Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why People Identify with Jordan Dorner

"I have never seen a situation so dismal that a policeman couldn't make it worse." - Brendan Behan

Trample, trample, trample, kick, shoot, punch, beat, murder, laugh, get away with it.

No one in his right mind agrees with Jordan Dorner murdering people, but I have met a lot of people who are living through him vicariously. They don't much care - or don't care at all - as long as he's killing police officers. They don't even much care he's murdered innocent people - because they are the relatives of people that Dorner thinks humiliated and abused him.

The next question is, of course, why are people getting a vicarious thrill out of this?

It's got to the point where many police forces are deadly corrupt. They get away with murdering innocent people, shooting or beating them to death, paralyzing them, putting them into permanent comas or anything else you can think of.

And they almost always get away with it. And they laugh and high-five each other.

That's why people are angry. And most police just don't get it. They have no comprehension that many people see them as the bad guys, because they are the bad guys.

They also don't get that humiliation is always followed by revenge. The Greeks called it Hubris followed by Nemesis. Hubris meant to originally humiliate someone in public, and they considered it so obscene they banned it from the theater. Nemesis, for all practical purposes, means "revenge."

Dorner was clearly a psychologically fragile man from the git-go. You don't take someone like that and just dump him in the street and say "bye bye." He saw it as unbearable humiliation, and now he's taking his revenge. That's a law of human nature, and many of the police are too stupid and naive to understand how human nature works.

Police officers aren't supposed to be "police" officers. They're supposed to be Peace Officers. Some are, but many aren't.

People tell me there are many "good cops" out there. Oh really? Name one "good" cop who's turned in a bad cop. Not three bad cops. Not two bad cops. One bad cop.

The last time I can remember that happening was Serpico, and his fellow cops tried to kill him.

When I was growing up police officers did not act like this. I never had a problem with the police in my hometown, even though they pulled me over once when I accidentally ran a red light at night, in the rain, during construction. They didn't even give me a ticket.

I even had two pick me up when I was hitchhiking as a teenager. So don't think I'm against the police. I'm against bad cops who do very bad things to innocent people, and then have no problem with it.

On the other hand, I've dealt with police forces, that if someone was killing them, and I knew who it was, I wouldn't turn him in.

It's amusing how the cops in California have suddenly turned coward. One guy told me there are no longer any motorcycle cops to be seen. And now they're proving Dorner's point about corruption by shooting up vans with innocent people in them, including one with two tiny Asian women.

Personally I have problems telling two tiny Asian women (including one over 70 years old) from a 270-pound black muscleman.

I also find it interesting that one determined man with a gun has tied up an entire police force. So much for those who think tyrants cannot be fought because they have tanks, planes, etc. It's all for naught if those on the ground are targeted...or their families, as Dorner did.

How did all of this come to pass? For one thing, a multicultural society which has imported tens of millions of low-IQ, crime-prone aliens. Two, the expansion of the federal government, which automatically brings fascism - a police state. And what supports a police state? Corrupt, sadistic, and traitorous "police."

Malicious coward and bullies, abusing people, ignoring their rights, murdering, beating and stealing, including illegal searches, ignoring every Constitutional right....and nothing happens to them. Where is the justice?

That is why people are vicariously living through Jordan Dorner. Because they don't like cowardly, sadistic, fascist thugs pretending to be Peace Officers. And getting away with evil and the legal system doing nothing about it except calling it good.

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Bob, I am guessing you are around my age? I am 37. Reason I mention my age is that when I was growing up, us children would literally run out of our house to wave hi at the police officer driving through our neighborhoods.

    Sure it was suburbia, but after reading your latest post, I found myself wondering what the heck is happening, or more so, how did we devolve so quickly?
