Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sex as Meaning Nothing

I have, three times in my life, had naked women get into bed with me. The first time, it lasted perhaps one minute. The second girl, it lasted maybe a minute and a half. The third girl, about a minute.

The second girl, there was a second time. It lasted about a minute. She wanted there to be a third and fourth time, but I ignored her.

Each time, the sex, since it was so brief, meant nothing to me. For them, it was clearly just physical relief. One actually said to me, “I really needed that” (the biggest red flag for a woman is when she talk about sex as "relief"). None of them asked a thing about me. That’s significant.

I suppose some guys would be envious of me. In fact, I know some were, because the second girl, we lived in a co-ed house in college, and she ignored the other guys in favor of me. Yet, when it comes down to it, there was nothing for them to be envious of.

Each of these girls was extremely promiscuous, and I do not think they were capable of love. I wonder if there is a inverse relationship between promiscuity and love? After all, notwithstanding silly fantasies like Pretty Woman, how many prostitutes fall in love at least once in their lives? I doubt it’s all that many.

One question I have never been able to answer is, where do you draw the line? What is the upper limit on sex partners? I do know that devoting your life to physical pleasure will destroy you. That’s been noticed as far back as the ancient Greeks.

Physical pleasure has its place. I always think of Jesus, who went to weddings and ate, and drank wine. He approved of it. And what happens at these parties? Dancing and music, of course. It all has its place in life, along with sex. But you can’t be drunk all the time, or eat all the time. Or have sex all the time, either.

Speaking of Jesus, I consider these people to have fallen for the First Temptation – people do not live by bread alone. “Bread,” if it means anything, means materialism. Such materialism includes food, money, drink, sex. Pleasure. No one can make such things the meanings of their lives, such as epicures try to do. Ultimately, and generally quickly, it leads to a degraded life.

I’m not disapproving of sexual promiscuity in a moral sense or even in a physical one, although there can be physical repercussions from such promiscuity. I’m interested in only the psychological effects. The only thing I can say with any certainty is that the more sexually promiscuous someone is, the more difficulty they will have in maintaining a long-term romantic relationship.

I think the reason for this difficulty is that in case of every one of these girls, they were self-centered and lacking in empathy. Lacking in those feelings, they tried to fill the empty place in themselves with physical sensation. That, of course, never works, since physical sensation always ebbs and flows, goes up and down. So you end up needing another fix, but fast. That’s the nature of pleasure.

The original meaning of the Greek word “daemon” (perverted into the word “demon”) was a natural function that took over one’s life, be it sex or food or alcohol. It appears when one gets taken over by a daemon, not much of the personality is left for anything else. Such is the nature of addiction.

I've known more than a few people who devoted their lives to physical pleasure. One women ended up at 52, without home, husband and children, just a cat and a TV. She had been a promiscuous drug-using party girl in college.

Another guy, who was fairly wealthy, good-looking and charming, devoted much time to seducing women. His score was about 100. He ended up alone, a drug-addict (the Lost Boys of the Manosphere refer guys like this as Alphas, when the real name is "cad").

All of these people were extroverts, which means they gain energy from other people. Unfortunately they can be indiscriminate about who they gain energy from. That's one of the main problems with being an extrovert.

I never really judged these people morally. I was more interested in understanding them What I have found is that these people have a poor self-image: insecure, afraid, always cowardly, and covering all of it up with charm and friendliness. They are in fact so insecure and self-centered they have nothing left for loving anyone else. That's why all of them ended up alone.

Do parents tell their kids about these truths? For the most part, no. Churches don't do it, either, again not for the most part. So people have to learn the hard way. Unfortunately, for some people, it destroys their lives,

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