Sunday, March 23, 2008

The AMA Will Kill You

A few years ago JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) admitted that doctors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. I wouldn't be surprised if the statistics are on the low side and doctors are the leading cause of death. Remember that old saying, "doctors bury their mistakes"? Those mistakes rarely make it into the records.

I blame this sad state of affairs on the fact the AMA is an arrogant government-backed guild dedicated to protecting doctors' incomes, status and professional and political power at the expense of peoples' health and lives. It doesn't get rid of bad doctors and attempts to prevent competition. Without competition, the status quo becomes frozen. This means protecting the status quo becomes more important than protecting people (years ago doctors use to make house calls. Guess what happened to that?). Protecting the status quo is one of those bad laws of human nature.

There are several rules I live my life by. One of them is "The State is always wrong." Because of this, if I had my way, I would close down the AMA, the ADA and the ABA in the next nano-second. All exist to protect its members at the expense of the public, although, all of course, each claims it's protecting the public. I'm sure they believe this, too.

A third rule I have is, "Materialism is a sham." When I say "materialism" I mean philosophical or scientific materialism, which is the belief mattter is ultimately all there is, and life, consciousness and self-consciousness are just by-products of matter. Most doctors operate under this assumption, even if they don't know it. That's why they consistently attempt to treat the "matter" of the body. Depression? Prozac or its clones. Anxiety? Buspar or Xanax. Whatever disease a person has, there is a drug (or drugs) to suppress the symptoms. What they all have is common is the attempt to treat the body alone. Since materialism is false, this is why (as the article above shows) that some people die from the drugs doctors prescribe.

For hundreds of years there has been a controversy in medicine between what have been called the "mechanists" (who are the materialists) and the "vitalists" (who think there is a "vital force" along with matter). This debate still goes on today, although you don't hear much about it. The reason why is because materialists gained political power and, of course, have attempted to not only stifle debate but completely destroy any notion of vitalism in medicine ("vitalism," these days, is generally referred to as "energy medicine").

Two years ago I decided to give up my two-pack-a-day habit. I was fine until the fourth day, when I developed insomnia. I was sleeping an hour-and-a-half a night. After two months I was up to three hours a night. I decided it was time to see a doctor.

Since I knew the typical doctor would do nothing except try to suppress my symptoms with sleeping pills, I looked around until I found someone who would seek the cause (I knew the cause: giving up cigarettes. But that still didn't explain why).

I finally decided on one M.D. (who I'll call Dr. Smith). When I was in his office I asked him what he thought of the AMA. "Too much regulation," he answered.

I knew then I was in good hands, as compared to a doctor to once said to me, "If the AMA doesn't approve it, it doesn't work." He probably could have made a lot of extra money raising daisies to put on his patients' graves.

Dr. Smith was an education. The first thing he did is look at my teeth. "You don't have metal fillings," he said. I told him they were falling out after 20 years, so I had them replaced. The dentist said plastic (or composite) fillings were cheaper, stronger, and would last longer.

When I asked him why he was so concerned about the fillings, he said, "A few reasons. One, they're full of mercury, which is a dangerous poison. The ADA says they're safe, but they're not. One of the first things I tell patients is that if they want to get well, they have to have their metal fillings replaced with composite.

"Another reason is that what most people think of as acupuncture meridians are actually minute DC electrical currents. Since DC current fades out with distance, acupuncture points are actually 'booster stations' that keep the current going. That's why acupuncturists use metal needles. It either increases or decreases the current. This electrical current is actually a healing force in the body. If you didn't have any electricity in your body, you'd be dead, wouldn't you?

"These currents all end on the hands and fingers, the feet and toes, and the teeth. Metal fillings can short-circuit these currents. Since metal fillings are made of several different metals, all bathed in saliva, do you know what they are?"

"Batteries," I said. I had known years that batteries were created by putting different metals together. It had never occured to me that dental fillings could be batteries.

"That's exactly what they are," he told me. I told him an interesting story which I had never been able to explain. Throughout my entire life my abdominal muscles have never tight, no matter how in shape I was. Yet the day I had my fillings replaced the muscles became tight. "One of your metal fillings was short-circuiting the current to your muscles," he said. "Once it was replaced, the current became normal and your muscles returned to normal. This is one of the reason why the overwhelming majority of the top athletes in the world don't have any fillings. Few have even one."

The next thing he did was test these electrical currents with a machine called an EAV (Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll). Dr. Voll was a German scientist who discovered in the '50s that the acupuncture meridians were electrical in nature. He invented a machine to test them. This was rediscovered by the American scientist Robert O. Becker.

This machine-which showed a rising or falling line on a computer screen-showed my pituitary gland was under-active and my liver was overactive. "What I think is happening," Dr. Smith told me, "is that all the heavy metals in cigarette smoke -- cadmium, aluminum, lead --are now being pulled out of your body since you've quit smoking. That might account for the pituitary and the liver, and the insomnia."

He had my blood drawn for testing --"I rarely find anything from these," he said -- and also ordered a hair analysis. When the hair analysis came back it showed extremely high levels of lead, aluminum, cadmium and nickel. "That's your problem," he told me. "When you quit smoking the heavy metals started coming out of your cells."

"How long can I expect this insomnia to last?" I asked.

"I don't know," he answered. "Could be months, even up to a year. It depends on how fast your body gets rid of the metals."

Oh, no. "What do you suggest, then?"

"There's two ways we can handle this," he said. "One is you change your diet to help eliminate the metals. This includes taking herbs that will help your body pull the metals out. The quickest way, however, is chelation therapy, which involves putting a IV in your arm. The chemical we use grabs the heavy metals so that you eliminate them quickly, mostly in your urine."

Okay, fine. I went into the chelation room and had a needle stuck in my arm. Two people were in there. One was a teacher in her 50's. "I went to different doctors for seven years because of heart palpitations," she told told. "The last one told me I was a mental case and wanted to put me on psychiatric medication. When I came to Dr. Smith I found out all the extensive dental work I had done -- right before the palpitations started -- was pouring mercury into my body. Since I've undergone the chelation, the palpitations have stopped."

She showed me the results of a current urine test. "Nine parts-per-million of mercury is high. Mine is 150 ppm, after my last chelation," she told me. Needless to say, I was impressed.

The other guy in the room was a dentist. "I was near suicide," he told me."I couldn't believe how depressed I was. It turned out is was from the two decades I spend putting mercury in people's mouths. It went into me."

I remembered reading several years ago that dentists have the highest suicide rate in the U.S. Now I knew why. "I'm fine now," the dentist told me."But for a while, after the chelation, my tests showed 170 ppm of mercury."

He told me something very interesting. The word "quack" comes from "quack-salver," which is German for "quicksilver," i.e., mercury. "In the 1800's, there were the dentists who used mercury --the quacks --and the ones who knew it was dangerous. The quacks got the government to back them. So guess who won?"

The chelation took one hour. I went home and promptly fell asleep. I underwent ten chelations. The last hair analysis showed a slightly high level of aluminum. The other heavy metals were gone completely. The cleansing herbs Dr. Smith prescribed gave me a metallic taste in my mouth. "It's the metals coming out," he told me.

I don't have insomnia anymore. Strangely, my mind is clearer. "Those metals also accumulate in your brain," Dr. Smith said.

Sometimes I wonder what health-care would be like in this country if the quacks in the AMA and the ADA hadn't won the political battle. One thing I do know: there would be many, many people who would not have died early.

One of the most dishonest and dangerous sites about medicine is the mis-named Quackwatch. While a very small amount of the criticisms are valid, it overwhelmingly supports that which has made doctors the third leading cause of death. Take special attention to the patronizing, totalitarian article, "Why Strong laws Are Needed to Protect Us" (it reminds me of the joke, "What's the difference between God and a doctor? God doesn't think He's a doctor.").

Can you imagine what would happen if we had national health care? How much say do you think you'd have in your treatment? Would it even matter is the treatment didn't work, or worse, killed you? I doubt it.

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