Friday, February 1, 2013

How to Create Serial Killers, Mass Murderers and Rapists

First, start with a boy, because males are the ones who are really responsible for the truly awful violence the world.

Then, from the day he is born, physically and emotionally abuse him. Especially have his mother and other females do it. The men can also engage in it or not protect him.

Want to see two movies about abusive mothers and weak fathers? Try Born on the Fourth of July and Boogie Nights.

Continue it throughout his childhood. Emotionally and physically abuse and humiliate him. A lot. His parents can do it, and other kids, and the schools and the media. Let him be immersed in it.

Do it though middle school. The kids there, especially the girls, can ignore and humiliate him. Continue it through high school and until he graduates.

Then, make sure there are no good jobs available to pay a middle-class wage. Impoverish them.

Make sure there is no place to turn unless it’s prison. Give them psychiatric drugs, aka murder/suicide pills.

Blame everything on them. Make sure leftist feminists says, “Men are responsible for all the problems in the world.”

Then sit back and watch what happens.

There is a very good chance that some of them will become serial killers, mass murderers, rapists, and abusers, almost all of it directed toward women.

All violence, to the violent, is an attempt to achieve justice, no matter how warped it is, since to them revenge is justice. All violence is in fact revenge, an attempt to replace feelings of humiliation with feelings of pride, defined as self-respect, self-love, self-esteem.

The Greeks noticed all of this thousands of years ago, when they wrote that Hubris (originally defined as humiliating someone in public) was followed by Nemesis - revenge.

By the way, they considered humiliating someone in public so obscene they banned it from the theater. They knew what humiliating someone leads to (the word "mortify" means to "make dead" - to make dead inside, i.e., their feelings).

These day, in the theater known as life, it's not such an uncommon thing.

1 comment:

  1. Long time listener 1st time caller.

    I once said to a girl of 21, "How do you tell if a man is a Homicidal Sociopath"?

    There is no trick to it,

    I then proceeded to put out my lit cigar in the palm of my hand.

    a girl won't know until it's too late!
