Friday, February 8, 2013

Envy and Ingratitude Among Women Fooled by Feminism

Feminism, being leftist, is based on envy, as all leftism is based on envy. And of all the Seven Deadly Sins, envy is the only one that isn't any fun. Anyone who's felt it knows it's one of the worst feelings that exists. It's so unpleasant people won't even admit it, not to others, not to themselves. They'll disguise their resentment and indignation as "justice" or "fairness" or use some other obscuring rationalization.

The feeling is so excruciating there isn't any good to it at all. It doesn't matter if it's put into effect or not; it's so unpleasant the person is automatically rendered unhappy. Very unhappy. It keeps you from having well-being, and any sort of satisfying and flourishing life.

Of course, and unfortunately, when envy is implemented in the world, then it becomes so massively destructive it's included in the Ten Commandments (actually "Ten Word" or "Ten Utterances"): "You shall not covet ... anything that belongs to your neighbor" (Ex. 20:17). Envy is destructive of both self and society.

When people feel envy, they want to bring down those whom they envy. That's how I recognize it. Whenever see you see someone put someone else down, especially over and over, the person put down is envied. And the envier will always claim the envied deserves the attacks.

The opposite of envy is gratitude. Those who are envious cannot be grateful. And if you cannot feel gratitude, you cannot be happy. I always try to keep in mind what Meister Eckhardt said, "If the only prayer you said was 'thank you,' that would be enough." I also keep in minf what Warren Zevon said: "I enjoy every sandwich." That's because enough is as good as a feast...if you can enjoy every sandwich.

People who are envious always believe two things: that they are helpless, and that they are victims. Not just victims, but completely innocent victims, so they must attack, bring down and destroy those they envy, on whom they blame their problems.

Envy is why feminism has claimed women are the victims of men, why they must bring them down, and why, since they are "helpless," need the government to institute such programs as Affirmative Action (I get tired of saying that what it really means is "White Men Need Not Apply").

One of the favorite tactics of the envious is to accuse they envy of greed. Specifically, the love of money and power. And since they won't share that money (usually in the form of "careers") laws must be passed to correct the situation. That's where Affirmative Action comes in.

The purpose of the left - and that includes feminism - is to gain political control. And political control, ultimately, is about turning people into slaves. That means opponents must always be degraded and demonized. Those of the left "covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them. They defraud a man of his home, a fellowman of his inheritance" (Micah 2:2).

Leftists always want to destroy society because once they do, they think they can remake human nature - a nature of which they can no understanding. I see leftists as being emotionally being about four years old.

The late psychoanalyst Melanie Klein wrote a seminal book, Envy and Gratitude. She found there is a sequence: envy, guilt, reparations, gratitude. (You can see this sequence is Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment and to a lesser extent in the Robert DeNiro movie, The Mission).

In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov envies the old woman, murders her, finally confesses out of guilt, makes reparations by serving time, and though his love for Sonia feels gratitude. In The Mission Robert DiNiro’s character kills his brother out of jealousy (a form of envy), feels guilty and makes reparations by ceasing to be a slaver and devoting his life to protecting the Indians he had enslaved. There is no sign in the movie he was grateful…but he had found peace of mind. And in gratitude you always find peace of mind.

Until those who envy feel guilty about it, and make reparations, they will never feel gratitude, will never know well-being, will never flourish and never know a satisfying life.

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