids out. I'd rather live in a rural trailer and home-school my kids than put them in the public schools. And I no longer believe women should teach little boys, since many of them do not like boys and are afflicted with the disease of "Stupid Can't be Fixed."

As far as I'm concerned, the public schools should be closed down. Since that's not going to happen soon, second-best is to get rid of the female teachers and the manginas. The schools would get a lot better, fast.

If we don't do this, we will continue to cut our own throats.

1 comment:

  1. A woman is whining because her daughter’s husband has taken her children away from her, and is requesting people to please help her.

    I pointed out that TENS OF MILLIONS of MEN have had their children kidnapped by women, and the women REFUSED to help the men. So why should we help you women? And the reaction? The usual male-shaming language and man-hating feminist bullshit. How surprising.

    Here’s the full convo. To see my replies, scroll down to User ID 20438149

