Thursday, March 30, 2017

Rude Employees and Bad Customer Services Put Business Out of Business

I visited a Sears in college for the first time when I was 20. I was not impressed by the rude employees and poor customer service. "Give them 40 years and they'll be gone." And that's pretty much what has happened.

I think the same about Wal-Mart. Give them 40 years and they'll be gone too.

Amazon make a mistake order recently and corrected it with a free $30 gift card. Amazon is going to be along for a long time. Don't they realize the customer is always right and you have to take care of his concerns?


Roman Lance said...

I remember when Wal-Mart was very customer friendly, back when Sam Walton was still around. The products were well made and there was customer loyalty because there was brand loyalty. Then the children took over, gave up their brand loyalty (American Made) for a more profitable (Made in China, But good stuff) branding. They shouldn't be surprised when they loose their loyal customers just like Sears.

I stopped buying Sear's stuff when they hired a delivery company that employed two obviously fake immigrants (One could barely speak english, the other none at all) to deliver my refrigerator. I'm glad to see they're taking it on the bottom line. More companies that hire these people should suffer for it.

Quartermain said...

A service station near where I lived went belly up because of rude employees.

Incivility is a problem and it hurts business.

Glen Filthie said...

I used to lose my chit.

I would come in from the road, and see my idiot manager and his fat, ugly sales girl (I think he was having an affair with her) - swapping insults with the customers. When the customer got pissed off, told them to FOAD and hung up the phone they would literally high-five each other and call it a win.

I got so pissed off that I called up the CEO and told him what he could do with his company if he was going to treat my customers like that - and a shitstorm of biblical proportions broke out. It took 8 years - but he finally got demoted and she was let go and we have responsible adults in charge now. 40 years? How can a business last 40 DAYS like that?

Quartermain said...

The last comment, that's the stuff by Glenn that I enjoy reading the most.

Take The Red Pill said...

"Glen Filthie said...

I would...see my idiot manager and his fat, ugly sales girl (I think he was having an affair with her) - swapping insults with the customers. When the customer got pissed off, told them to FOAD and hung up the phone they would literally high-five each other and call it a win."

Who in the world hired these idiots, that they would actually drive away customers and lose sales? Didn't they even have the idea that the purpose of a business was to do the exact opposite of what they were doing? They both should have been thrown out the door the same day.

Anonymous said...

I once worked for a company that actually forbade customer service. An executive actually said to me "There's always more customers".

Anonymous said...

Is Bob on vacation?

Mad Jack said...

Are you going to write anything else, or is this pretty much it?

Did you finally piss Glenn off to the point where you are now buried out back?

Anonymous said...

@Glen: I hope you didn't murder Bob over this blog?

Unknown said...

Yeah where is Bob? This is odd for him to go this long without posting.

Charles said...

It's been only two weeks. Probably took a break from the Internet.

Glen Filthie said...

Bob is swimming wit da fishes - and so will the rest of you if you piss me off, or my good buddy and pal - George W Bush! We will be your new moral and intellectual superiors and you will defer to us on matters spiritual and intellectual - or else!

Even The Trumpster bows to our will! He bombed the shit out of Syria on our orders and we are currently discussing the Norks - should we nuke them or let the Chinks do it?

All your blogs are belong to us! ;)

If THAT doesn't bring Bob out of hiding - I will start killing his fat assed groupies like the Farm Girl and that ugly Texan chick.

The clock is ticking, Bob...!!!!

Unknown said...

Maybe Bob just said "fuck it" and became an acid trippin' transsexual Satan worshiping lesbian?

Anonymous said...

How old is Bob anyway?

Farm Boy said...

I too was wondering about Bob and maybe if Gwyn had lost her last marble and went postal. Holy crap, she is calling me out by name, that is so cute! calm down Gwyn geezus, else Tex and I are going to round you up and stick yer head in the toilet, you crazy old coot.

I have been waiting for Bob to weigh in and explain the stupidity of the Syrian misadventure, and then read Gwyn's usual reactionary psycho-drool hysteria, while filling her Depends from the old folks' home waving her cane around.

Glen Filthie said...

Don't forget the MOAB dropped on your boyfriends in Afghanistan, you terrorist simp! And speaking of boyfriends, where is your Texan friend? Oh dear, I hope he wasn't sucking off the Talibangers when Trump's Judgement fell out of the sky to send your moslem friends to pick their 72 raisins?

Bob, like many Americans, is in a pickle. His ideas regarding geopolitics aren't working out the way he thought they should, and - unlike most peaceniks and isolationalists - he's smart enough to know that means that his underlying assumptions are flawed. He correctly predicted the rise of Trump - but was completely out to lunch on how he would run his administration. As far as that goes, I have predicted his actions with 100% accuracy so far.

Laguna Beach (Jew) Fogey said...

I think Bob has been kidnapped by the CIA.

All your stories are belong to us.

Anonymous said...

You are missed Bob, and your absence is noticed. Be well, where ever you are.

tubbs said...

you are missed.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody here know Bob IRL? They might consider calling the local police for a welfare check. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Where can we get any kind of info on Bob? All I know is that his formal name is Bob Wallace, he lives in one of the states that constitutes the Appalachia, he went to journalism school in the 70s, he drove a taxi for a while in a third-tier city in the Midwest, he is a science fiction enthusiast, he wrote for Lew Rockwell and posted around in Zero Hedge and Veterans Today.

Seems like the only people who know him are the people who corresponded with him on the Internet. If Bob has a wife, or an offspring, perhaps one of them will inform us of his situation. But if this is the end, then may his blog live longer than him.

Wrenchturner said...

I'm not the only one that's worried

Anonymous said...

A fan of this blog went looking for Bob online and this is what I found. Wish I had once taken the time to write in a few words of appreciation for blog.

will really miss his acerbic posts.


Robert Martin Wallace Jr., 60, of Granite City, IL, passed away unexpectedly at 1:07p.m. Thurs. Mar. 30, 2017 at Gateway Regional Medical Center in Granite City.

He was born Aug. 17, 1956 in Granite City to the late Robert Martin & Glenna (Weiss) Wallace Sr.

Bob worked at the Granite City warehouses and wrote his own blog, Uncle Bob’s Treehouse.

He is survived by a sister, Dawn A. Wilkinson of Granite City and her children, Julie, Daniel and Jacob Wilkinson and their spouses and children.

The family will hold a private service at a later date.

Farm Boy said...

Very sorry to get this news.

Bob thanks for sharing your insights and intellect and being a force for the good in this world. You were an interesting and intelligent guy and a damned good American. You left us way too early, and you will be missed by many.

My condolences to Bob's sister Dawn, nieces and nephews, other family members, and personal friends. He ran a lively and provocative website. It sounded like Bob lived a rich and fascinating life and enjoyed a wide diversity of experiences.

Adios to all friends and foils here at Bob's wonderful blog. Signing off.

RIP Uncle Bob

Unknown said...

So sad. I hope this blog can stay up.

Wrenchturner said... This may be her

Unknown said...

Adios, Bob. I'd been reading his stuff for many years.

Lately it seemed that he was recycling older stuff. Talking about the same few incidents. And he hadn't mentioned his pug dogs in a while.

Quartermain said...

I miss Bob already. Not implying anything but the old truth tellers are dying.

Birdman Bryant, Alan Stang, David Yeagley, Elizabeth Wright... May they all rest in peace.

I posted Bob's essay "Don't Let Anyone Tell Your Story For You" at a pro-White website I use to help run, and it was a rave hit.

LA Kings said...

Indeed, everyone misses Bob for his unique take on things.

But, Quartermain, pro-white is code for anti-humanity.

Quartermain said...

@LA Kings

Are you saying you can't be pro-White without being anti-everybody else? I'm pro=White but by no means am I anti-everybody else. That wasn't the approach I took. I may criticized an individual or a group of individuals but never the entire race or ethnic group. Criticism is not attack. I was fighting the black anger/white guilt paradigm which is an extremely bad substitute for the Golden Rule.
I posted articles by Dr. David Yeagley (an American Indian) and Elizabeth Wright (an American black woman.

With all the respect I can muster, I must disagree with your last assertion.

Anonymous said...

Now it is time to take steps to archive this blog. This blog is his legacy.

Glen Filthie said...

Oh Bob.

Godspeed, Bob. Same to the rest of you boys too.

BWBandy said...

You will be missed.

Anonymous said...

If you'd spent any time working in customer service, you'd understand how hard it is to provide good customer service. The job makes you loathe humanity at an atavistic level. For every decent person with a genuine problem, there are at least 100 vicious, spoiled, dim-witted people (mostly older women) who will stop at nothing to get free stuff while abusing you in whatever petty manner they can manage.

Customer service jobs chew through employees like nobodies' business. Those who remain in the job have hearts like old leather from necessity.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous White Male said...

Its a shame his last thread on this site was an old codger's rant about how society has gone to hell. As if we didn't know.

One Fat Oz Guy said...

RIP Bob. Condolences to his family.

JD said...

Much respect Bob. Vaya con Dios and thank you.

Robert What? said...

So sad to hear of our beloved uncle's passing. I was a frequent visitor and occasional poster. Bob was one of the good guys.

MGTOW'd Out said...

Let's make this post number 40. Ol' Bob had interesting things to say. Not necessarily truthful or accurate, but highly entertaining nonetheless.

So who is taking ownership of archiving The Best Of UncleBob? We don't want his sage advice forever disappearing.

Media Online Dunia Remaja said...

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Bert said...

It's very telling that he was unmarried and had no children. He was just a bitter little man angry that women didn't think he was as wonderful as he though he was.

Anonymous said...

For fucks sake Bert get some class.

Andy said...

I came here to see if anything had been posted.

Very sad news. I did not always agree with him, but I liked reading his posts.


Anti-Gnostic said...

Bert, you are no longer welcomed at my site for your asinine comment.

Bert said...

Whatever. It's funny how the so-called MANLY INTERNET MEN OF THE ALT-RIGHT WHO DEFEND THE WEST AND THE WHITE RACE FROM SAVAGES FUCK YEAH TRUMP 2016 usually end up being whiny middle-aged strivers who talk a big game in order to cover up their inability to talk to women or form actual relationships with anybody of any race. To a large degree most of you are no better than the "cucks" you hold in contempt.

Frankly your blog has been getting pretty boring anyway these past five years. You hardly ever post anymore and mostly it's just the same shit being repeated ad nauseam. No thanks.

As for Bob Wallace, I stand by every single thing I said about him.

Kent McManigal said...

I was just wondering today why Bob hadn't posted a blog in a while (I read a lot of blogs and it's easy to not notice one missing) and checked his Facebook profile to see what was up... and found his obituary.

We disagreed often, but I always liked his blog (and him) and will miss him.

I know it's selfish, but I do wish the obituary had listed the cause of death.

Bert said...

He probably drank himself to death while cursing women being the scourge of the world, since that's pretty much all his rambling ever amounted to anyway.

Anti-Gnostic said...

"Whatever. It's funny how the so-called MANLY INTERNET MEN OF THE ALT-RIGHT WHO DEFEND THE WEST AND THE WHITE RACE FROM SAVAGES FUCK YEAH TRUMP 2016 usually end up being whiny middle-aged strivers who talk a big game in order to cover up their inability to talk to women or form actual relationships with anybody of any race. To a large degree most of you are no better than the "cucks" you hold in contempt."

That would be projection on your part.

"Frankly your blog has been getting pretty boring anyway these past five years. You hardly ever post anymore and mostly it's just the same shit being repeated ad nauseam. No thanks."

Pissing on someone's grave is a sure fire way for someone to get their comeuppance from the man upstairs.

"He probably drank himself to death while cursing women being the scourge of the world, since that's pretty much all his rambling ever amounted to anyway."

The same way you post on my blog? Again, you are not welcome.

Bert said...

I don't want to be welcome you old pussy bitch ass. Fuck you and your pompous beta-as-fuck attitude. Thanks for revealing how steeped in insecure faggotry redpill actually is, by the way.

Unknown said...

LOL, I finally saw a picture of this supposed alpha male, talking about how he was so good looking and actually trying to be a male hooker

Probably never had a passport to leave his hick town and looked like a cracker beta that probably took BBC in his ass on the down low, no wonder he hated non whites, fucking cracker beta bottom bitch

Probably offed himself too, a guy with a elite iq working at a warehouse lmao

Bert said...

Yeah Bob was a loser. I got that impression early on reading his writings which to a large degree amounted to nothing more than just bitching about women and how everything they touched was forever irredeemably ruined. I suspect he was likely burned very badly early on and being the dork that he was instead of trying to improve himself and do better he decided to blame all his problems on female conspiracies. And I do find it very amusing that he would blabber about IQ all day when he was just a menial laborer. People in glass houses and all that.

Anyway, his death and the revelations of his pathetic wasted life has encouraged me to do better in mine. I'm only 32 but God help me I'm not going to end up like the redpill failures here who are slobbering all over him. Time to make me some kids.

Unknown said...

what a twat
shitting on jews for running the world, shitting on blacks for low iq, shitting on asian men, thinking he was some god to asian women for having blue eyes and being 6ft tall (LOL)

all that talk and babble you really expect more for someone so harped up on IQ than a fucking cab driver and warehouse bitch

Anti-Gnostic said...

"Yeah Bob was a loser. I got that impression early on reading his writings which to a large degree amounted to nothing more than just bitching about women and how everything they touched was forever irredeemably ruined."

Exactly what you do on my blog.

"I suspect he was likely burned very badly early on and being the dork that he was instead of trying to improve himself and do better he decided to blame all his problems on female conspiracies."

Exactly what you do on my blog.

"I'm only 32 but God help me I'm not going to end up like the redpill failures here who are slobbering all over him. Time to make me some kids."

Good luck on that endeavor. You will need it. Now stay off my blog.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bert said...

I think it's adorable that AG continues to check back here in order to get the last word in. I knew he had a strong gay love for Bob Wallace but I never imagined it would become this obnoxious. Oh well, keep defending western civilization by cut and pasting paragraphs of text onto multiple blogs!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Bob, but in fairness to Sears I want to say that a few years ago I was in line at Sears waiting to be checked out, and was buying a bunch of small flashlights that I was going to send to the troops. I expected the cost to be about $20. As I put them down for the cashier, a lady behind me commented that I must use a lot of flasahlights. I told her they weren't for me and that I was sending them to the soldiers in Iraq. I wasn't paying attention to the cashier while he was ringing me up.

When I finished talking to the lady behind me I looked back at the cashier and he said something like,"That'll be $7". I was pulling out my wallet and then realizd that wasn't right. So I said, "wait a minute. It should be a lot more than that."

The cashier said, "Well I heard you saying that you were sending them to the troops, so I thought that Sears wouldn't mind if I didn't charge you full price."

After that I made it a point to stop in at Sears whenever I went to that shopping center.

Anti-Gnostic said...

Bert, you are violating the code of ethics here. One does not speak poorly of the dead, nor do they speak out against members of their own tribe. You yourself made that point repeatedly on my blog. You are acting like an SJW.

Quartermain said...

Bert is an SJW, and another two-bit punk.

The Anti-Gnostic said...

Bert - whoever is doing this is not me. I am always on Google ID on BlogSpot. Someone is pranking you.

Bert said...

I gotta say, I never imagined Corvinus would be such a no-life stalker as to pull something like this. What a loser.

Anonymous said...

Again, for fuck's sake, Bert, get some class.

Bert said...

This is the last time I'm visiting or checking up on this dead gay blog written by a dead gay man, but I just want to say that you're all a bunch of fucking losers who can't get laid and who blame all your troubles on everyone but yourselves. You all suck and I bet quite a few of you are into cuckold porn.

Please get raped by niggers.

Quartermain said...

Keep it classy, Bert and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Anonymous said...

Bert, for fuck's sake, you were the one who pissed on a man's gravesite and are projecting your own insecurities.

Anonymous said...

RIP bob

Bert said...

This entire thread is a monument to a wasted life. Bob Wallace spent all his time bitching and complaining about women and society because he was such a failure in both areas. All his opinions in the end meant nothing at all and he never accomplished, well anything really. He leaves no legacy behind and eventually someday Blogger will shut down and everything he ever wrote will be sent to the abyss.

Sad really.

Quartermain said...

Keep it classy, Bert and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Bert said...

Fuck off

Quartermain said...

Just the answer I expected from you. Again, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Anonymous said...

Wait, Bert, I thought it was the last time you were going to comment on this blog. Yet, you come here three months later and again piss on the grave of a dead man. You have absolutely no conscious. You are projecting your own insecurities. Clearly, you are jealous of what he stood for, even if some people here didn't agree with what he said.

Again, for fuck's sake, Bert, get some class.

Ernie said...

Yeah, a couple days ago I got the spidey-sense that Bert would think it long enough to sneak back over and paste some more garbage here; last-word, and all. Sure enough...

Dubs means he comes around again about Valentine's Day. Bob would laugh to see that.

Bert said...

LOL at you old faggots still visiting and posting on an obscure dead man's blog. Probably because you see so much of yourselves in him. Pathetic.

Cue Quartermain copypasting the same thing yet again. Another loser with a whine blog nobody visits.

For what it's worth I stand by every single thing I said about Bob. Please by all means keep posting verbal diarrhea because I can keep this up forever, whereas the nursing home makes you guys have lights out by 8.

Bert said...

"LOL at you old faggots still visiting and posting on an obscure dead man's blog."

Ooops, that would mean myself. Oh, well, you're right Ernie, I really need to change my ways.

Quartermain said...

"Please by all means keep posting verbal diarrhea" sounds like you shitbert.

"For what it's worth I stand by every single thing I said about Bob" of course because you're a worthless pile of smelly runny shit.

"I can keep this up forever." because you are stupid, worthless, and contemptible.

"you old faggots" project much of course you do."

Again, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Bert said...

Quartermain can't even figure out how to properly use quotation marks or come up with creative insults beyond what a middle schooler is capable of.

What a failure you are old man. WHAT A FAILURE.

Quartermain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quartermain said...

Bertshit, you have nothing to show for yourself, you keep proving those insults true, and thanks for telling you're really a middle schooler. You are a waste of life with no redeeming qualities. Again, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Bert said...

I'm sorry to everyone, especially Quartermain, as I have a significant drinking problem. So when I come home after a bender, I go onto several blogs and say stupid things. So consider that every time I make a mean comment, don't take me seriously.

Anonymous said...

I will relish your everlasting torment in hell, Bert. You will be in good company, the company of utter human excrement. I will celebrate the day you die and shit on your grave and piss on your decomposing body.

Bert said...

Somebody forgot to take his medication.

In other news: Bob is still dead.

Bert said...

I would like to apologize for my profane comment for saying that Bob is dead. I was drinking heavily.

Elmo said...


Unknown said...


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Bert said...

Over a year ago, Uncle Bob passed on. As part of my 12 step program, I salute Bob, and will try to refrain from insulting him since he no longer is able to defend himself. Day by day, I pray I stay on the wagon.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately Bob is no longer here, but after getting notifications of new comments on this post, I thought of a way as to how one can improve check out lines. It involves the use of a cashier service.

Anonymous said...

Is there another blog like this still active?

Anonymous said...

Same anony from 4:16. Well, it isn't the suggestion made by the Damage Dealing Meat Shield.

Bert said...

Apparently there are still people posting here. For what reason I couldn't begin to fathom.

Grover said...

Elmo said...

"Apparently there are still people posting here. For what reason I couldn't begin to fathom."

So if you don't care, why did you then post? Indeed, we can't begin to fathom.

Ernie said...

Come along, Bert. I'll fix you some hot chocolate, and we can talk about getting health insurance.

Luke Johnstone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luke Johnstone said...

I just came across Bob's blog and started following, only to check out his last blog entry here and find out that he had died. My condolences. He died the very same day that he posted this entry, and unexpectedly. WTF happened?!

Download Lagu Musik Mp3, Barat, Islami, Minang, Musik Dj Terbaru dan Terpopuler said...

Anonymous Elmo said...
"Apparently there are still people posting here. For what reason I couldn't begin to fathom."

So if you don't care, why did you then post? Indeed, we can't begin to fathom.

Ernie said...

Maybe Anonymous Elmo will fix me some hot chocolate and talk about getting health insurance.

Bert said...

My God...people are really still posting on this wall? Ahahahahaha. Alright I'll admit I was kind of an asshole before but really guys Bob is dead and it's time to move on.

Ernie said...

Bert said...

You know, after thinking about it, it is ironic I'm still posting here. Time for me to move on as well. But I get lonely and drunk and do stupid things.

Anonymous said...

Apparently I'm going to have to use my actual Google account seeing as some sperg keeps trying to imitate me in a vain attempt at Internet revenge. Alright then.

I had a feeling Bob's blog attracted these kind of losers. I guess this confirms it! But hey, if it feels like you got one on me then...

Bert said...

Oops, I did it again. I got drunk, took my friend's Google account (Al Gore Rhythms), and said something stupid (but at the time thought it was funny). Only God knows why I am a sperg and a loser by continuing to post here.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it could be worse. I could have been bitter and stupid enough to think Bob was some kind of wise guru instead of the loser that he actually was.

I'm glad he's dead.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you grow up?

Bert said...

Boy, I am really on a bender. Again, I take my buddies Google account (Al Gore Rhythms), and mock a dead man. I always let my stupidity get the best of me. Hopefully, I won't drink tonight, but I have such a strong taste for beer and shots.

Murray said...

Shh,no tears. Only dreams now.

Anonymous said...

LOL you old faggots never cease to amuse me. Keep it up.

Bert said...

I find myself in a rut. I drink, steal my friends' identity, go on this site again, and talk myself. I really should check into a clinic for psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up old man. I bet you have even less luck with women than Bob did.

Bert said...

Wow, am I a mess. I hope my friend does not find out that I use his account to post messages to this site when drunk just to carry on a conversation with my lonely self.

Every time I post as Al Gore Rhythms, it only shows how deep is my sickness.

Anonymous said...

Old Boomers really are too stupid to use a computer. Even when they try to troll they fail because they're unable to post ironically, they just sound boring and monotonous.

I get that you're probably just another lonely divorced middle-aged man like everyone else Bob attracted, but you really aren't making yourself look clever.

Bert said...

Looks like I should take my own advice, as I sound boring and monotonous when I post as Al Gore Rhythms and myself as Bert. But I am an alcoholic, and will likely die. If I am honest with myself, I should stop posting here as a dual identity. But every time I post as Al Gore Rhythms, it only shows how deep is my sickness.

Anonymous said...

lol this fucking thread

Clipping Path said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill. Please keep on working hard. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Bob had spent more time trying to improve himself and less time bitching endlessly about women he wouldn't have died all alone.

Anonymous said...

It's me, Anony at 9:16 a.m., I just realized that I was on a bender again and wrote something unsavory about a dead person. He was not alone, he had family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how he died? His sister had a heart disease, maybe he inherited it? Suicide?

Anonymous said...

He was a smoker.

Anonymous said...

This comment section is a graveyard now, except for one annoying old boomer who still responds to me after two years to defend Bob's honor.

El Oh El.

Anonymous said...

Anony May 28, 3:35 I constantly make a mockery. I get drunk, go on blogs whose owners are dead or do not do upkeep, and then post these inane comments. I then have to go back when sober and remind myself I am totally in the wrong.

Hopefully I will learn my lesson.

Clipping Path Services said...

Helpful Information, thank you for sharing this awesome article

Anonymous said...

Uncle Bob was a pha99ot who sucked cock. 2016